Rakshith M

Action Drama Thriller


Rakshith M

Action Drama Thriller

We The People 2.1

We The People 2.1

43 mins

The end of the tyranny, the silence of the echoes of murder and the victory and freedom bringing down the weed, lighting fires of victory and joy among the citizens of India. That day January 26, 2061, was the dawn of a new era for the nation and that life and the future will never be the same.

Michael, Sharon, and Matt were watching this on the television. Crowds cheering, After a few phone calls and texts, they erupted in satisfaction. "finally the tyrant is down" said Michael. "Fruitfulness and youth have come to our nation," said Sharon. " I can finally say whatever I want! and no one can call me a lunatic" added Matt, all joyed and pleasant. The next day at school everyone was talking about the event, celebrating it and cherishing the moment. Johanna and Jamal were even dancing in the hall while Anil completely transformed, from the once depressed and dark person, whose joy and happiness has been sucked out by a Dementor (in "Harry Potter") has now been brought luck and joy from the heavens above.

In class everyone sat down until the noise broke down as Mr. Mahinder walked into the classroom. "good afternoon students" he said boldly "Good morning sir" replied the students in a cheerful manner. "As you all know last night there has been a coup in the capital again and there has been a change in government. The tyrant government is no more but the former supreme leader Bahadurshai Rao is now in hiding. In the next couple of years there will be massive changes, we have elections coming soon but with a change of government, there will not always be happy. We have to wait for time to tell the future of this country and this world. But for the meantime, let us cherish this moment".

The students roared in happiness. " with a pop quiz on the history of the world from 2019. Take out your pens". The class went dull again with agonising groans being heard and produced. From that day forward everyone, Michael, Sharon, Matt, Johanna, Anil, Jamal, James, Mr Mahinder, Mr Chang, Ms Sani and everyone else in this story thought that nothing would go wrong and it will bring hope and life back to their country but weren't aware of another catastrophe that would shake the country once more later in the future.

From that day forward was the period of restoration for the country. The torch of democracy was lit and the torch of authoritarianism was extinguished. Freedoms migrated back to the country and India became the country it once was and became a truly utopian society. Other countries around the world started to follow a utopian principle and soon the messages of peace, fairness, and justice were alive and also the messages of unity and hope soared across the world and enlightened societies to fight back and begin a new era for the world. It seemed nothing would go wrong and that the world would make up for it's lost times.

Eventually, Michael, his sister Abigail and his brother Burton all graduated from the prestigious Cambridge University and together they established a law firm in the Republic of Britain. Sharon became a journalist and worked in the reformed and new INT (Indian national television) reporting neutral, unbiased and fair reports across the world. Matt and Johanna got married and had two children. Both of them became political activists and authors as well, James became an internationally famous scientist, discovering the technology to get rid of radiation from the land and water. He and Jamal got married, they now both live in Milan, Milanese republic,

Finally, Anil became a psychologist for suffering and helped many children. He now lives in Jerusalem (old city), Israel with his Wife and kids and made an oath to never come back to India. It seemed everything was bright and nothing, absolutely nothing will go wrong but they were wrong.

25 years later on April 12, 2086. Michael was at his house in Cambridge with his wife Samerah and his sons Ramesh and Rocco. It was the weekend and he and his family were at the table chatting while their robot servant Quasil was cooking lunch, fried potatoes with kidney beans on the side. Michael (or now Mr. Michael) was typing in his laptop some recordings of recent trials and complaints. Samerah was also busy writing in her laptop recent stories to the news in Britain, The BWN (British world news). Their children, on the other hand, were in their room watching funny videos together. While working, they overhead the news from the television being as informative as ever. "The ISHO (International Security and Health Organisation) has panicked populations across the world as they stated and confirmed that the recent vaccination trials to cure the cancerous pandemic flu H3N5 have failed. The pandemic has killed several people in quarantine areas across the world in the Bronx and also in communities among the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Because of this, the international community has decided to tighten border and airport security and control.

Passengers and travelers, before they board are going to be inspected by doctors for any sign of disease. Passengers will also have to have immigration forms and special health forms for any country, entry or departure. Michael and Samerah looked at each other in Worry, hoping that their family won't be separated by the pandemic. "Master, Lunch is ready and served, shall I mop the floors now?" Said Quasil "Of course Quasil, you can continue to clean the house" replied Michael. "Right then, and sir? I found these four photos in the cupboard, shall I add it in your photo album sir?" spoke Quasil responsibly. "Let me see them". Replied Michael "in the mean time you can continue your work", "yes sir". Quasil left to go to the top floor and while Samerah was working,

