I Will Never Give Up!
I Will Never Give Up!
I will never give up!
How brutal I suffer,
Even if I am called duffer,
I will never give up!
I will do what I want,
You want to rule me, but you can’t.
You want to impose on me your will,
You are going to fail, your every whim I am going to kill.
You can ostracize me, you can blame,
Your every act to cripple me will be turned lame.
Your every stupid desire is like an air bubble,
Nobody else except you is the reason for every trouble.
If you shun your regulations and rules,
People will be saved from becoming fools.
You want to be known as the wise,
In reality, you are the only vice.
You think
people are happy because of you,
In fact, all are suffering only for the courtesy of you.
Now I have had enough, I am done with you,
Now I will not follow the rites and rituals pelted by you.
I will not follow Shagun system, I will not mock at anyone single,
I will not do the over formality and respect everyone who even mingles.
I will not be against love marriage and any religion,
I will respect and listen to even the poor and broaden my vision.
I know I have to pay a big price for my rebellion,
No doubt, sooner I will be called a hellion.
I will not be considered wise but a mad man,
Who cares how much I spread love among the sad men.
Still, I will never give up!
How brutal I suffer,
Even if I am called duffer,
I will never give up!