A Lady Of Spirit On The Stage
A Lady Of Spirit On The Stage
She is dancing on the stage
First time she is on the stage
At the start, she feared
To perform her play
In the presence of all
But once she started her play
Her fear was gone
Her spirit was overcome with fear
She fearlessly
Continued her play
Its about struggles of a young woman
Her life play
Her play about
Domestic violence
Harassment on women
Struggles for existence
Of a poor lady
Everyone was mesmerized by her
There is a pin drop silence
In the auditorium
Nobody talking
They forget for their breath
They forget to shut their eyelids
She is dancing emotionally
Sweat comes from her body
She is completely sweated
But she continued
She strained
She is dancing restlessly
But she doesn't stop
Her feelings coming from her heart
Sometimes she angrily performed
Sometimes loyally
Sometimes emotionally
Sometimes fearlessly
Her eyes filled with tears
Sometimes she did not control her tears
They roll down from her cheeks
Without any permission
Everyone felt like her
What she thought
That is coming from her play
So everyone feels her struggles
Everyone feels her emotions
Understand her inner voice
So they also teared
It's a complete silence
They don't want to miss
A little bit from her play
And forgot the time
It's almost 20 hours
But none have identified time
They involved
Their minds are in a vision
Of her deep thoughts
She is dancing dancing
Her body movement's are slowdown
She hardly moves
Even though she is interested
To complete a last bit in her play
By dancing crying
Her eyes turns red
Her eyes expressed so many things
Her anger
Accepted by everyone
She fell down
But never get up
What happened to her?
Small announcement on the stage
A lady of spirit left silently
From all and travelled to heaven
The play is her life
The entire play is her life play
It ended softly like her
Everyone lost a Sec in that time
Once they understood the situation
They cried loudly
The silence breaks
Its horrible
It's a great play' one said loudly
She is a legend' another said
Her play is excellent' everyone said aloud
We all with you " the lady of spirit"
She listens their voice from her path to heaven
She walks silently