Michael observed the four photos. one was him with his family and siblings, another was him and Samerah with their kids, one was his wedding, but then he paused, a tear went down his eye as he looked at the vintage photo. The photo 23 years ago at his last year in Secondary school (high school). He was in the middle with all of his friends from high school. Friendship was a fundamental part of him and taught him new things through his life. In that picture, he was with his friends Sharon, Matt, Johanna, Jamal, James, and Anil. He almost let out a tear, remembering that moment of his life. Although they still contact each other through phone, They haven't seen each other in 23 years. 850 miles away in Milan, James and Jamal were in their lab and continuing to modernise the world. "come on Jamal, we have no time to waste in this project" uttered James, "I'm trying" said Jamal, "I just need to add the mechanism and the fusion chip inside". After two days, the product was ready and all shiny built-in a gilded coat. "Phew, that took a long time" sulked Jamal. "what exactly did we build?". "We built a portable computer, you can carry it like a watch and do anything on it. The best part is that it has a high-security network" said James excitedly. "It was too bad the technology for E watches had been destroyed and could never be recovered, I blame World war 3". "Pre war was a paradise that could not have been better. But then it was driven to be a wasteland. Thank goodness the world is coming back stronger than ever and being better than it was in 2019, It is now 2086, everything is fine, what could go wrong?". Just then, the MBC (Milan broadcasting channel) was playing. Everyone in the lab, Jamal, James, and their co-workers Sergei, Soveso, and Lucia were all eyes and ears towards them. "Good afternoon Milan, there are confirmed reports that cases of the disease H3N5 are here in the city. Nearly 300 people have been sick from the disease in an apartment in southern Milan at the Spaveta district. The Spaveta district has been quarantined and strictly forbidden to access. Many more cases may have been undetected, To protect yourself from the virus, it is important to maintain good hygiene, Maintain a tidy room and living space and to always wash your food before eating or cooking. For many people that may be basic but as the world community has learned, The virus is attracted to uncleanliness and dirt. So don't wait now, Let's keep ourselves and our city clean".

The news ended, James, Jamal and everyone else were shocked at the news. "The disease is here?" Said Lucia "this is very bad, I have children". "I never should have left Norway for this job," said Sergei moaningly. Soveso remained calm and waited for James to speak. "Everyone please calm down, the virus coming to our city is a terrifying event to happen, but still as the news said, as long as we are calm and maintain good hygiene and also keep our space clean, we will be safe from the virus," Said James sternly. "Also we should keep a watch of any signs of the disease within ourselves". Everyone in the lab calmed down and agreed and with that talk not only mended and improved the bond within the lab but also prevented some Bromine from falling on the ground, After work in the Giovanni estate, Jamal and James were both at the couch watching television when suddenly the thought of friends dropped into their minds, They looked at each other in tears, remembering their fun with their friends and the change and impact it brought to them, It reminded them how life is like a turbulence but slowly becomes sweeter. 3000 km away in the holy city of Jerusalem, Anil was living with his wife Mirzahi and his two children Ishita and Gerome. I

t was a weekend, Ishita and Gerome were playing "Life" while both Anil and Mirzahi were watching The Television show "Razaham's kitchen". Anil was watching when all a sudden the phone rang loudly like a busy crowd in an atrium, Anil picked the call, To his delight like a dream come true, it was the IPNN (Israeli-Palestinian news network). They wanted to interview him for their show. Anil gladly accepted and put the phone back with a big smile on his face, But seconds later, he received another phone call, he answered it with a welcoming hello, but seconds later, it dropped and slowly faded away like sick flowers, the happiness died inside him and stubbornness and sorrow began to fill in, (we all know who this is). He later turned off the phone while speaking and placed it away. At this point, Mirzahi was confused about why he would do such a thing and decided to confront him on the issue. "Honey? Who was on the phone? And why did you halt it in the middle so rudely?" Anil gave her a sharp glare and then sighed, "The person on the phone was my family, ever since I left India to go to Israel, I cut off all ties with them and tried to forget them". "Why?". "ever since young I haven't received much from my family, My family was a bunch of overachievers and were overflowing with pride and honour. I, however, was different by writing, being an artist and being an author and journalist. I was mocked by my brother and sister and my parents were ashamed of me, thinking that I was a waste. But I never gave in and proved them wrong, entering Cairo psychology university. I was treated differently, even when they were about to say goodbye, I turned my back on them and left. They are fine with my brother and sister but not me. But with hard work, determination, and support from my best friends, It taught me to never give up, and also gave me the light of hope to continue and thrive".

"Honey, that is an inspiring story for the interview, but maybe you should consider forgiving them, they surely miss you". Anil sighed once more, paused with a blank look down at the pale floor and then opened his mouth. "It is too late for that". After that conversation followed a long silence. The silence was broken soon after, "I'm going for a walk" said Anil in a hurry. "Be safe" yelled Mirzahi. That evening, Anil was walking in the sun though the old streets of the old city, passing bustling markets, crowded alleyways though buildings and climbing elegant marble stairs. Soon he reached temple mount. The temple mount symbolised the connection and unity, friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood among people of different backgrounds, faiths, and identities. It symbolised unity and connection between three of the world's major religions. It was 2086 and Jerusalem was one of the last holy cities remaining after world war 3 with many cultures and holy cities being wiped from the face of the earth slaughtered by hate, racism, fear, and savagery. The cultures may be gone, but the screams, echos, suffering, sorrow, ideology, and uniqueness didn't die or go away, still here in the city and can be heard by millions of people across the world. From the symbolism and also what Mirzahi had said, Anil remembered his life with all of his friends. Michael, Sharon, Matt, Johanna, Jamal, and James. He almost cried not only tears but cried in his heart both joy and sadness.

From all this, a lightning bolt struck and an idea flared in his head of a new book that can shape future generations. 4000 km away we now head to the INT HQ in Mumbai, India. Sharon was about to host the evening news of India. Before we continue, you all might wonder why the INT is still here. After the uprisings and coup of 2061, the new government instead of getting rid of it, once producing rubbish propaganda and news to the masses, they decided to democratise and liberalise it. With this, the INT has transformed and has a new look, it is now a different person and mouth from what it was earlier. The director then came and alerted everyone. "ok everyone, news starts in 3, 2, 1, go!. The camera was live and Sharon began.

