If Yathart become a Superhero
If Yathart become a Superhero

Yathart a young boy of class three, his mind remains in fantasy land searching for Spiderman and Batman. Then came Krish which changed his life . He now feels if he becomes a Superhero, he can climb the mountains and reach the Everest. He can fly like a bird and reach the sky and be the cleverest. He can swim like a shark and explore the ocean. He can swing like a monkey from one tree to another and be in serenity. He can be a Tarzan to save the wildlife in the forests and be happy to see the magnificent lion Roar for his rights.He can be a Angel to give gifts to the poor children and remove their pain. He can Be Santa to bring smiles in the face of nee
dy and down trodden. He can be a teacher to guide the students for a bright future. He can be a 'guru', a preacher to enlighten others heart. He can be a father to guard and guide other children . He can be a mentor for the weak people. If Yathart becomes a Superhero he will fight for the poor and against injustice. He will fight with the terrorist as a brave soldier. He will fight for his mother's right as a women. He will teach the world what is humanity and stop people from engaging in evil activities. He wants to make this beautiful Earth a peaceful place to live. Where love and friendship still have some meaning.people don't only run after earning.