Home, Sweet Home
Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home
There is no place like Home
House may be a collection of Bricks and Mortars
House may an apartment of rooms
But Home is different, It is the life and soul
Of a dwelling place of staying and being together
And has a life of its own
When two persons decide to start a life
The first thing is to have a roof overhead
And a place that can be called one’s own
House is a societal and emotional need
That is why there is a big market
Affordable House, suited to each budget
And, for those who cannot still afford
Housing for all- a Government Initiative
House warming ignites the light of Bonding
Like the roofs and tiles, those stay fixed
And withstand all adverse weather conditions
People at home move on in life
Through ups and downs
Being together- in the same sacred space called Home