"Good evening India, welcome back, this is INT news. For the headlines today, Prime minister Rahul Kaur has met with the president of The republic of tibet and the king of Hokkaido to discuss projects to build technopoles and Arcology settlements. Fusion power has now become a possibility to end the chances of fallout and to provide a limitless source of power. Terrorist attacks took place in Geneva on the monorail system and in an office complex. The international terrorist group "World anarchist front" has claimed responsibility for the attacks, and lastly, we have an interview of activists Johanna and Matt on the struggle for equal rights here in India". As Sharon began to explain the news, Johanna and Matt looked at each other. "Johanna, where are the kids?" "our robot maid Vera is taking care of them, they will be fine". "that wretch? We should have brought them here along with us". "Calm down there, I am sure we can trust her with the kids, don't judge someone immediately". "You are right Johanna, I will start to trust the maid". "Now, let's practice". "Before we both hated each other but that moment changed everything, being in a supportive group of friends and most of all activists, well one of these activists or groups that brought down that once rubbish government that smeared and killed the identity of this country and replacing it with their own rubbish propaganda". "Yeah, it was a thriller".

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we will be back in a jiffy, let us go back and watch some of India's favourite commercials". The camera switched off in a lightning zap and Sharon rushed over to Johanna and Matt. "So glad to see you after all these years, It has been so long!". "yes," said Matt, it was. "We all had fun and great times with each other, and hope we can reunite one day". "I wish the same too". The three had a long pleasant conversation with each other and soon rushed back for the interview.

A week passed, the World shook as they were alerted with the morning news with India shaking in shock especially. Everyone, even all 7 were shocked by this event. Bahdurshai Rao has been found and captured. That morning everyone was filled with energy and tension, watching the event each second and each minute that passed, that day was a day that the INT would have millions of people across the world seeing with all eyes on the captured tyrant. General Arjit arose and commenced the speech "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found him, Bahadurshai Rao" Everyone, Michael, Sharon, Anil, Matt, Johanna, James, and Jamal were shocked and speechless seeing the former supreme leader in chains. The crowd roared like a team winning a victory in the stadium.

The crowd roared and cheered for the generals for capturing the Man. As the crowd was cheering, a woman wearing a long black burqa stood up, ran to the stage like it was the olympics, climbed up the stairs in a rigour and gave a tight and heavy slap to Bahadurshai Rao like a tiger punching a person, causing him to collapse in a second. She slapped him another time and yelled gruesome things at him in Bengali. "You murderer, you murdered my best friend with your stupid concentration camps, you murdered my friends". The guards tried to calm her down as she tried to attack the villainous man helpless on the stage. Everyone watching this was shocked yet thinking one thought together, "serves him right". The woman was trembling and releasing her tears like huge waves and then shouted, "He deserves to die".

Once again the crowd cheered and roared, demanding his punishment at once. The guard escorted Bahadurshai Rao out of the conference room as he was receiving violent and Furious glares at him. The general spoke again. That Tyrant has been caught hiding in a small house in Kathmandu, from the atrocities that he has committed and the countless lives he has taken away from so many innocent people, The Supreme Court, and Jury have made up their minds and have sentenced him to death by firing squad". The crowd roared again and the television turned off, While Sharon was at the conference room and was filming the whole event, the rest were in silence. Although many were in relief, no one expected this to come in such a complicated time. History has always been a messy plate of spaghetti all tangled around.

After that eye-catching event, everyone breathed a sigh of relief that he was captured. To forget about that event, Michael decided to take the family on a walk through the park. They were greeted by the cruel British weather, its rains poured like an avalanche down the mountain and chilly winds as cold as Antarctic breeze thrusting on the street. The pleasant emotions and cheer have dried as icy winds fill in the gaps making the streets and cities depressing as always. Michael and his family were walking in the park. Michael's head was in the cloud when he accidentally ran into someone on the street. The two collided like bumpy cars and got up. "Sorry about that sir," said Michael anxiously, "it is alright, I am fine". As they were getting up, they looked at each other's face and gasped in shock.

"Mr. Chang?", "Michael" The two at first were surprised but soon the weather and their hearts warmed. "It's so nice to see you again Michael after 25 years". Michael smiled warmly "yes, It has been a long time, This is my family. My wife Samerah and these are my 2 sons Ramesh and Rocco".

"So, Mr. Chang, what has happened in the past 25 years?". "After the coup, I was free to travel without a ridiculous travel pass. I wanted to explore and visit a home country that I never got to visit throughout my lifetime. Ever since I was young, for 52 years living in tyranny and pain like a helpless refugee, I wanted to go back to Taiwan, my country of heritage. I left that small shack on the outskirts and left India for the first time. It was a dream come true and getting away from such oblivion and terror. I ended up setting a small shop in Taipei. At that time, My country was beginning a fresh start as it was gaining advantage and independence from a long civil war in China. I and my shop were devoted to helping this country and to put it back on its feet, I helped in community service and sold goods to them, making my business profitable. In fact, I earned more money in a month in Taipei than a whole year under that Tyrant in India, But I was happy that India was slowly going in the right way and making up for the 30 years it lost. Although some people are puzzled that I was born in India. I didn't mind and still moved forward without worry and rigour. I worked my way up and never let my past bother me. I now live in Taipei and have travelled around for business meetings. I know that change and hope is on the horizon, to not let the past bother me and to always continue to use my powers and privileges for good like so many in history. Though before It seemed like a distant memory, It is now coming back and a key to a perfect society".

