Kaartika Chitturi

Drama Others


Kaartika Chitturi

Drama Others

Hear My Voice

Hear My Voice

1 min

Broken land that has cracked and perished

The clear skies, that let us down all this time

The rain was awaited but it never came,

Many stomachs slept with hunger howls and wails

The scorching sun more stubborn than ever

Refusing to leave the sky, it fiercely burns

Baking the once fresh green land, now painfully bare and dry

The heat swelters delicate skin and takes live with it too

No water to drink, no grains to eat for them

But hope still survives in their hearts as they carry on with life

Some give up and die;

others stay strong and stand their ground

But their faith and hope is never restored

In poverty they live, with a scarce opportunity at life

And yet they do so much for their country,

And even when they hear their children cry in hunger

They aren’t even the least bit selfish

Today I stand here, remembering the sweat and tears shed

The graves that bore hurt and pain till their last breath,

And had no fair chance at life

Here I stand to support the better future for the farmers

Will you stand with me??

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