Arifa Attari

Inspirational Others


Arifa Attari

Inspirational Others

Let Go And Forgive

Let Go And Forgive

1 min

If your soul dwell in past
And your body lives in the day
Then you might see the sun
But there won't be any ray.

Dark, dull and gloomy
Would be the aisle of your heart
The doors of your mind
Would break and fall apart.

Your eyes will gonna witness
The memories, indelible
Try your hard to close them
Still, they'll be visible.

You'll clench, your teeth and fist
With anger and frustration
Why hurt your lips and fingers
And live with indignation.

Tough, but let go and forgive
Those persons, time and places
Eradicate their thoughts
And erase out all the traces.

Let Karma give the verdict
On games, they played foul
Let yourself live in the day
And bring rest to your soul.

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