Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others


Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others

Why Are You So Picky?

Why Are You So Picky?

3 mins

Why Are You So Picky?

So recently someone asked me this question, "Maybe you're too picky in dating?" 

What is that supposed to mean? What is too picky? Or is it just another word for having standards? By the way, this question was asked by a man.

Is it too picky to want a man who has his own? 

Like his own place to live or a car?

Is it too picky to expect a man to look like his pictures? Not pictures from 30 years ago or 30 lbs ago.

Is it too picky to decide what your non-negotiables are? Like not putting up with a narcissist or a man who is a cheater, liar, or controlling?

What is too picky? Please tell me. Look I was in a horrible 24-year marriage and then had quite a few horrible relationships after that. (All the same type of men, narcissists, controlling, or passive-aggressive) So then why would I want to put myself back there? Especially when I put in so much work into myself, learning my self-worth. Yes, if that makes me picky, so be it. But I refuse to settle just to have a man. See, I know what a good man looks like after picking so many bad ones. So no, I will not put up with nonsense anymore. I now know my worth and what I bring to the table and trust and believe you be

tter be bringing more to the table than just your dick.

And it's not like I'm not asking for anything more than I am bringing to the table. I own my own home.

I have my own business, I have a car. I have good credit and pay my bills on time. I am not a cheater or a liar or controlling or a narcissist. So I expect the same. Pretty reasonable request I think, so is that what makes me picky?

I now understand why women are alone more and more these days. They are tired of the nonsense. Look I'm not looking for a man with a six-pack or that you have to be over 6 foot tall or have a six-figure income but you got to bring something to the table. You have to bring as much as I am bringing. 

So today my friends, it's okay to be “picky” 

You don't have to settle. You can have requirements, you can have expectations, this is your life, and you don't have to take whatever comes your way that is only giving you crumbs. You can have a full life with friends and family and interests you enjoy. Here's the bottom line to that person who said this to me…I would like a man in my life, I don't need one and because of that, I get to be picky! 

“Be the change you want to see” 


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