Michael and Samerah were stunned by the story. "That was very inspiring, thank you for sharing with us, we learned a lot from you from this short biography". "You're welcome, and I am honoured that someone will carry this message of hope to our recovering world". In the beginning, everyone thought that everything is going to be fine. But it wasn't. 2 years later 2088 Was the beginning and return of the Terror devil, to cover and soak the world in oblivion and Melancholy once again. That year 2088. There was a shortage of every major resource. The key to the survival of humanity are resources such as energy, food, and space. With a horrible depression hitting the stock market as well, the entire world bickered with each other over a land full of the last remains of these resources, fierce nationalism was at an all time high and the dark past and post-apocalyptic world everyone lived in post-2020 was blurred to many. The disease H3N5 also started spreading rapidly in other countries, leading to accusations between different people and governments, leading to the pillars of society crumbling once again. It was a lesson how "nothing was limitless" and also sparked flames of conflict unraveling bitter brutal war. Peace became distant goal humanity can achieve and to many people realise that war is inevitable and its a permanent scar that humanity has had for millenniums. From something that wouldn't go wrong, The worst nightmares have come true as people across the world feared of another great 2020 war as war spread like wildfire that can once again devastate the world.

It was 12 pm in Jerusalem, 10 am in Cambridge, 11 am in Milan and 3:30 pm in Mumbai. It was once again a Saturday and everyone was reading the newspaper. As everyone was reading they had both shots and bullets of fear and paranoia firing across.

"New super bomb tested, the radmov device by Dr. James Singar and Dr. Jamal Shashtri cannot remove radiation of a large magnitude from after the impact. H3N5 has been weaponised for war and detonated in Volograd, thousands infected and many more were killed, there is still no vaccine. The Kingdom of Hokkaido violates the Geneva treaty by starting a nuclear weapons program, Arabia and Britain initiate sanctions. A dispute between Argentina and the State of Rio and Sao Paulo has erupted into full-scale war over oil and farmland. Red nightmare, China collapses into Anarchy as the government has broken several promises and has been responsible for several executions of innocent people. Riots in Nanking and Qingdao have made the situation worse. Green panic, Amazon republic declares a state of emergency based on the current situation. The Sydney metropolitan government has issued a full evacuation of the city and with cooperation with New Zealand, temporary resettlement in the Northland peninsula. Lastly, the World Council established after the remains of the former United Nations has once again been disbanded".

As the news continued to report countless unfortunate events, Michael, Sharon, Matt, Johanna, Jamal, James and Anil all looked in horror. 27 years ago it was quoted, "It is a promising year for everyone. We will fight back and will rebuild the ruins of our old world and construct a brighter new world". It was quoted with "new ideas, days and change are among the horizon". But now, It felt like life was meaningless, War and suffering were indeed permanent scars of the Modern world and society. Malignant sickly weeds that can't be taken out of the garden and weeds destroy life around them. But one thing was for sure everyone thought to themselves, "Luckily I am not in the conflict". But not for long.

April 12th, 2091 around 3 years into the war It was another peaceful day in all 4 cities, In Cambridge, Michael and Samerah were on a trip to Istanbul with Abigail and Burton while their kids Ramesh and Rocco were at home with their trusty robot butler Quasil going to University. Although major cities in the 2020 war have been nuked and destroyed, thanks to James's and Jamal's invention radmov, the cities conquered by radiation by been reconquered. But unfortunately the ruins, monuments, culture, and buildings of the cities weren't able to be saved and have been lost to time and the descent of atom to earth, some cities weren't able to be saved at all and have completely vanished from the face of the Earth. Thanks to global cooperation everything is coming back, but ever since 2088, the city went dark again. It's up to people like Michael, Abigail, and Burton to bring back these cities and keep them on their feet.

On the plane, they were talking to their chatty business partners Robert, Cassie, and Timothy. "So, what is the recent case for us?", "It is a ridiculous one, smuggling illegal goods from Anatollia to Europe. Turns out we have to defend this man Yusef Hamid. He has been smuggling crops and desperately needed supplies through Istanbul to Europe. One point he has contributed to charities and organisations and has helped refugees and children, participated in the reconstruction of the city and infrastructure, but on the other hand it is outrageous, smuggling goods and desperate supplies, killing his opponents and business partners like a corrupt mafia politician thirsty for power, and also even smuggles firearms from Arabia supporting rebels in the Balkan region". "It is hopeless, how can we defend a master criminal, he has created an ethical dilemma, how can we defend a smuggler and look at his situation now, he is right away going to be guilty". "forget that, who is the lawyer for the accusation?", " Challenging like hell, it's Asil Ekrem, he is the top lawyer in Anatollia". "Ok team, let's do our best, we can still do this, we have hope. As lawyers, we must never give up either side. It is our job to serve and protect the people and the law and to maintain social harmony just li

ke heads of state". A spark flew from the speech and everyone had a fire of inspiration and hope inside of them once again.

