Javeed Syed

Abstract Drama Others


Javeed Syed

Abstract Drama Others

Men Don't Shed It!

Men Don't Shed It!

1 min

When my dry cornea just lubricates,

When the brine from my eyes bypasses through my nostrils,

They say you are a Man and you can't shed it

When I flutter my eyelids faster than the woodpecker,

When I can't gulp saliva from my numb throat,

They say you are a Man and you can't shed it.

When my shallow lungs want a deep breath,

When the breezy spring makes me breathless,

They say you are a Man and you can't shed it

When my heart is torn itself into bits,

When my brain tries to refix the jigsaw,

They say you are a Man and you can't shed it

When I wish to rediscover myself

When I rather found lost in the sacred groves.

They say you are a Man and you can't shed it

Tell them I am a Man and not a rock,

I ought to shed it else it would shred me...

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