Dr Rafat Ali Khan



Dr Rafat Ali Khan


A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember

1 min

You were holding my hand

While walking on a shore,

I kissed your eyes

And you said,"once more".

We kept on walking,

Sharing smiles;

Later realising, we've

Passed some miles.

I remember you were tired

And hungry to dine,

I offered you my hug

And a glass of wine.

I stroked your arms

While you rested on my lap,

Sang you a song

While you were having a nap.

Each time to your face would

Breeze hit and


Your eyes used to blink,

Hair used to curl.

You were by your own

Playing with sand,

A beautiful heavenly

Angel on land.

You ran into tides,

Gesturing me to come along,

Your inviting arms were saying,

"To you, I belong".

I held you tight

And kept you warm;

Silence was speaking

"Nearing is a storm".

You took an oath,

Asked me to pledge,

To stick together until

Life comes to an edge.

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