Shower Me Your Love
Shower Me Your Love

The day is
An unforgettable day in my life
He left me silently
I don't know what happened
Why my day is the darkest day ever
I forgot to tear
I forgot what's going on around me
I'm walking without feelings
Without concern anything
I felt the time stop
It never moves
I can see nothing
I felt everything disappears
I'm walking with barefoot
On the ugly road
My foot hurts worse
Surprisingly I felt nothing
The only words echoed in my mind was
"He left me"
Suddenly some hands
Thrown me away from the road
Someone tries to talk to me
But I listen to nothing
I reached my hostel
Some of them try to talk to me
But I ignored
I went to the terrace
Actually, it's a beautiful view
It's my favourite place
Every day I spent my time in that place
By talking with him
Along observing the seashore
The cool breeze touched me
But I'm not aware of it
Suddenly the day blackened
With the heavy black clouds
The day appeared darker
Like my life
Water changes its color
They are ready to fight
They angrily come and meet the road
They try to kiss the sky
yone feared to see that the sea ghost
They rushed to leave that beach
The seawater is ready to
Capture all those things at any time
The water's evil laughs
Feared everyone
The sky shouted
Lightning glare thrash all
But nothing feared me
I look at the sky
I enjoyed the beauty of angriness
I enjoyed the darkness
The rain comes with hailstones
The hailstones beat me
With more anger
Suddenly I feel my heart pain
Why everyone angered me?
Nobody loves me
Why everyone treated me
As an unlucky person
Why everybody tries to cheat me
Slowly my brain starts working
It feels everything
I'm bursting with crying
My tears kiss my cheeks
It flows like raindrops
I don't know the time
I don't know how much time
I spent there
It's maybe a night
Someone called me
But I avoided
I'm not interested to talk with anyone
So I just ignore
I'm sick with crying
I strained to think
I fainted some time
I decided nothing
So left my life to time
I fall down on the floor
I noticed the rain leaving
My eyes closed slowly
Shut my thoughts
Now I fly in the air