I'm One, A Fan Of Cricket
I'm One, A Fan Of Cricket

I'm sitting in the auditorium
In the huge crowd
I'm the one, a big fan of cricket
I breathe cricket
I never miss a cricket match
From my childhood
In my school
My PET sir
Introduced cricket to me
That day onwards
I'm a big fan of cricket
We started practicing
In the early morning 3' O clock
We practiced and practiced
At the test match or any match
Who are the participants
It's doesn't matter
We feel and involve
In the match
Its day or night or late night
Whatever it may be
We saw and observed
How they are playing
Which techniques they're using
In batting or in bowling
We learn and practice
Try to utilize
Those techniques in our match
My school team winning
Many times
One unforgettable moment
I lead the team
I'm the captain of my school team
I remember all those days once again
I'm also shouting along with the crowd
Waiting for the match to begin