A Teacher & A Senior Journalist by Profession
nice read nice read
Quran a book for guidance of whole humanity... Quran a book for guidance of whole humanity...
Billions of thanks and Shuqran to Allah Subhano Watala for giving us the Fast of Ramadan to purify o... Billions of thanks and Shuqran to Allah Subhano Watala for giving us the Fast of...
nice and informative nice and informative
Repentance an act to seek forgiveness from Allah, but this repentance should be from heart... Repentance an act to seek forgiveness from Allah, but this repentance should be ...
"But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again. "But if he repents, faith returns to him like this," by clasping his hands again...
Islam is such a religion that tells to safe guard the rights of even Non-Muslims as well... Islam is such a religion that tells to safe guard the rights of even Non-Muslims...
Whatever the situation may be people come back to normal life in a considerably short time. Whatever the situation may be people come back to normal life in a considerably ...
nice ad informatve nice ad informatve