Tanisha Desai



Tanisha Desai


It's Natures Turn

It's Natures Turn

2 mins

For centuries now, humans have been ruling the world,

After a reign of tyranny, nature’s wrath is unfurled

We robbed the lives of many birds, animals, and fish,

Just so that we selfish beings could enjoy one fine dish

We set up factories and polluted the air

Poisonous gases were emitted without care.

We made plastic a way of life,

Causing nature struggle and strife

We cleared the land and watched the forests burn.

Lo and Behold! Now it’s nature’s turn.

Because, over here, there is a lesson to be learned

For, if you observe closely, the tables have turned.

Nature is an angry teacher, and a strict one too

She’s using corona to teach both me and you.

Nature is coming to the height of her reign

After humanity’s torture and years of pain

We are jailed into our homes for our punishable deeds,

teaching us not to rob nature beyond our bas

ic needs

As we learn our lesson, let’s look at the side that’s bright,

and prepare to enrich the world,

together let’s do what’s right.

Forever Man complains of lack of time for him

the destiny of his passion now does not look so grim.

Now that we are confined to our homes, let us chase our dream

Discover more about ourselves, unlock talents unseen.

For the first time, from neighbors’ houses, wind chimes can be heard,

We can even hear the chirping of every little bird.

There is no pollution now, not a single car

Not even a truck or van can be seen from afar.

The leaves are breathing, trees are beginning to sway,

Listen up, humans! Nature has something to say.

And if we don’t pay heed, we’ll have a heavy price to pay.

There is a lockdown, but it doesn’t apply to your mind.

The possibilities are numerous, there’s always a new one to find.

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