Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate

You are my kin,
You are my dear,
Rest of you get thick skin,
Though I hardly care!
Did you look for me in Bollywood?
Imagined me in the corner chair?
Am everywhere, over the counter, under the hood!
Sometimes working for free, sometimes for share!
From sabotaging a career,
To launching the scion of a star,
I make folks shed a tear,
Though I never get a scar!
I suppress talent,
I promote mediocrity,
My time is mostly spent,
Dishing out favours in secrecy!
Yes, I exist.
Since time immemorial!
You can resist,
But I am simply immoral!
I'll continue doing what I do,
You can do what you will,
You can't establish what is true,
I got too much goodwill!