Love, Unspoken
Love, Unspoken

Sometimes all I need is an unwavering gaze
A long, steady one that lets me read you, your thoughts.
Your unspoken words that stay captured in your mind,
Silenced in sheer resilience, awaiting the right moment
Tell tales of numerous turmoils twirling in your heart;
Yet, I like that beautiful silence that's deftly wrapped in your smile,
A smile that's enough to feel comforted and loved.
The lesser you express, the more I understand ;
The farther you stay, the closer I am drawn.
You shimmer like a distant dream that's to turn true soon,
Till then I gaze at the same Sun and Moon
That rise and shine for both of us alike,
Believing in the comforting thought that a thousand miles may separate us
Yet, we exist in the same Sphere, that shines when we rise and sleeps when we rest.
Yes, this wait is sweet, this distance, beautiful, this silence, immense, and this moment, a treasure!