Drama Inspirational Others



Drama Inspirational Others

What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

1 min

What is freedom?

I asked a more solid smeared with blood ;

When there are no wars, he said.

When I get to be with my family,

That's when I truly am free.

I asked a student hidden behind her books;

When there are no rat races, she said.

When I get to pursue my dreams

That is when I truly be free.

I asked a woman, walking alone at night;

When 'they' will stop blaming me, she said.

When I will be treated like human,

That's when I truly be free.



I asked a couple on their date night;

When privacy becomes basic right, they said.

When love won't be compared to obscenity,

That's when we will be truly free.

Liberty came us at the stroke of night,

Seventy-three years have passed since then;

Yet we continue to live in shackles,

Of anomalies that are rooting our roots

Today when you unfurl the national flag,

And sing praises of our glorious motherland

Ask yourself a simple question,

Are we truly free?

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