If I were Superhero

If I were Superhero

1 min

Sometimes I think in the sweetest dreams

If I had Superpowers like Superman or Batman

Or our very own Shaktimaan,

I could put an end to the evil Chakravyuh of

Reservation and corruption,

Put an end to the stigma of rape which has been a sorrow for the mankind for ages,

To do good for those ones whose hearts and sagacity

would resemble that of the sages.

I could put an end to the bloody politics of pleasing,oiling and corruption,

That had spread itself throughout the country

Like an evil darkness( andhera),

If I were the superhero,

With the magical powers,

I could help the helpless and wretched,

With my own efforts,

I would try to feel everyone's heart filled with love and sobriety,

And make our country a land of dignity,sagacity,and serenity!!

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