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Abstract Romance


Shah Daily News

Abstract Romance

Why Love Only On Valentine’s

Why Love Only On Valentine’s

4 mins

LOVE a true relationship between two souls an act in which we have a mental, emotional attachment and passion of two human beings. But we can’t restrict this love to any special day or with any historical events. Love may happen to anyone. A person may be fascinated with someone’s look, appearance talk, behavior, attitude, skill, or any other thing. Such things would be remembered by the person in his or her presence or absence. The sole intension in this procedure is an amalgamation of two hearts personal lust or cheat and fraud has no place in this work till the intension remains clean.

Islam says to love your near and dear one and for this one does not have to wait for any time or a specific date so that the person can express his love. In today’s modern world we have an atmosphere charged and filled with expressing love relations in the form of Valentine’s Day. Real love has no specific day to be expressed or to do it can be done at any time depending upon our intension of doing do. In Islam, the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PEACE AND BLESSINGS UPON HIM AND HIS FAMILY) have also taught us to love, respect your near and dear ones to share good, healthy, prosperous and loving relations with our wife and families and relatives.

Valentine’s Day is nothing but a western culture to pollute an atmosphere to divert and disturb the mind of young generations. It provokes youth to approach any gender of our choice to express our love by conveying the message either by some cards, greetings, messages, or any other precious gifts. To have any illicit relationship prior to or before marriage is not at all good for a person and no religion of the world permits such illegal relationship which does all odd things prior to the marriage in the name of love. No mother or father or any relatives would give permission to such relationships. It is also seen that marriages that are made due to illicit relations does not last too much and very often we find couples engage in quarrels and conflicts because the main reason is that what they should have done after the marriage they had already done it before marriage. So they find life as boring and unenjoyable. Islam says to have good cordial relations with our wife who is our lover as long as we are alive. We ought to safeguard her right and give full proof of protection when needed, it does bestow responsibility upon both that couple, and both have to look after each other to carry on their life happily. Love cannot be restricted for any event or day it can be expressed at any time we need according to our mood and convenience. Islam does not permit to celebrate any specific day to celebrate as lovers day and we cannot restrict or preserve our love for any day to come to express, nor does it permits to have any illicit relations before the marriage. If we really love anyone and have interest in the person then doing send your legal proposal under the guidance of parents and elderly people and if you get symptoms of any positive response for your proposal then do wait for the proper time to come for your parents to decide what is better for you with your consultations and if the proposal is rejected or you get any negative answer than do not argue or throw a series of questions to do any philosophy in that work but on the contrary chose another door where you would find a much better match for you than the older one.

So love your wife do give her time to time good smile, money, gifts and take her to some outings to relax her from the boredom of daily routine work of home and family. Love can be expressed at any time we want probably it should be true and honest enough.

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