I Hold Up A Rose
I Hold Up A Rose

I hold up a rose
Named friendship, to you
Accept it, or throw it
That's up to you.
I hold up a rose
Named trust, to you
It's fragile, don't break it
Shards may hurt you.
I hold up a rose
Named equality, to you
Let freedoms speak
Don't turn it
Into glorious pity.
I hold up a rose,
Named partnership, to you
Establish individuals face
Not make us a nameless lace...
I hold up a rose,
Named truce, to you
Mistake no vague stance
Time remotes a blast.
I hold up a rose
Named love, to you
Feel & spread the selfless flower in you
Not wilting egos
Shattered oaths in you.
I hold up a rose,
Named humanity, to you
Sprout no blood rains
Relieve cosmos of all its strains
Pledge to never kill again...