Meera betham



Meera betham


Watering A Plant

Watering A Plant

1 min

Pour water on the plant

Which survives

The life of the planet earth

Trees and plants are

Brotherhood of the humans

We support each other

So make love in between us

Do plantation and

Pour water on the plants

Helps the growth of the plants

The plants give us oxygen

To breathe

We release carbon dioxide

Which is breathed by the plants

We helped each other

To grow like brothers

Hug with affection

Pour love and care

With one another

It stands life

Forever on the earth

Watering plant every day

With great love and care

It leaves a reply of

Pleasure and calmness

Moderate the temperature

Cools our body and surroundings

Makes healthier

It occupied earth

As a green blanket

Which attracted our eyes

So a joy comes in our way

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