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Chittaranjan Nanda



Chittaranjan Nanda


In silence every tone is heard

In silence every tone is heard

2 mins

Persons in distress have been housed

in all those relief camps,

Those persons are hit by ethnic violence,

one state across.

It is found now the state of affairs in

Manipur strife-torn states,

The ground reality in the state, the people

is rocked by ethnic violence.

21-member multi-party delegation

assessed such things by visiting,

Here, the person in power addressed

political & business elite.

In Pragati Maidan inaugurating a new

business convention center,

Said in a great democratic country, it is

his third term as a ruler.

The country’s economy would grow at

a dazzling side further,

His voice is resonated by media with

proud all India over.

In Rajasthan, he addressed a meeting

the Rajasthan general people,

Sycophantic and immature associates gave

slogans to be their guide.

Demanded in sonorous tones to open new

quit India movement,

Against dynastic rule, corruption, and also

politics of appeasement.

Environmental concerns are also be addressed

at a G-20 meeting,

The only place he did not speak anything

was Parliament gathering?

Multi-party delegation of MPs of the Opposition

met Manipur Governor,

They sorrowfully placed all the things observed

in the visit before her.

Among those they met was one of the two women

who was paraded naked,

And the mother of the woman who by a mob on May 4

was sexually assaulted.

The governor herself expressed her sorrow and

expressed her support,

She advised that an all-party delegation should come

to Manipur for a visit.

What would mean from “silence” of a leader

over the continuing violence,

In the complete breakdown of law and order,

silence shows brazen indifference.

A person led from the front when in Morbi,

a bridge broke,

And also when there was a train crash in


Why such a person finds it so hard to lead from

front in Manipur?

Respect is returned and it depends always on how one

the leader gives to others,

If not a leader with vision, then who else can be

the people’s choice?

If not a leader with purpose, then who else can

give the people a voice?

A leader that is not just a politician, but a

distinguished statesman,

He listens to the plight of the vulnerable, and

then is a truly honourable man.

We are taught in Gita that when we see a thing

that looks like injustice,

Say, do something about it, and don’t be silent;

don’t stand by injustice.

The bloodshed, the bodies burned, the innocent

lives taken

Too much suffering and pain are given to people and

if those are forgotten.

Injustice is always a quiet thing interested

only in more power,

It cuts the hearts of people and rebellion come

with a red flower.

Why such a person finds it so hard to lead from

front in Manipur?

In my little mind, I can only quote the poem written by

poet Langston Hughes.

“I catch the pattern

Of your silence

Before you speak.

I do not need

To hear a word.

In your silence

Every tone I see

Is heard.”

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