Meanwhile, in Milan, James and Jamal were in their large lab complex panicking on how radmov is now ineffective. "How can Radmov not be effective in this bomb?", "If Radmov is useless then cleaning radiation is not available anymore and radiation is once again a big threat to humanity". "No one is safe". "with the current situation in the city and our world its either innovate the technology or we leave to evacuation now. Already the city suffered enough, terrorism, constant heat waves of death, a fatal invasion of H3N5 and now this atom is close to touching the surface of the city and burst its flames of destruction". "So it is settled, we go to evacuation. Luckily there is a bunker built in this titanic complex". "good idea, let's go now".

James and Jamal soon packed their things and headed to the bunker, they alerted their co-workers and off they went to the bunker "wait!" alerted Soveso, "we need to bring the patents and documents for the technology". "You are right, brilliant idea!, We don't want to lose technology again" replied Lucia. "Speaking of which, my children are in the bunker right?", "yes they are there safe and secure," said Jamal. "come on we have no time, let's prepare the bunker we will be safe when the super bomb is dropped. Let us also help others giving them a roof over their heads in the bunker when the bomb drops. From living in tyranny in India witnessing such brutality to people and me as a person didn't do anything about it, but now I want to help others and help others I will to prevent them from facing this brutality". Everyone once again lit up and they continued to prepare the bunker.

Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, Anil was at Sheba hospital getting a few medicines before coming back home. He was anxious about the time while waiting in a long queue worrying about missing his train to the Main airport. after a few years of getting continuous calls from his family, he decided to visit them in Hyderabad. Although he still didn't forgive them, he decided to take his chances and visit them to end a lifetime of ruckus. Anil kept on moaning on going back to his family, he was busy thinking about it that he almost forgot that he was at the front of the line until the doctor called his name for the third time. Anil awoke from daydreaming and noticed that everyone was glaring at him. He sheepishly walked away to the medic and the door shut, keeping the uncomfortableness at bay. He quickly paid for the Medkit and hurried home to deliver it. But he wasn't aware of what was going to happen.

Meanwhile in Mumbai Sharon was about to report the news once again. Johanna and Matt were at a parent teachers conference with their kids Laura and Mohit. It was at the same Interworld community school branch in Mumbai. The two were tense but their kids even tenser with their skin turning as pale as a ghost and sweat dripping down like a heavy Amazon rain. Johanna and Matt have received reports from the teacher that in Math class, they were sleeping and in English, they were meddling with their phones on school grounds.

"Good evening Mr. and Ms. Subrarium. I am sure you have noticed that although they are excellent students, they aren't taking lessons seriously and have lowered their productivity. Laura was chatting on the phone with a friend while taking a test and being disruptive towards others in the class while Mohit was chewing gum and sticking it under the desk. The Janitor was complaining about it. Gum, as we know, is not permitted. the principal has given both of them one-week suspension to think about this behaviour and to be the good students that they are destined to be". Both of them glared at the two kids all shivering with sweat rushing through their bodies like a car race. As they left the classroom it was silence as they were waiting in the elevator. The news was playing in the elevator. Sharon was hosting the news once again "Good evening everyone and welcome back, I am Sharon Balsami and this is INT news. for our headlines, Yunanese troops marching through the Xinjing mountains have experienced some unusually Siberian weather as they move towards Central Asia and have been firing constantly at the city of Kashgar, the capital of the Republic of East Turkestan. Allies and other forces too have supported the Yunanese and are now advancing towards the rubblized city.

Furthermore, an Anarchist bomb exploded in the Indian Parliament building. 40 people mostly from the ministry of Agriculture and Energy have been killed in that bombing. the suicide anarchist bomber also left the message the end is near, Terrorist group World anarchist front has claimed responsibility. The Arabian peninsula and the Abyssinian peninsula have both reported outbreaks of H3N5. So far the disease has killed 400 million people across the world and because of war, Countries have abandoned this goal and let the disease spread even farther. Furthermore we,". There was silence and then Sharon replied in the news, "Ladies and Gentlemen please stand by we are receiving an incoming report". the next thing as expected the screen replied please stand by. Johanna, Matt, Laura, and Mohit didn't know what was going on but they decided to go back home as the elevator was as slow as a snail, descending to the ground floor.

Meanwhile back in Cambridge Ramesh and Rocco were both coming home from the University. They were returning back home and surprisingly they missed their parents on the way to Istanbul. But not entirely. it was going to be the weekend and they both thought it would be nice to invite their friends over and have a nice strolling trip through the abandoned streets of the former Capital of London. Ever since the nuclear bomb burst and the radiation was cleared, the city still remained abandoned. The British government is working on restoring the city and preserving it as a memorial and a park.

They turned on the TV as their friends Liam, Wilson, Scott, Margaret, and Amara, they were having a friendly discussion, chatting, hanging around and preparing for the trip before they got into the car. When it happened that day everyone thought it was going to be a regular normal day. A day in which Humanity won't endure such suffering. But it happened. The same time for everyone. It happened. Something close to ending humanity. (you all know what it is). Everything happened to Everyone at the same time

In Cambridge that afternoon there was a huge siren. Everyone was startled and seconds later worries rushed out. "Someone turn on the radio" uttered Liam urgently. Ramesh quickly switched on the Radio in a violent rigour. It was the BWN emergency broadcast system. "If you can hear me, Evacuate the city now. This is not a test, the city is under threat of the Super Bomb, We have reports of Nuclear detonations in Scotland and Northern Ireland. God be with us all". Everyone froze, then it erupted into an endless panic. "come one, get into the car, we have to evacuate the city!" shouted Wilson. Margaret and Amara packed everyone's bags quickly, Ramesh quickly collected all the books, documents and photos while Rocco emptied the fridge and packed food and water. Wilson packed the Radio, Liam got the car ready and Scott packed everyone's clothes that they were bringing for the trip to London that they were going to spend time at for a week. "come one everyone we have 5 minutes, let's go!" Shouted Rocco, "Yeah let's go already" Replied everyone prepared.

