Daisy Ashh

Inspirational Others


Daisy Ashh

Inspirational Others

Discovering Beacon Of Silhouette:-

Discovering Beacon Of Silhouette:-

1 min

Lately, I've been spiraling into darkness,

I sit alone in the corner,

Trying to find me,

Trusting that I'll be someone.

Vicious thoughts come to my minds

Like one day I'll think that,

What happened to me?

I used to be a good person,

Hell, now I am tired, Empty.

Then I saw my shadow

Under the radiant sunlight,

A shadow who is standing straight

With head held high,

I found myself in my shadow

Like dew in dawn's pale light

Like a dream upon waking

Even my silhouette is shining.

There, I knew I

exist in 

This universe for an intent

I got lost for a while,

But now I am here, ain't I?

Look at my face glowing

Like a moonlit night.

I am trying, falling, 

hiding and running again

I ain't giving up now

Not until I become someone

Someone who marks the trace,

Someone who will be remembered

Even after death,

Someone who did something good for this world.

World's got to be ready for me

Because I am coming,

To take care of my dreams

To chase and fulfill it,

To live my trace.

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