Mohini Awasthi

Tragedy Crime Inspirational


Mohini Awasthi

Tragedy Crime Inspirational

Here's A Battalion, There's A Regiment

Here's A Battalion, There's A Regiment

3 mins

Bestiality heaves and grows,

Eclipsing across the globe.

Turning its darkness loose,

Upon the motley of the fools.

Breathe in your primaeval mould,

The civilization in your veins turns ice-cold.

Yank it off, choke all the chivalry,

And crawl like insects upon the face of humanity.

Oblivious slumber of silence, yes, that is what we want,

Who cares for the miseries of the doomed lot?

Breathe in the darkness, kiss the devil,

Let it brim, and spit evil.

Silence! May the kingdom of the mute reign!

Here's a battalion, there's a regiment,

Full of emotions replete. 


Mama, they touched me in all the places,

I didn't want to get touched.

I want to peel this skin off,

It burns, mother, it stings.

I tried, and in the Ganga, I plunged,

But the holy goddess flinched.

Yes, mother, her water,

Couldn't purify your filthy daughter.

Chewed, scratched, dragged by those beasts, that echoed 'We will not stop!',

I just fear, if to a home they trot.

And misshape your angelic form,

Raped in the same dorm.

Silence! May the kingdom of the mute reign!

Here's a battalion, there's a regiment,

Full of emotions replete.


Mama, I can't show you my bruises,

They're too satanic to be looked at.

Crushed bones, mutilated genitals, scraped skin,

A horrendous scene therein.

I swear we didn't do anything wrong,

Mourn our deaths, mourn on. 

Bamboos up our arse,

The evidence, only sparse.

Our bloodied clothes lie washed up in drains,

Justice for our pains still awaits.

Will you talk to Daddy?

He's unconscious, but I'm sure he will speak to you.

'Honey, I'm so sorry, I couldn't save our son,

The demons' grip was too tight on us.

Hush, hush,

There's a little bit of a rush.

We both miss you and love you,

But it's

time to go.'

Silence! May the kingdom of the mute reign!

Here's a battalion, there's a regiment,

Full of emotions replete.


Ammi! Ammi!

There's a life inside my belly.

I wanted a better world for my child, Ammi,

Can you hear me?

Yes, of course you do,

But nobody else does.

I watched bullets, lathis, gases,

Rain in our paths.

Here for a protest of equality,

Is our identity lost in such ambiguity?

I'm going to be a mother, Ammi,

But they think I'm a part of some conspiracy.

They chained me behind the bars,

Risking our health in these hours.

My unborn child hasn't seen the world yet,

But is it worth seeing, mother?

Silence! May the kingdom of the mute reign!

Here's a battalion, there's a regiment,

Full of emotions replete.


Wolves in the skin of sheep,

Every day taking a murderous leap.

The ones who swore to arm,

Are biting, buffooning, murdering, raping, and inflicting barbarous harm.

The uniforms fool us,

A camouflage of animosity.

They prey, pry, proceed,

With innocents in their grip bloodied.

We roar at the closing of the day,

Our screams muffled, we have no say.

Cuffed hands, stitched mouth,

Get me out! Get me out!

We have been deceived, dragged, dumped,

In this myriad of a world.

Full of hollow oaths,

The tears of the poor still gush forth.

This nightmare is our reality now,

And most reluctantly we have to bow.

There's no choice, no other way,

Than to plead for a war lost in dismay.

But does it have to be so?

What if we stand up, bones struggling in might?

Maybe, together we can all make it out of this plight.

Rise, dethrone, scream and screech,

Here's a battalion, there's a regiment,

Full of emotions replete.


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