The 7 college students hurried to the Car, packed everything and rushed off ASAP. They were soon off, driving from the house with Scott driving as fast as ever like a racer in an international fury race. "Wait" interrupted Amara, "Where do we go?" There was another panic attack among them. Wilson and Margaret hugging each other and screaming at the top of their lungs that even the neighbouring cars can hear it. The screaming made some ears ring until Ramesh screamed at the top of his voice, "QUIET!!". There was silence across the car and the ringing had stopped. Everyone looked at Ramesh and Scott. "The Super bomb is larger than the Tsar Bomba. So If it strikes Cambridge we should be in a safe location. I just used a map on my phone. We can settle down in Stalham. It should be a safe distance down east. Everyone was worried but they didn't have a choice, It would be better to go somewhere than stick around here like fools.

Scott continued to drive the car at full speed. At one point they were passing through the university and saw huge crowds of people in a panic rushing for their lives like a huge swarm of bees escaping the rain. "I have never seen a crowd so big before," said Margaret. "Us neither," Said Ramesh and Rocco. They soon reached the main highway and once again saw lots of cars, Buses and lorries rushing down the road at top-notch for their lives and Crowds of people running alongside the trucks. But that wasn't enough they had to continue at top speed the Bomb will come into contact in half an Hour. Soon they reached Stalham just in time, everyone was relieved.

It was at 1 pm in the Afternoon. They were slowly and calmly stepping out of the car when everyone in Stalham, not just them but everyone hears a large explosion in the distance. It was incredibly loud that you can hear it from space. They turned back quickly and in front of them was a Titanically large Mushroom cloud in the distance with winds of fire and death. Everyone at the outskirts was fleeing into the city to avoid its winds nearing by getting closer and closer. "Run!" someone said. "You hear the man, run!" replied Rocco. the 7 ran to defeat time and ended up safely in a School. The winds blew hard and slowly stopped. the winds stopped howling in the distance, but the glass and windows broke. Soon after some time, there was silence. "We are safe" Said Liam. "agreed" replied everyone. The 7 slowly crept out with some other survivors outside the school. Glass shards scattered across miles of road and more survivors coming out of the shadows and tarnished buildings. In the distance, they can still see the remains of the mushroom cloud over Cambridge. A symbol of a life destroyed by hate, jealousy, and war gripping humanity. "War never stops and never has limits," Said a woman nearby. Ramesh and Rocco heard this and nodded to themselves. War never has limits, it never stops and will always be gripping humanity.

That same period of time in the flight from Cambridge to Istanbul, Michael, Abigail, Burton, Samerah, Robert, Cassie, and Timothy were all on the business flight discussing the last of their strategies.

"I'm So worried about the kids" said Samerah. "Don't worry, they are smart kids, they have good friends and Quasil can serve and protect them" replied Michael generously. As Abigail and Burton were having a regular disagreement arguing with each other, The rest were typing in their laptops on the strategy but were distracted watching the Indian commercials such as "Priya the doll" or "Sanjay's Chat" and Indian television shows such as "Rajesh", the superhero saving the country from the evil autocrats and Terrorists. A cartoon created by the INT after the Coup of 2061. Michael noticed this and then raised his voice. "um, everyone? Hello? Hello?? HELLO?". Everyone awoke from the clouds. "Guys focus here, we have a tough case". Everyone shamefully agreed and soon everyone continued to work. Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the pilots were nearing Istanbul, crossing the Balkan border. "Interworld 4327, this is Istanbul air traffic control you are 2 hours away from the city. Turn a 45 degree angle left and lower your altitude to 20 thousand feet". "Cleared that, what is the status of the city?". "The Weather is cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. The local time is 12 pm and in one hour you can proceed with your descent to landing". "Thank you ATC Istanbul Interworld 4327, See you later".

The pilots were unaware that soon would result in a catastrophe. Soon they saw the super bomb burst its flames. "What is that light coming from the city!?". And then they realised it. The pilots tried to turn back to the Balkan border but it was too late. The super bomb was too quick rocking the plane back and forth with its massive winds toppling down towards the surface. the plane disappeared into the mountains and in seconds, crashed into an empty field near the summit. There was silence. After a few minutes, Michael woke up from the crash. He stood up weak and almost about to collapse. He had gotten injured at the leg with large scars on his arms and one on his face from the wreckage. He stood up hallucinating what happened, trying to recollect how he ended up here. then he remembered the others and the crash. But what caused it to crash. Then he looked into the distance, it was a huge mushroom cloud. "That super bomb almost killed us" he muttered to himself. Then he froze, "Samerah, Abigail, Burton and the others, where are they!?". He panicked and started searching. After a few minutes, he found Samerah, Abigail, and Burton still alive. Unfortunately, Burton was severely injured with numbness all over the arms. His arms were busted and although he could carry bags, he can't use his arms.

