Knock! Knock! Who’S There?
Knock! Knock! Who’S There?

I was in the seventh heaven,
A lovely room all for myself!
I was thrilled to the core
Life would no longer be a bore.
It had taken a month to get ready,
Good enough to be boasted about to my buddy.
I was so happy that this room was all mine,
Books, bed, T.V., A.C and a door made of pine,
I sat on my bed and relaxed,
Until suddenly my peace of mind was axed.
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
That was my Mom,
“Go to the market and get some pear”,
Up I got and bought them from the nearest shop there,
Then with a skip and a hop,
I rushed back to my room without a stop.
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
“Get me some pens”, ordered my father,
I finished the work before he could holler,
Back hoping no one else would come back to bother.
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
“I lost my spectacles, find them for me”,
This time it was my granny,
Left with no choice, the hunting began,
It continued till they were found again,
I was eager to be back in my room soon!
Some peace now would be a real boon.
But again, knock! Knock! Who’s there?
“Go to my friend’s place and get my mobile,
I left it there”
This was my grandpa ordering me in his normal style
Now I was tired of running back and forth,
I finally looked at the door,
This was enough; I didn’t want to be disturbed anymore.
And within two minutes Knock! Knock!
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
Unexpected guests at home.
“Welcome your uncle and aunt,
Clear your room and shift out your things with you want,
For they will now stay in your room!”
Said my mom now, filling me with gloom.
Oh nooo--! I fainted
Hearing only one sentence echoing everywhere
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
Knock! Knock! Who’s there?