Life is a Board of Chess
Life is a Board of Chess

Life is a board of chess,
Where you have to make accurate moves to succeed,
As the moves are very limited,
So, you cannot guess.
Every decision on the board,
Has an impact on rest of the game,
Every decision in life takes us towards,
A new way which is never the same.
Chess is a game and life is a game too,
Which have to be played in continuation,
There is no undo or redo.
The three parts of chess- opening, middle game and ending,
Are same as student life, professional life and retirement in real life,
A good opening leads to better middle game and then to a favourable ending,
Like that, a good student life gives a person a better chance to strife.
You have to think, plan and then move,
To remain in the game,
Life in this perception is also q
uite same,
In life, you have to do the same thing if you want to improve !
Sacrifice is to give a good thing for a better one,
In both chess and life it is applicable,
A sacrifice in chess can make a position favourable,
In real life, a sacrifice can change the whole life of a person.
It’s not always about winning,
Because not all the games can be won,
It’s about learning, learning and learning,
Our every mistake gives us a lesson.
Chess is full of riddles,
In every move there is one,
In life, every decision is like a puzzle
Which is difficult until it’s done.
Chess and life are quite similar you have seen,
Life is more than just surviving,
And chess is more than a queen,
Success in both is only possible if you have good thinking.