Unfortunately, Robert, Cassie, and the Pilots were in silence, they were gone from this world. Timothy also survived, he was almost blinded, but he can still see a little. He had many wounds. He felt like this was the end of his life. Abigail rushed into the wreckage of the plane to find the first aid kit. she rushed back with some medical supplies and soon started treating Timothy's wounds. Timothy was moaning weakly in agony from the pain. "sshhh, it is going to be alright. Stay calm". Timothy gave a weak smile. "We need to go somewhere. We can't just be here" said Samerah "I managed to access this laptop, it should update us with information. In the spare time, it is best if we gather food, water, and supplies to leave the crash site" Said Michael sternly.

"Agreed," said Burton. "My first suggestion is to gather supplies and head towards Istanbul," said Burton. "Istanbul is no man's land, it is affected by the bomb". replied Michael. "From the laptop, apparently there had been evacuation zones set up in Izmir down south. Hopefully there we can go there and find medical care and shelter". "One problem, the Bomb has blocked our path with miles of Radiation that no one can survive. Our radmov device can't get us through". "I guess we have to build a boat to sail to Izmir or maybe Greece. "One problem, none of us know how to sail or navigate". "Got any better ideas?". "Michael you are a saviour, but you are crazy". "And you, Burton brother, are a scholar, but you are lost".

Meanwhile in the same time period in Milan, Milanian republic. James and Jamal were setting the last of the bunker with their co-workers Sergei, Soveso, and Lucia. Soon everyone was ready but the next thing really stunned them. After they finished they decided to resume work when something arose from the television. The robot butler Strombot while working on chores went to turn off the television but then he paused, looked at the headlines and turned very worried. "Master, you probably want to see this, its an emergency". The 5 rushed in a rigour with worry about the emergency. Lately, Strombot had been experiencing some malfunctions and needed repairs. But this was no malfunction. As everyone turned to the television. It was the Milan broadcast channel. "We have an incoming report. We lost contact with the East of the country,

Wait, folks, It has been confirmed, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in the East of the Country of the super bomb. The horror". Everyone was silent and like everyone else soon erupted into panic. "come one get to the bunker now!" said James. "I will go get more people to the bunker, we can't leave them outside," said Sergei.

A crowd of 10 people was outside the complex, pounding the main entrance for help. Sergei opened the doors quickly and let the 10 inside and then quickly shut the door closed and tightly locked it. "Guys, I have a group of 10 people with me, 3 adults 2 seniors, 2 teenagers, and 3 children. How much room do we have?" said Sergei. "We have plenty of space for around 50 people. And have enough supplies for around 60 years. Where are you? hurry them there, we can't leave anything or anyone behind, the bomb comes in 10 minutes" replied Jamal. The bunker door opened and everyone rushed inside. There were around 30 people in the bunker including Strombot. All of them were relieved that they were safe from such destruction.

Lucia turned on the television. the news was recording from a hill outside the city at a clearly safe distance. "Evacuate the city now, If anyone in the city is in a bunker, vault or some sort of high protection. Try to make it to Genoa. Wait, a report has come that Genoa has been detonated by the superbomb as well, I'm out of here folks". Then it happened. The sky turned orange with a huge explosion coming from the distance, the mushroom cloud was born. Everyone in the bunker was shocked how a huge fireball was over their heads, one thing was in everyone's head, "glad i wasn't a goner".

At that same time period in Jerusalem, Anil was just returning home carrying a heavy Medkit when he noticed Mirzah and the kids packing rapidly in a worried rigour. "What is the matter here?" said Anil. Ishita turned on the radio and the message was clear. "If anyone can hear my voice, leave Jerusalem and Tel Aviv immediately or go to the nearest bunker, The city will be engulfed in a fireball from the super bomb. May the Lord save us all". Anil was horrified by this emergency. But he didn't have time, he also started packing, took some food and grabbed the Medkit. Everyone quickly packed and soon rushed out of the doors with everything they needed. "Wait I left my homework in there" panicked Gerome, "You don't need it now, all you need is to live, come one" shouted Ishita.

The family was in a panic running from their house in the old city. Anil remembered a bomb shelter he signed up for. It was in the Metro system. "Everyone stick together, this way to the Bunker in the Metro system. Everyone rushed to the metro system. There was a crowd there, rushing to get in. Guards were at the checkpoint checking for valid passes. Anil remembers the 4 passes and got them out of his wallet. "Finally time to get these into use" muttered Anil. Anil approached the guard. "We signed up already, here are our passes". The guard carefully analysed the passes and scanned them into a large computer. The light showed green. "You 4 can pass. The gate opened and the family rushed inside and went down the stairs further from the crooked platform as dirty as usual. The air was foul like deceased corpses inside a crematorium rotting for days. But that didn't seem to matter. The family rushed through to protect their lives. Just as they arrived, a huge explosion, louder than a missile being fired was heard. The bomb went off above the station. The gates closed dramatically, the echoes and screams of the people outside the gate were even louder, the Bomb and its winds roared for a never-ending period of time, There was soon silence.  

Finally, meanwhile in Mumbai at the same time period. Sharon was puzzled why the evening news was paused. Everyone in the country was confused with the news interrupted. It was like being left in the dark. Sharon soon received a report, reading through it, She turned from confused to Petrified. "Let's get rolling again people," said Sharon. Finally in around 2 minutes of the screen projecting "please stand by", the news finally came back with Sharon in a Horrified manner. She was shivering in the news in panic like being in a Siberian winter. "Good evening everyone. This incoming report, the government of India had declared an emergency, we lost contact with our stations in Lhasa, Bhopal, and Dhaka. Confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in Rajasthan and Haryana. If you are listening to this, evacuate immediately. We have a threat of the Super bomb heading to Mumbai and Surat. My god!".

