Uma Vinod

Drama Inspirational Others


Uma Vinod

Drama Inspirational Others

Divide or Unite

Divide or Unite

2 mins

Waking up to the fond caress,

Of light rays streaking in past,

Leafy branches and yards of satin,

A perfect slumber blissfully dispersed,

To awaken yet another dawn...

Thoughts of confinement herald,

A lethargy hitherto unseen,

An unknown fear shadows the moment,

An uncertain future cowers to spring,

A pleasant surprise or a bitter shock...

A faint memory surges in,

Of a sight so conveniently hidden,

In the folds of my inner self

An image of misery, an appeal

To the fortunate few...

A plea so desolate in nature,

Compelling an introspection,

Into the sheer play of destiny,

That clinches the roles of many,

By virtue of birth or boon....

Diminished seem our mundane woes,

The monotony of chalked_out tasks,

Blessed are our safe havens,

That ban wanton onslaught,

Of unearthly foes.....

Dismal p

overty usurps the lives,

Of those deprived souls,

For, all they deem significant,

Morsels of food and care, recede,

Beyond their reach...

Know not and care not they do,

The devastation sowed by a bug,

The tipping scales of economy,

The changing face of normalcy,

All but a cacophony of emotions...

Beneath the shield of insensitivity,

A persistent thought lurks, seeking

A justification for this discrimination,

Amongst offsprings of a creator,

The Supreme father of all...

A sudden realization dawns,

Misfortune evokes humaneness,

Benefactors bring succour to the needy,

Bridging the all_pervasive divide,

Between siblings thus united..

Tearful waves of gratitude,

Surge through my grateful being,

As comprehension descends slowly,

Anxiety trivialized, humbled, enlightened,

By His magnanimity......

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