Paris Morriseau



Paris Morriseau


Goodbye To The Grave

Goodbye To The Grave

1 min

To my heart that won't beat

To the rhythm of my feet

Playing the dance of my defeat.

I am a lioness I roar and yet the queen cat cries for a love that's lost that she once had

I have fallen far and my shame is bad

The trees fruit withered and the leaves all fallen. Nothing left to bear but dead air.

I taste the bitter share she has left for me.

It's all that's left now so how could I care. I hate you death now ill scream the bitter cries of my last goodbyes you wretched life-sucking skull of nothing u evil darkness that tears at the last limbs of life.

You caused me nothing but strife so I hate you now more than ever and your sick lies. Dont ever look my way again or you'll surely reap the havoc of having more than torturous pain cut u deeply with a knife

To die a thousand deaths is the wretched pain I have my final flee with tonight.

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