In the Elevator Johanna, Matt, Laura and Mohit were petrified by the news. Everyone in the elevator was petrified by this. As the elevator got down, everyone was in panic, screaming at the top of their lungs that even a person in the skies could hear that. The Family had no time to get to their house. All they had were their wallets, Phones, Books, Money, valuables and office supplies and makeup kit. They brought only 4 bottles of water and didn't bring much. It seemed they had no chance of surviving. A school teacher arose from the panic and at the top of his lungs. "Everyone, settle down, we have planned an evacuation route, grab all your supplies and belongings and head to the bus bay". Everyone still panicking was confused as blinded shrimp, but they knew they had to do something than nothing at all. Matt and Johanna were confused too. But soon something struck their heads. He looked familiar. (you all know who he is).

Everyone soon got on board the bus and soon the bus was driving as quickly as possible to Pune. "Alright, moving out, we will be safe in Pune. It's just a short drive there" said the teacher. Johanna gave a sign to the teacher to come over. Once Matt, Johanna, and the teacher saw each other, they were stunned. The 3 have never seen each other for 28 years. "Mr. Mahinder?" gasped Matt. "I haven't seen you both in a long time". They exchange handshakes and smiles until Mohit confused as ever intervenes. "Mom?, Dad? do you know our Humanities teacher?". "Of course we do sweetheart, Mr. Mahinder was our Humanities teacher thirty years ago. We were both in the same class in the same school Hyderabad branch. Mohit was shocked and in disbelief. So was Laura. "What happened for the past 28 years?".

"After you, students left for college, I went on teaching other students in the Hyderabad Interworld community school. I also taught students in other branches in Singapore, Penang, Bangkok, Taipei, Kolkata, Kathmandu and now here in Mumbai. I shared the message of hope and peace between people to my students and to be global citizens. The most important thing that everyone should learn is to be together and to be a community, we are all equal and we are all human no matter what is our background, race, religion, gender or any other reason. I even became a famous novelist. I met Mr. Chang when I went to Taipei. Mr. Chang is safe in Taiwan, however, we aren't right now. But now I am not just a teacher, I am also an activist to inspire the minds of today on the message of peace and friendship which was a message given more than 150 years ago. Although the world is now in a world war 4, We shall prevail and not let peace vanish forever. A new day is on the horizon that peace will extinguish the flames of war once again".

"That was an inspiring story, sir, we all learnt a lot from it and maybe we can spread the message". "Thank you, it is an honour to have you as my student, for my message to be spread and also teaching two generations". At this point in time, everyone had calmed down from the panic as they soon arrived at the checkpoint into Pune. "Sir I have 40 people on this school bus. Students, Teachers, Parents, Families, and even staff and ordinary civilians, please let us through". The inspector investigated the bus quickly as thousands of more cars flood into the checkpoint. Some people were even getting out of the cars and running towards the checkpoint. Like swarms of bees, crowds rushed in panic to get into the city from the bomb. "Alright, you and your bus can enter the city. Don't stop that bus for anything. Meanwhile back in Mumbai, Sharon and her crew didn't know what to do, at that same period of time, they had a short argument.

Sharon, Ayush, Danielle, Hiroji and Tariq were at the lobby of the INT tower in western Mumbai arguing of escape while everyone else panicking were clueless on what to do. "Can we get to the shelter or go to our atomic proof bathrooms?". "No, the company is not trustable, we gave a report of it last week". "Can we wait at least for help to come?". "No one is coming, the bomb comes into impact in half an hour". then Ayush interrupted at the top of his lungs, "look, no one is coming, We are the only building to have access to the evacuation centre at the port, we can escape by sea, If we want to survive, we have to get to the port now!". Everyone had no choice but to agree. They packed their things and quickly left for the port running as quickly as they can as time was ticking on the clock with thousands trapped in the city and thousands deserting and emptying the once full streets of Mumbai.

Soon they reached to the port, and in lightning speed got ready and boarded the boat to Lakshadweep. "Hurry, time is ticking!" yelled the captain. The Interns struggling with the cargo soon loaded the ship ASAP and boarded the ship. "The ship is cleared, full steam ahead" yelled the captain. The ship was soon at a safe distance from Mumbai to avoid the fireball that would strike it. "Everyone was relieved that they were safe as they were half way towards Lakshadweep. For either side of the story, it happened. From both Pune and the Arabian sea, a huge explosion arose followed by the birth of a huge mushroom cloud. It soon burst its winds of fire and death, melting and vaporising the city of Mumbai and the people left behind to be a bait to the bomb. There was silence in both the checkpoint and the Sea. 

Nuclear bombs have affected everyone and scarred them for life as a nightmare for the world that day. Major cities were once again nuked and went into hell. Though our characters and many others have made it out alive, others weren't so lucky. Throughout history War has been a scab in our society, tearing brothers and sisters apart, It has terrorized our planet and brought out the worst within us. 

Can our characters adapt, survive and live in a post-apocalyptic world, will they reunite and will the world ever come back to where it was and Peace can continue to live on in our world? 

To be continued

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