Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Fantasy Inspirational Children


Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Fantasy Inspirational Children

How wrong I was

How wrong I was

1 min

How wrong I was in thinking

That I will teach my son everything!

How wrong I was that I would be the guru’

And my new born son needs all the Gyan from me

How wrong I was that every step he took forward

Would be the same for me as well but in reality

It was a step back wards for me to

Unlearn and then run along side to keep with him?

How wrong I was in thinking that the parent hood

Is all about rearing the children by teaching them!

And I, as father have already learnt everything

Time would teach me that is other way around

I was sad, very sad that my entire life time

Was just passing by and I as father perhaps

Failed in my duties to teach 

my son the life lessons

Finally, I am beaming with happiness 

Overjoyed with the news of birth of my grand son!

Indeed the time has finally come 

for my son to start learning from his son and

I can finally heave a sigh of relief

That my son would eventually will learn

the lessons of life he will take time but, learn he will

How right William Words Worth was when he said

The Child is father of the Man!

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