Helping Hands
Helping Hands
Why am I unable to take the right step?
Is etiquette really so important,
That you can’t reach out a hand to help?
How can you ignore human caring and need so potent?
My heart aches
And my hands itch;
But my mind doubts
And holds me back.
When I don’t fulfill my heart’s wish,
I am plagued with regrets.
I have long sleepless nights,
And days of self-beration.
So long they become soul-deep abrasions,
It keeps me thinking up all nights,
Of all my aberrations.
My days are filled with worries,
And years later, I still dwell;
On these same misdemeanors,
Endless counts have shown me my lack of judgment.
When I don’t trust my instincts,
The only hope I have to redeem myself.
The only solution I can see,
Is to help out the person next I see.
God, I c
an only plead
That you forgive me,
For not trusting the sixth sense,
That you have granted me.
My heart will forever weep,
At these scenes of despondency;
For those who come across me,
I want to give generously.
But fear of my limited means,
Limits me;
I keep picturing my ideal future,
Not only for personal luxuries;
But so I can do more than I am now.
Give and help to my heart’s content,
And my soul’s peace;
So that I don’t lack sleep,
And don’t have a warring mind
With conflicts buried deep.
I picture my ideal future,
Where I have peace and clarity;
Which helps me clearly see,
Those I can help in need.
Where I do not doubt anymore,
Where my mind trusts my sixth sense,
And follows my heart’s wishes;
Without second thoughts.
So forever more it comes naturally to me...