Chandrayaan II The Legend
Chandrayaan II The Legend
The news spread like wild fire
About the legend’s unveiling
Excited, enticed, thrilled and patriotic
Never seen bharat mata so ecstatic
On this 22nd day of July, 2019
When the land was covered with smoke and filth
“Jai bharat mata ki!”Cried the people with bliss
Oh, what a joyous moment this is!
Dash! The rocket flew out to the skies
Escorted with the exulting cries
A moment of nationalism and pride,
For this instant, the ISRO team did strive
Wandering for days and nights
With its’ team encountering countless fights
To prevent the default of tech, which is general
To make the landing of the legend eternal
And alas, 1.3 miles away from its’ destination
The great moment lost its’ touch of ineffable admiration
With tears of loss and utter disma
The rocket had lost the secure connections away
But it dared not failed the meticulous effort
It wanted to reside in all our souls
The Vikram too had a dream to be remembered
Whoosh! It went to reach the moon
And there, it landed on the south pole,
This was just a granted luck’s mesmerizing tune
Our proud India's tale of victories in science and technology
Has always become a piece of admiration and superiority
Although the Chandrayaan 2 missed its’ landing on the moon
Its legend has resided in our hearts with a feeling of pride’s tune
“We came very close, but we will need to cover more ground in the times to come,”
“As important as the final result is the journey and the effort. I can proudly say that the effort was worth it and so was the journey.”-PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI.