Rakshith M

Children Stories Inspirational Thriller


Rakshith M

Children Stories Inspirational Thriller

The Colonist's Experience

The Colonist's Experience

90 mins

Colonisation, the ideology that one must rule over another and one must conquer and expand for influence, space, power and wealth. Throughout history, humans and societies have colonised one another forming empires. either connecting others and spreading the idea of civilisation, or exploiting and wrecking the people and area. Colonisation of the world, changed societies, impacted economies and environments, connected cultures and changed the future forever, the world was never the same when colonisation occurred. Though the Era of colonisation ended in 1997, it's legacy haunts the world and the universe for the near future. Leading to both war and even neo-colonialism in the name of democracy or protection, even though there was only one purpose of colonisation, power. The legacy of how people were exploited. land exploited lives ruined and trapping societies in desperation. 

In the year 2050, the world worked together and united to solve these problems and help societies releasing the acts of colonialism as tyrannical. The world soon started their progress towards utopia, but no one in the world had ever thought about outer space. In 2075, extraterrestrials, or galactic council that ruled over the far reaches of the universe soon integrated earth from years of Isolation. with the advancement of technology and the integration of seemingly humble and friendly aliens soon expanded its reaches, Many people viewed it as the dawn of a new era for Earth, An era of unification, expansion of humanity and settlement of outer space. But also brought the filthy legacy and brutality of colonialism to new worlds. 

The year was 2250 at the 7th of December in the city of Quatoli on the planet of Teroid around 50 light-years away from Earth. One of the many thousands of outer space colonies of Earth. 16-year-old Anuha woke up early in the morning facing the glimmering light from the pale red sun. The bright pink skies illuminated with passion. She soon put on her glasses fractured and cracked from the many punches from her school bully or surprisingly her older brother Robhal 2 years older than her, She was relieved he will be graduating to college and leaving for Earth at the end of the year. She soon rushed to packing her many USB textbooks and notebooks into her bag and even packing her screen top for the busy school day. her eyes darkened her pale purple skin as she had slept for only 4 hours and spent all night studying for her school, desperately trying to hold on to her role as a straight 10 scholar. She soon got her sluggish tentacle-like arm to pick up her pearphone to check her social media, last night her friends were partying like new years eve, spraying poppers across the floor and dancing like it's the last year of their lives, the robot maids would have been incredibly furious about this. She imagined having some time to spend with her friends, travelling the galaxy and living a little and possibly celebrating her traditions. But now, it was either a good future or a wasted future. Throughout the many galactic colonies of Earth, life and school were based on the principle of survival of the fittest, giving people both hope and stress, brightening the lives of people simultaneously, putting people in the dark and pulling them down with an anvil with no escape. 

She soon combed her long sapphire hair and rushed to the dining hall for breakfast, obviously Robhal was there looking at her with devilish eyes communicating that something bad would happen today to her, she tried to tell her parents about her brother, but her voice was silenced by the glares given by both parents commanding the message, he is innocent and you are wrong. Even if she gave them the slightest bit of evidence, they wouldn't believe it. 

She soon started drinking her Thusam fruit juice. (Thusam is native to Teroid), when she suddenly splatters it out with disgust. Robhal immediately starts laughing like a mad clown as her parent's started scolding her on manners on the dining table. She soon realised that salt was added to her drink. She glared with fire at her brother. "calm down, its only April fools day". That Friday, she knew that it will be a bad day as she hated that day so much. "Both of you calm down now" replied their mother. "No pranking, let this be a normal school day" continued their father. Their mother was native to Teroid while Their father was human but also born on Teroid. "Son, we are proud of you for getting admitted into a top college on Earth". Robhal smiled with pride towards them. Then from happy, turned to glum and disappointed as both of them turned to Anuha. "Anuha, "your test results have come from your second examination, not a single 10 was there, only 9s. people remember number 10 or first, not number 9 or second. We don't want you to turn out as a big failure, make sure at least some of your hard work and sleepless nights pay off for school". "Mum, Dad I understand you want me to be a great student academically, but please take your high expectations easy on me, I am working really hard to achieve my goals, I have received good comments from teachers, I am taking advanced classes and community service for our people. how can this not please you enough". "sweetheart, understand that though some people may say you are good, we want you to be even better. don't just halt at one stop, try harder and work harder is the main goal here. maybe spend less time on that phone and focus that time on something useful like focusing on an impact". Anuha looked down and sighed, got up and left for school. halfway there, her brother and his clique of friends caught up to her on their electromobile and started gloating at her. "oh look it's the nerdy girl who doesn't party". "What a freak, she just wants to be smart". the clique of around 12 people burst out laughing and pointed fingers towards her and soon drove off into the distance. She wanted to punch him in the face, but she got a reputation as a well-behaved kid, so she decided to calm down. She soon arrived at school, her 2 best friends Jason and Talia were waiting, Jason rather chatty but very caring and Talia who was a bit shy but great at geography, but a cringy fact that Anuha knew was that she had a crush on her brother, Talia even imagined that she and Robhal would run away together and get married in the sunset. That made Anuha want to vomit like never before, giving the largest, grossest and loudest vomit in the history of vomits, but she kept cool and didn't give a damn on that. "Hey Anuha, how are you" greeted Jason, "you missed a great party" bragged Talia. "Yeesh, what happened to your eyes" replied Jason in a shocked manner, in this point Talia was also shocked. "you know, just studying away". "hey, you need to calm down, you have a lot of time, live a little in life". "yeah, you are missing out on some great moments in life, you need to stop painting your canvas grey and add some colour to it". "get some sleep at least, you look like you are going to pass out today". "nope" yawned Anuha. "I am tough as a rock, I will be fine". Both Jason and Talia looked at each other in worry but then just shrugged it off and all 3 of them hurried to class together. 

The first block was Anuha's favourite block. It was History and law. She had always pictured in her head how two different societies can help each other out, interact with each other and make the world a better place. She always wanted to pursue her dreams to be someone that can help society. She could help her people and maybe also travel to earth. Even though her planet was a colony of a faraway power, she felt like many others that it is an opportunity for her. She soon sat down at the front of the class as always and plugged in her history notebook USB, her textbook USB and opened her screen top to her electronic desk. she grabbed her smartpen and started to get prepared for class, the class at this time of the day was deserted. students were either chatting and hanging out at the main plaza or were still at the bus. there were only around 2 others sitting in the class. One was the slacker Jom-Hawel who was from the neighbouring planet Ghelian (also a colony), he was known to be the rich kid and tended to be a slab most of the time, always being spoilt on his wealth, very typical of Ghelians here. And the other was an android named S-45, she was introverted and his parents worked as servants in different households, but she was a nice robot kid, he even helped in school projects, though she was constantly judged for being a robot as robots tended to be in service, she ignored the prejudice from the many mouths across the galaxy and continued to progress in her life. 

Anuha soon started studying once again, she felt like no matter how hard she studied, the tests are still challenging, though she excelled in class and knew most things on the subject, she didn't know everything. some people thought she was a little arrogant, but she knew to never listen to the stupid thoughts of her classmates, If she had one wish, she wishes that the mudlickers at the back of the class saying all the garbage about her would have a tape covering their mouths for a whole week and watch them like watching a circus laughing at them, but alas, she brushed that thought of her head and tried to focus. 

Soon class began and all the students like a safari in the tropics of Teroid with mounlaisours taller than giraffes and sing like birds, a very sour combination. The students soon sat down quickly and the teacher strolled inside. Ms Baxter was from Earth but was teaching here, She had taught in several other planets including here in Teroid in multiple cities. but now at the age of 72, she is living and working here in Quatoli. "class, please stand for the pledge". The class all stood up and looked to the wall with both the flags of united earth and the flag of Teroid colony. "I promise, I will be loyal and obedient at home, work, school or elsewhere to the Galactic Council and pledge absolute allegiance to the Earth Regime of Teroid and shall respect everyone around me and help progress the future". "Alright class, you can sit down". "Now, I have corrected everyone's homework, I have seen a quite outstanding performance, a few of you still need help but it's ok, we all learn as we move on in life, learning from mistakes is fundamental for the progress of any society". Everyone looked tense as they were receiving their homework results, no one sweated more than Anuha herself. Everyone was worried and sweating like fountains for their corrections like defusing a ticking nuclear bomb. The test results soon appeared on everyone's dashboards on their screencaps. First was Jom-Hawel, he looked at his nearly red paper as many answers were labelled x for easy reasons, but he shrugged it off, "meh, I'm rich". the next was S-45, she looked at her score with disappointment, her goal was to get her struggling family out of the bottom and to the top, Anuha was confused as she got a good score of 8/10, but as mentioned, everyone once in a while like her or even S-45 has had a mental breakdown and tended to be disappointed even with a good score. soon everyone was getting their scores, some looked at the paper and celebrated like last night's party, others wept and acted like Drama queens as either they got a bad score from not studying or having a mental breakdown over a good score. Soon she got her score in the middle. At first, she was worried and imagined the yelling she would receive from her strict parents. It was also like being nervous when opening a Shelohami present ( a tradition in Teroid) she soon opened her already droopy eyes and saw her result. She was in the middle of celebrating and mortified, it was a 9.5. She sobbed as she failed to achieve her goal, she looked through the entire report and viewed many pleasant and great comments from the teacher such as great job and good points on your critical analysis, but all the nice good comments, as well as the great work and excellent score she got, was under the shadow of one mistake that she did. In the homework, it mentioned the causes of the war on terror. she made the mistake of not mentioning the injustice and exploitation of the organisations from foreign governments, she didn't elaborate enough. She felt like falling from a floating cliff and landing in the deep blue sea. Jason and Talia soon looked over her shoulders and congratulated her, but even their appreciation was blurred by the anxiety taking over her mind". 

"Remember class, tomorrow there won't be school day on Friday as we will be going on a trip to Earth to the Great Museum of Galactic and Social history". Everyone was cheering in excitement while a few weren't listening and instead were either listening to trendy techno music or studying even harder for the next test or playing a game and have no clue of what is happening around them. The school day ended for Thursday with Anusha looking at her result continuously with her screentop still on levitating and her continuously writing and typing at it, logging her reflection. whole some appreciated her continuously being better, some saw that as weird and wished many others in society for her to go get some help. "Entry date 7/12/2250, still got a miserable 9.5 out of 10, even after working hard, it still remains low, I have concluded that I am not improving, Ms Baxter's reply on evaluation brought down the grade by 1/2 a mark. I have concluded that I am still stuck and viewed as a disappointment. But not everyone is perfect, I have experienced many times mental breakdowns and looked at myself why I can't have fun like my classmates, I have seen that we should balance our time with work and fun. I question that is the case, though it is recommended, I don't know If it's worth it, I am still learning. As soon as she ended her entry, Jason and Talia soon came behind her, "Anuha, we wanted to talk to you about something". Anuha started sweating, her eyes already red with tiredness widened like rising dough, "what is it?". "you have been doing very well, but we feel that you are taking everything too seriously". "But I can't fail, I can't be behind everyone else". "you see, this is why we are worried, what you are constantly doing to yourself is unhealthy". "you have to be free and enjoy life for some time. you need to manage your time efficiently and have some fun, yes studying and learning is good, but you have to realise to have some fun and not everyone is perfect. don't just say it, do it". "I'm sure the trip to Earth will help you and will let all of us have some fun together". "yeah, maybe". Talia and Jason smiled, all 3 of them exchanged hugs and soon they were off back home. That night Anuha packed her bag for the trip to Earth. Her parents weren't impressed one bit by her great result and grounded her to her room. she didn't even come out to have her dinner. She looked at herself in the mirror looking at her self. when she saw herself, she saw instead of a hardworking champion, she saw a retarded failure who couldn't accomplish anything in her life. She cried waterfalls like many other Terians. Anxiety like a snake twiddled and crushed her around. She soon with her frustrations was about to command herself to punch the wall. A voice whispered behind her, "Is this what you really want, you want to just put yourself in an endless cycle of misery". Anuha paused. She remembered the grade and remembered the recent yelling her parents gave her and the stupid faces that Robhal gave and trying not to laugh. She finished her homework, packed her bag and cried herself to sleep. It was the first time that she ever slept early and it was midnight. hey, eyes like doors soon forced themselves to close and she dozed asleep, tired from the exhaustion of another day of school. She thought about what her friend's said. Did she really want this? She wanted to be someone great. someone that can change and improve not only her homeworld but the entire galaxy. The next morning at 5 am, she woke up all droopy once again, only it wasn't worse like yesterday. she stood up and rushed getting ready, comping her crystal hair and putting on her fine marigold dress, she soon opened her secret shrine to pray. Her native religion was Marsi . with the all-powerful, generous and heartful god Anuk, the god of the sun. She prayed for a few minutes putting hologram offerings and even some food from yesterday. Her parent's and even the Earth council discouraged the religion. She never knew why, but she was too shy to criticize as a plug blocked her thoughts from coming out. 

She soon exited her room with her bag full with everything she needed for the 1 week trip. Her brother was also coming. As she came out, her mother just switched on the television and her father and brother once again early finished their breakfast and looked sharp for the trip. She saw her father and Robhal talking to each other, laughing and being like a proper father and son. She always wanted a proper conversion with her family, but as always, it was muted by the glares of her family, her relatives and her parents. the only person who understood her was her grandmother. The breakfast for her was last night dinner leftovers of seaweed casserole. She didn't have dinner last night and was starving and immediately gobbled the casserole in a second. "chew your food, don't be a glutton". replied her father. Soon her mother turned on the television and the morning news played transiting from a please stand by screen with the flags of Earth and Teroid to the main entry. At the beginning there was a Teroid filled with war and suffering. innocent terians suffering with no food, no water and constant fear. when it looked like an apocalypse, we the earth finally came and helped young terians out of this apocalypse, giving them education, homes, jobs and opportunities and bring them out of this apocalypse. connecting them to a better future, let us build and progress the future". the film then gave humans and natives of other planets laughing, playing and having a great community. with natives saying "just like us" continuously". At first she saw potential, but she also wondered, is this true what they say? Will life get better. She soon was about to leave but paused when the news came up. "good evening Teroid, recently a bus strike has taken place across Teroid and bus routes have been cancelled so the government has issued a degree saying that until the strike is over, people have to use their cars or walk. Mother soon got up from her armchair and looked at Robhal. Honey, you will have to give your sister a ride today. Robhal was speechless, mortified at the 10 words that came out of his mother's mouth. "What!?" he yelled, why should I take her, she could walk to the space port herself". "The spaceport is an hour away, it is impossible to walk there". Robhal was furious, but had no choice but to take her. He didn't want people to view him, an attractive and popular guy to be with his nerdy weird sister. He had no choice but to take her. Anuha wasn't happy with that either. She spanked her forehead thinking "I should have gone and hour or more earlier". Soon they were off with her brother not looking at her along the way, the whole time both of them never spoke. Soon they arrived at the space port. Anuha soon got out of the car and headed to the spaceport with her ticket, Robhal also followed. "Thanks for the ride Robhal". "yeah, yeah whatever, just get out of here". She soon arrived. There were 50 people in the 2 classes travelling. A rocket can fit around 100 people, but because there were 55 other passengers on the first rocket, the school had to get another rocket, and since rockets were expensive, it was a small cheap rocket that needed a pilot to drive. While Robhal's rocket was the first, Anuha's apparently was the second rocket with 4 others. S-45, Talia, Jason and Jom-Hawel. Jom Hawel was furious, "why am I placed in the last rocket with these losers?" and constantly begging his friends to swap seats, even if it meant bribing them. "Classic Ghelians, Anuha thought to herself". A few classmates giggled as they viewed the 5 people placed at the last rocket. Soon they were boarding there rockets to earth. The rockets soon started and everyone took off towards earth. the 5 rejects soon boarded the rocket as it took off to outer space. Jason soon approached the control panel and inserted the coordinates to Earth. The rocket after 20 min soon gracefully took off. Everyone in the second rocket was prepared for a bumpy 1 hr ride to Earth. Well, almost everyone if you have forgotten Jom-Hawel. The next few minutes was awkward silence. Anuha was looking at her screentop, Jom-Hawel was browsing through his newest phone (Quantum 5000 superior) looking through trendy sports and chatting to his soulmate back home. Jason and Talia were chatting. S-45 was left alone. she was down, she never had a proper friend after facing countless betrayals from toxic relationships, she thought she would never have a friend. But she never gave up home. S-45 soon got up and walked to Anuha. "hey, can I sit here?", "No you can sit there". She soon sat down. "So, you are always busy". "yeah, mostly". "So, how was your morning". "It was fine, well, ok". "me too". "yeah, sometimes good and bad things happen, your world and your life goes up and down and up and down all the time". "yeah.... it does". "Is there something wrong Anuha?". "nah, it's nothing". "Anuha, it's ok, you can tell me, though we don't know each other much, we can still be friends". Anuha paused, closed her screentop and sighed. once was once a small talk became a stream of emotions, from the constant bullying that she faced from her brother to the social rejection and the prejudice and pressure from her parents how it made her have sleepless nights and how she feels like she doesn't have time for fun. S-45 understood each bit and told her similar situation on her constant friend betrayals and her family situations. Anuha was shocked, she never thought that she could connect with someone else or in this case a robot. "I'm surprised I have a lot in common with you, maybe we could be friends", "Friendship isn't just built on interests, it is built on trust, care and empathy". Both of them smiled and exchanged hugs. Though a happy moment, both of them knew their friendship had a long journey ahead. around 30 min later, the rocket gave a bleep and a bong. the 5 looked up from what they were doing and soon saw that thr rocket was low on fuel and needed to refuel. unfortunately they passed the nearest colony and needed it to continue. Jason and S-45 soon came up and looked at the panel and location and saw in the map a nearby moon rich in fuel, where they can get some. "hold on, we are going to a nearby moon. Everyone muttered to themselves, Talia started wailing on how she wanted to sea Robhal and hug him and all that sensitive things. At this point, Anuha really wanted to vomit out her disgust of Talia's love for her brother. The rocket landed on the fuel and everyone got out. the moon was very small, a small aquarium or water moon. It also had oil deposits, essential to feed the rocket. Jason soon stepped out and started to fuel the tank. It will take a couple of minutes but soon we will be off. Everyone soon got off and waited. Anuha became worried again and hoped to be on-time, she couldn't tolerate being late like a chocolate bar. she soon got up and viewed the surrounding ocean. then she saw something mortifying, something that she and the rest would never forget and that would change their lives. She saw a base overlooking a huge planet. the Planet was in dire shape, its rings were shattered and broken. the main celestial body of the planet was shattered like a rock into huge pieces and shards floating in space and the core of the planet was visible. The planet looked like a place of death, lifeless like a destroyed environment. Everyone looked mortified. "what on Teroid is that". Jason soon chickened out, "I'll stay here and refuel". The 4 of them rolled their eyes and shook their heads and soon, the 4 of them soon entered the base at first with a courageous step but soon with chicken steps. The base doors were surprisingly open, well, the door was cracked and busted open and the interiors looked rusty from the constant water damage. they soon entered and climbed the many stairs and saw many rooms within the old base. It looked like an abandoned soviet era base on earth. "what is this place". "I don't know, it looks like it was abandoned a long time ago, it has to be around 50 yrs or more". The curious 4 soon reached the top. the glass dome of the tall domicile overviewed the entire moon, but the most gloomy was how it overviewed the entire broken planet. Jom-Hawel constantly clicked pictures of the base, it's architecture and its glass dome and the huge planet it orbited. "I have a bad feeling about this" said Jason as he walked in, "just finished refueling". "Anuha soon came to the main computer in the room. "hey, there is a computer here". S-45 looked at it, "this is a Mango 2190 max computer. It was the most advanced and popular computer.... 70 years ago" everyone looked puzzled, this was abandoned 7 decades ago in the 2180s. "I suggest we go back to the rocket and leave" worried Jason. Anuha then replied, "no, i need to see this". She soon turned on the computer and its hologram monitors. It first began with "welcome to Mango industries computers, Vancouver Canada". "Makoa Earth colony main computer". S-45 soon took over, "I'm an expert in computers, hold on, this is a really old system". "These types of computers were used for planning the colony". soon the pattern came to a screen of a hexagon of 12 dots with not a single line in view. All the dots were in radically different colours. "What is this?". "Everyone looked puzzled". Anuha soon looked up from her screentop towards the huge monitor. Anuha took one quick glace, quicker than light to view the 12 dots on the screen. "I think I know this one. In history when learning about Earth unification, 12 countries or the main superpowers united to form Earth in the 2050s 200 years ago. They were the United states, China, Russia, India, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Dominion of Arabia, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Germany, Spain, Reunified Korea, Iran, Indonesia, Egypt, Scandinavian Union and Italy. They all banded together and formed united Earth with other countries. I think this is not only displaying the countries but the order that these countries became superpowers". "so, we have to guess the dates when these countries became superpowers". "Wait let me search it up". Jom-Hawel looked dumbfounded and replied. "I wonder when anyone will notice the combination of the desk". Everyone paused, looked down at the desk and saw the combination. Everyone felt so stupid of themselves. Then Anuha replied "of course, the dots go in order west to east based on the location of the countries". They typed the combination and soon it opened up with a huge flash. It displayed the title, "Makoa Colony statistics and view". they soon realised that this was an abandoned colony of Earth. They thought that Earth was great and filled with good people, but this displayed the dark and shady side of Earth, how they can leave a colony at a poor and destroyed state. For years they believed the lies of their overlord, seeing how happy everyone became, how successful colonies were and how they can succeed under them. How different communities can help each other and improve, making worlds better places. It all creates a big flame but now being extinguished by a pail of water which is this colony. "S-45 soon looked into the files of the 2180s and read the following frightening documents, luckily it was all in audio from the long text on screen. "November/5/2181, landed in the colony of the planet Makoa in star system Lorium 2F3N around 32 light years away from earth. The first colonists, soldiers and researchers have just arrived at the planet and have settled. The city of Alania has been founded according to plan along with the space port, so far everything is according to plan for this colony. There has been no contact with the natives so far but based on the habitable conditions for life on the planet, it is without a doubt that there may be native civilisations to be in contact with". At first it seemed peaceful but they wondered how a beautiful planet can be hollowed into that. They once again resumed. "December/5/2181 Researchers have observed the surrounding landscape of this jewel of outer space. floating cliffs rich in greenery, trees taller than the Eiffel Tower, rains pouring heavily more than the Amazon rainforest. The planet is mostly land with very small oceans but a rich biodiversity. Researchers are collecting samples of native biodiversity and sending them to the labs on floor 1 of this base. We have also finally made contact with the natives of this planet. while many live in huge tree communities, some live in cities like cities designed by the Romans and Egyptians in ancient times, truly jewels of the horizon of this planet. The Crysling soldiers from the Lunio colony have volunteered to keep the peace in the colony. We have also started to map out the available resources that are essential such as fertile land, fuel and fresh water". "January/5/2182, so far we have had contact with many native communities and our main city of Alania has grown to be the size of Tokyo in the 2010s with a population of 20 million of majority humans but also natives, androids and other aliens from previous colonies, 2 weeks into the colony and it has grown quite successful as we have formed many trading and diplomatic relations with the indigenous people. The natives come in 4 tribes. The Ona, The Husaki, The Ku-Hat-Whei, and lastly the Song-Leich-Tan. We are currently investigating and learning more about these people and their relations and customs. The entire planet to our luck is rich in moonstone for computers and technological development. The area Alania occupies in only a fraction of the entire planet in its colours of Blue, Green and Yellow. We have also planning on a little experiment as we learn more about the natives". "February/5/2182. The 4 tribes have a common culture believing in the moon god Chatla-Kahn. The tribes have revolting behaviours of painting their faces and all over their bodies and constantly drinking alcohol and have no respect or mind for privacy. The savages aren't that tolerable. What we found out is that all 4 tribes are rivals against each other, to gain dominance over this planet we will use the infamous Britlither plan, We improve relations and improve leverage over these suckers and make them face of against each other, this way we can have total control over this planet. Though they have treated us with hospitality, they don't know we are the aggressor as they kick out any hooligan who is against us". "March/5/2182, the Britlither plan has been successful so far, the Ona and the Husaki have started mistrusting with each other and have sided with us giving us land and promises, in return we supply them with a lot of trade and supplies such as modern weapons, only they are really old, we have leverage over these 2 tribes. The Ku-Hat-Whei have adopted our plans for schools and started to protect the children and future generations by providing them our style and education and helping them blend in with human culture". The Song-Leich-Tan have also decided to cooperated with us and see both the Ona and Husaki as enemies. But there has been a slight sharp fall in their population with the outbreak of the common cold or our disease, In earth it is no longer a threat but here, societies are primitive. seeing the beginning of Chaos happening, we are off to a perfect start". "April/5/2182 the Britlither plan is now starting to fail as the Ona and the Ku-Hat-Whei have started to view us as and enemy for stealing their future generations and resources and realise that everyone would starve if we left or if we started a war with them, the Song-Leich-Tan have now fallen into extinction because of the common cold. We have managed to take all of their gold and treasure that would make a king weep and have sent it back to Earth. We have also taken a few of the natives. 1 from each tribe back to the moonbase for research and have directed the blame to the Ona. Though we are losing trust, It is now time to unleash the Russian Bear to the natives and show them our true strength". "May/5/2182, The Ona have declared war on us and we have decided to unleash our fury and begin to slaughter them like animals, they do not deserve to be classified as decent or living anymore and will now cease to exist just like the gullible Song-Leich-Tan. The Husaki have also joined in as an ally and have burned their villages and tree cities. But that doesn't mean the other 2 will not attack and look at us like an enemy". "June/5/2182, no tribe trusts us anymore and started to riot, thankfully there are a few who deserve to live from all 4 tribes and who are more civilised than their savage compatriots and have opened their heart to support us and betray their own kind and deserve to live and be brought back to earth. War has erupted between us and the tribes since the massacre of Kurong-Ghee on the Ona. The 4 left in the base still remain in a good shape. fit and strong and still in the preservation tubes. If we are being chased out of this planet, no native shall be alive, but massacre and having their molten blood spilling all over the ground is not suited. When the Earth Colonial Council in Hong Kong heard about the situation, they decided that the rebellious colony will be the site of an experiment, a Geo bomb". At this point, everyone paused, they looked at the destroyed planet and back to the record and knew that it actually happened, now they were frightened to continue, but the voices and feelings in their heads refused to chicken out and they continued to listen. "July/5/2182 the war hasn't been developing to our advantages, some of our troops have been tortured and killed and the evacuation of our people has begun from Alania with also the safeguard and destruction of information, technology and evidence. This planet shall not live for the next day as we flee safely. This shall be obliterated with the geo bomb. Authorisation has been accepted and shall proceed to do so once everyone that has sided with us evacuates. This planet of bad memory shall cease to exist in the galaxy. The once jewel of this star system shall be shattered into shards". "August/5/2182, the last one of us have left and have prevented information from being lost, we also gained as many moonstones and resources as possible and the loyal and converted youth and citizens of makoa, the video below shows the geo bomb and great news, it blew up and was successful. We will never colonise this planet until the time is right, for now this area is off limits". below was a link to a video, everyone was sweating continuously, even Jom-Hawel stopped douche bagging around and even opened his eyes to the real world once in his life, unusual for a Ghelian. "They clicked the video and it showed the planet earlier, peaceful you may say, but then it showed the planet cracked open and shattered like an egg just dropped. rocks flew everywhere and everyone was in utter mortification and a new thought came up. If they did this to this poor planet and its people, then what if it happened to Teroid. Is there a geo bomb planted in every colony if they rebel. what would happen to their home? "we have to go now" said S-45. "Wait, in the recording it said they captured 4 natives, we could rescue them". "Didn't we see 4 tubes in the research lab of the base on the second floor of this domicile?" sputtered Anuha in a silent voice, everyone glared at her for a second and then rushed down to the lab. The lab was deserted like an empty decaying house, the floor was cracked and all the information and books were gone. pieces of paper were scattered all over, some forgotten for years and contained experiments and biochemistry. Soon they arrived in front of the tubes and wiped the thick layer of vapor on the glass and were horrified by the face they saw. there was one for each tribe and 4 of them in order. The Tribes were the same specie of Makoan, yellow in colour, had a lot of muscle and had short hair and had were had natural body patterns of red circles and had eyes like hawks and owls. The 5 courageous kids knew that the first was the Ona, who was a teenage girl in a red dress. the second was a Hausaki, who was an older boy in a tunic of gold. the third was the Ku-Hat-Whei, a young boy who was wearing a long robe of Blue and White and the fourth was from the Song-Leich-Tan and was a small girl and was wearing what appeared to be a priest outfit that belonged to a worshiper to the lunar god. "Hey, we have to go to Earth right now, have we completely forgotten" shouted out Jom-Hawel, Everyone immediately panicked as soon as they realised they need to go to earth. "Hurry, back to the ship" shouted Talia. Anuha followed but before entering took one look at the base and the destroyed miserable planet and replied, we will come back for you". They soon all boarded and like a lightning bolt, took off in a fast pace and rushed off at the speed of light as they wasted 1/2 and hour on the base. 

they soon Arrived on Earth, It took them 1 hour to get to Earth. they arrived at the main spaceport in the ISS transit centre with many hurrying to and across the port. they looked at the time, it was 12pm. The commander soon boarded the ship and installed the space bridge. "Are you the 2nd rocket from Teroid"? "You are here early". Everyone was surprised. "We are early here, where is rocket 1?" said Anuha. "Rocket 1 has been delayed and will come in the next 1/2 hr. Everyone soon smiled as they were the ones laughing at them now. "the rejects have finally come first". 1/2 an hour passed and the 1st rocket came and decked at the port. Everyone soon rushed out and soon paused like the great wall of china and gave their most shocked and cringy looks and reaction as they saw the 5 at the second rocket before them at the gate. Even Robhal was speechless. So were Jom-Hawel's many friends or former friends of his clique. Ms Baxter soon came out and soon announced to everyone to transition to the main rocket back to earth. Everyone soon rushed to the gate with their bags and tickets to the gate just as the space attendant was about to announce the boarding. Galaxy Jet flight 270 to Istanbul is now ready for boarding. The space attendant was a Cryslite from The planet Crysalia, He was a regular person, well, made out of rocks and diamonds and very huge. Everyone soon got into the rocket excited and happy. The journey soon proceeded with a takeoff and a sonic boom at the speed of light as they saw space around them passing in seconds as they approached the heart of the Empire of the Blue Star. They soon arrived at one of the many spaceports in the world in the city of Istanbul. They entered the grand port filled with mirrors shinier than the sun, holograms guiding people to places, soldiers marching to and from posts and areas of the ports. They soon exited the port and like roadrunners, the class headed to the large hyperloop ready to depart to Paris. Anuha and S-45 sat at one row of seats, Talia squished in with Robhal and started wrapping her hands around him and flirting with him, to Anuha's horror, Robhal actually liked it and did the same thing, it was like they had already had a relationship. And to her horror and to her mortification, with hints of cringe and multiplied by a hundred, no a thousand, both of them kissed passionately. One of her best friends in the world was kissing her bully or her brother, while her brother's friends or Robhal's friends cheered, she soon realised she definitely needed to vomit, But everything went so fast that she had no time. in her despair and her disgust without warning, she vomited all over her tray table, vomiting yellow acidic sludge all over the tray table. everyone looked mortified in disgust at her as her teacher rushed in panic and ordered the robot attendant to clean the table. The robot attendant soon cleaned her table in a millisecond and then said politely, the toilets are over there. Everyone burst out laughing and at this point, Anuha wanted to die very badly and started thinking of all the possible ways to end her life like many other teenagers robot, human or alien across the galaxy. The hyperloop doors closed and soon they were off to Paris. Along the way S-45 and Jason tried to calm Anuha as she clutched her bag like a teddy bear as she just witnessed her best friend kissing her bully or brother and discovering that she was in a relationship with him. She knew there was nothing she could do, she didn't even have the energy or the guts to talk to her parents or show her face to her friend and her classmates. She didn't even have the courage to march up to Robhal and strangle him like a snake torturing its prey. She felt even more alone in her heart as her heart sank to the ground. She soon started crying like a waterfall, S-45 soon took her hands off and Anuha soon clutched into Jason, crying in his shoulder. Both S-45 and Jason felt sorry for what she had to go through as started hugging her and providing her with all the support she could and glaring at anyone mocking her and one of these people was none other than entitled Jom-Hawel. "don't worry Anuha, everything will get better soon". "Everything will be fine, we all have to face such disgust and mortification in their lives", "you are not alone", "everyone has experienced some sort of humiliation in their lives, you are not the odd one's out, you are a wonder no matter your weirdness". Anuha soon calmed down and gave both of them the biggest hug that she every gave. It was like the 2 best friends sitting next to her were like the parents she always wanted. Who were caring, supportive and understanding to her, than her parents who constantly judge her and believe her brother or her relatives are better and constantly compare and humiliate her every evening by the work she does and the activities she spends every evening doing. She calmed down, stood up straight with confidence and knew that we all have some humiliation and crazy in our lives every single day. 

The trip during the long 20 minutes, the class witnessed mountains frostier than the glacier heights in Teroid, forests that blossomed like orchids of flowers. Cities bustling with both traffic and individual commute full of life, people of different races, species and types mingling around with one another. They were amazed by what humanity has accomplished so far since 2050 for the past 200 years. Anuha from the window seat saw the Intergalactic University of Vaniburg (IUV). Students were studying, happy, socialising a lot and were like a happy community ready to accept one more each time. But what blurred her vision along with Jason's and S-45's were the videos playing. The disgusting propaganda being played by the Earth Colonial Council. How different societies got along together and though visibly saw the happiness of aliens adapting to human culture, Anuha could see the tears swelling in their eyes. Then the broadcast came from a please stand by with the large map of the earth, to a promotional video about Teroid. People happy under oppression, people ditching their so-called savagery to join civilisation and lastly it focused on her dad who said how Teroid and Earth were the best relationships and friends here in this galaxy. 

Anuha and the 3 soon started to unravel the grand message. They were destroying their culture under their dominance. They have been losing their culture, segregated from society and now they have to act like life is simple. "No wonder Terians have to live in the outskirts of Quatoli. She was furious as she knew that speaking out could lead to more trouble. In Teroid, rumours are just as powerful as bullets and travel faster than the speed of light. She heard that a man who had denounced human colonisation of Teroid and for disrespecting cultures and relationships between both kinds, in just a few months he was arrested, put on trial and executed, erased from the cruel world. 

As the rest of her classmates witnessed the miracles of Earth or paradise. Anuha kept thinking about what happened so far in this day. She was forced to ride in her brother's car, she had to travel on another rocket to Earth, she discovered a dark secret of the Earth colonial council of Makoa, she felt betrayed by Talia, and now she was humiliated in front of the whole class on the hyperloop and lastly, felt sick of the horrid reality she was living in, how she blindly saw what happens in the background and her freedoms, identity and culture slowly being consumed away from her into the pool of the forgotten. 

The hyperloop after travelling for a long time soon arrived in Paris at the Gustave Eiffel Gare Terminal. The train still smelled a little like vomit and she felt nauseous not just from witnessing her brother and her friend kissing but also being ridiculed and seeing rubbish propaganda. She soon got out of the train and took a look at her brother in cloud nine with Talia's lipstick on him and being messed around with his friends. She wanted to vomit once again but soon got the will power not to. Ms Baxter soon walked to her in worry. "Anuha, are you alright, you look very magentaish than usual". "Yes ma'am, I am alright, I am fine". They soon entered the Louvre museum filled with Energy and excitement. Talia and Robhal were now holding hands. "Gwak" She tried to stay strong and confidently followed the rest of her class with Jason and S-45 to the Louvre museum. The louvre was still as old and elegant as it was standing 450 years ago when it was built. In the 2200s. It was meant to be a sign of friendship and interdependence. They soon passed the 10/12 memorial fountain in the central island. 

October/12/2032 a huge fire burnt down what once was the Notre Dame in Paris. The cause of the fire even this year is still unknown, but what is for sure was that a famous world icon and world monument never lived another day. It was a heartbreaking experience for many people across the earth, just like 9/11 in New York City, they eructed a fountain in Paris as well, in honour of the loss of such a cultural treasure that existed for centuries. along the way there were posters on the news-boards nearby saying things like. "let us salute the Kanishka 5000, in service since 2157", "Support your victory on the war against the pagan pirates of outer space", "Let us remember the Notre Dam of 2032", then Anuha saw something horrifying, "Let us pray and remember the Makoans killed from the meteor of 2182". Anuha was furious, steam almost came from her small ears. Not only was the propaganda of the ECC being spoon-fed to other kinds far away, but they were also spoon-feeding propaganda and lies to their own people. She had always looked up to Earth as a symbol of how different communities represent and communicate with each other and how intergalactic societies represent each other and form better relations to build a great future. She now felt all of this was just one big lie. Her classmates and she viewed the huge billboard belonging to the EUMC. From 30 minutes of still and dull Please stand by, the song broke and the news hour resumed, Everyone's eyes in the square, thousands of people turned their curious eyes to the board for news hour. The Newshour with the host, Jacques Ahmed Hamid. 

"good afternoon everyone, it is another great day here on Earth. I'm sure everyone is getting ready for Christmas just 3 weeks ahead. Earlier today, the 9 ambassadors of Earth have met in a summit in Berlin to discuss about the progress of sustainability here on earth and how we as humanity can continue to thrive. The ECC has prepared and announced an event in Shanghai to help improve friendship between Earth and it's many colonies and the goal to unify all kind into one kind, promoting the sense of belonging and equality through social harmony between different people". When the news anchor said that, Anuha froze, she looked into her screentop and noticed she recorded the whole speech, well most of it until the part where the news anchor mentioned, social harmony between different people". She felt sick to her stomach and decided to move on towards the museum as no one in her class, liked the news. 

They soon arrived at the grand entrance of the Louvre. Everyone rushed with energy into the museum-like an African safari stampede. "Class! halt right there" yelled Ms Baxter. Everyone paused and looked at Ms Baxter. Please be in groups. It is easy for a person to be lost in the museum here. It is huge. Everyone turned their wide eyes to each other and soon rushed and clamoured and created their groups. typical groups included Robhal and his popular clique of friends (Talia was also in his group, ugh), typical in Terian culture, Terians group with the people who they know and the people who they have relations with or trust or are friends with. Anuha originally thought she would never be in a group. the last time she went on a class trip, she wasn't in any group and the teacher allocated her to a group that didn't need her, the teacher then lectured to Anuha about teamwork and how she should be responsible of her interactions and she should make more friends. throughout that trip, Anuha felt lonely and felt that she was wasting and ruining her group's perfect experiences, if the teacher had said alone, she would have gone alone. But back then she was 12 years old or 4 years ago, how could she just walk alone. But it has been 4 years now and Anuha is more independent, walking to and from school, riding the metro of Quatoli by herself and even doing basic chores and her own work and studying, she even works at a part-time job in the mall. Occasionally a few popular people would be mall shopping or buying clothes and shoes and taking Instagram photos on their pear phones and also mocking her while she was working on the weekend and not living her life. 

She soon picked up herself and gathered the pieces of the rubble of confidence, recemented it and soon went up to Ms Baxter. "ma'am, could I be alone and not in a team for this trip". Ms Baxter looked surprised with the question. "why sweetheart, a team would be better for you, When you enter law, you will be working with other people as a team, you can't just work alone, even if the people you work with are jerks, you have to deal with those jerks and continue to follow your work and do better. I won't stop you from going alone as you are old enough to decide, but I want you to think about this, you need to pull yourself out of your bubble and work with others and understand that life isn't fair all the time". "yes ma'am". 

She soon walked alone and thought about what she said. maybe S-45 or Jason would be interested in being in a group with her? looking around she noticed they weren't there and they were already with their groups. She decided to go alone but knew that what Ms Baxter said was true. 

Everyone was given their checklists and their worksheets, the task was pretty simple, to find the different artefacts in the museum and write 5 points on each artwork or artefact you pick. Anuha knew that it would be a piece of cake, but knew that she needed to challenge herself, she recently heard about the extraterrestrial exhibit or the outer space wing in the museum. She hoped it would also provide some knowledge of her own culture. The class had 1 hour to complete this task. Anuha rushed with the first 1/2 an hour to complete the artworks in the main area. She was fascinated with victorian and European culture with artworks like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, or the venus de milo, or the many artefacts or the orient and of ancient Egypt. She listed through the audiobook, explaining the artwork and the points. After 1/2 an hour, she had around 20 artefacts. she never saw her friends anywhere but saw Talia and Robhal exchanging romantic looks to each other, she soon cried in her mind once again and thought to herself on word of their relationship. "why?". She soon had 1/2 an hour to view the outer space or extraterrestrial exhibit. 

She walked to the hologram map showing the museum. She knew she had to go there and learn who she is and learn about her culture. With the command of her voice and the power of her typing skills, she soon got the way and direction to the section of the museum. No one was watching her, not even Mrs Baxter, she looked around consciously as she approached the section and walked inside. The elegant room showed a variety of objects from weird journals and ornaments of the Lerian culture to the Bosvak monarch throne and artefacts. then her eye glimpsed on 2 golden statues. She soon walked over to them and instantly like a lightning bolt knew that the 2 statues were Makoan. the details of the statues and artefacts matched the description of the log on the statues and even the pictures. These were the religious ornaments of the Song-Tan-Leich tribe of Makoa. she felt disgusted how they would steal artefacts that meant someone's identity in the museum. putting a culture, language and identity in a museum is not the same and doesn't create a legacy for the culture but takes the legacy away from the culture. 

To her surprise, there were a few artefacts from Teroid, including the language. She was about to scream but held herself, even though the entire exhibit was almost empty and deserted with not a single soul visible to her. It was the middle of the day on a Friday, so it would make sense that everyone would be working in their jobs in offices, services, education and many more. She went to the area and tapped on the hologram board. 

"This artefact is native to the planet of Teroid, the idols placed here are religious symbols of the Renouli tribe in southern Teroid near Quatoli. Both of them are from the Marsi faith. With one idol representing the people and the other god representing the supreme god of Anuk. the journal is the Terian Sheroni or holy books like the bible or the Vedas or the Koran. This book is written in the native language of Kuhai. but now, there are few speakers of Kuhai as part of the education programs and culturalization revolution of Teroid". Anuha from happy turned to a mix of fury and shock. She rewinded the hologram board. She realised that her culture and her identity were being wiped out of the planet. She was in rage and rage turned to Temper Tantrum. But she knew that Anuk was watching, she released her fists and she breathed 10 times. After noting down the artefacts, she knew that the one thing she had to do was to revive her culture. She nearly cried. Her family along with her entire community and friend groups were trying so hard to be human and just like the others but forget that they are terian. they try to lose their native identity to be like the rest of the empire. Identities are supposed to connect and welcome people and represent the people who they are. She needed to learn about her culture and rescue the Makoans held captive back on the base. luckily she saved the space coordinates and knew what to do. From this day only she knew without a doubt that the future wasn't bright and that the ECC and their colonisation were not only telling lies to the millions of extraterrestrials and their own citizens but they were also slowly wiping away the cultures of outer space they see as savage. action has to be done about this trend. 

Anuha soon reunified with her class who were just gathering in the lobby and reunified with her friends Jason and S-45. Jom-hawel was as usual bragging to his girlfriend about his money and douching around with his friends who were taking photos full of entitlement. She then saw Robhal and Talia kissing again. She had it at this point and thought of being savage, but with that kiss, Anuha rushed again to the bin and hurled the biggest vomit in history. The worst scenario is her attending a wedding of Robhal and Talia. Ms Baxter soon walked up to Anuha along with Jason and S-45, while everyone else was giggling in the background like little children running around in the kindergarten. "Anuha. are you sure you are alright?". Anuha looked up with her pale face with the thought of Robhal and Talia kissing. It was a horrendous thought. She knew that she was ruining the trip of everyone in the class, and she thought, "you know what, maybe it is the right time to think about ways to kill myself". Ms Baxter soon handed her a pill to help her with her upset stomach. 

Anuha soon felt relieved after inhaling the pill into her stomach and appeasing her stomach begging to be cured of so much vomiting. The class soon boarded the hyperloop and they took off back to the spaceport to go back home. As usual, the mocking and had to go back to the rockets to get back to Teroid. At the spaceport, she noticed Talia and Robhal hugging as they were going to be separated by the rocket. But just as the worst was about to be set as 4 passengers were sick and 4 seats were available. Anuha hoped to be with everyone else, but no seat was available. She then said you know what, I will catch you guys there. S-45 and Jason were surprised by this, but they didn't bother as they knew Anuha will be going to Makoa. "Ok, then good luck". To the class, it may seem Anuha was acting like a lone wolf but didn't know about Anuha's greater mission. 

Anuha soon arrived at the ruined planet of Makoa once again. She entered the base when she saw a voice. her tentacle arms grabbed the rails and she soon climbed the flight of stairs in fright to see who it was. It was a hologram. The hologram was human travelling to Teroid and he also had a screen top with him. "log date 8/12/2250, this is Roger Tagomi performing a check on abandoned colony Makoa. the computers have been working properly as it has been for the past 70 years. the planet is still uninhabitable and satellite shows no recent activity on the planet. The specimen have been preserved properly and are still young and alive. Plants have not been growing properly as there has been a lack of Nitrogen in the lab and the plants have been showing a sickly brown hue", overall status is perfectly normal and system hasn't been intervened by anyone, plans for the recreation of Makoa are ready to go as per plan". the hologram disappeared and the room went dark. Anuha from hiding crept out of the dark and soon went to the lab. She opened the lab and still found the specimen. But only 2 were surviving. The teenage girl of the Ona and the older boy of the Hausaki. She went to the computer settings and freed both of them, the vault doors opened and the 2 fell out and were groaning. Anuha was at the verge of tears, were they dead? Is the Makoan culture completely gone!?. The 2 of them woke up in a startle and in a shock opening their eyes wide and looking around. The fear was illustrated in their faces on what was going on. They both soon looked to Anuha already at the verge of tears. "What happened," said the teenage girl. "I felt like I have been here all day," said the boy. "And most importantly who is she?", "you definitely are not a human being". "My name is Anuha, I recently just discovered your base and you guys inside. The 2 others of the Ku Hat Whei and the Song Leich Tan did not make it". "Thank you for rescuing us Anuha" "My name is Ashiva", "My name is Kuchen". "I will tell you everything, follow me, you aren't safe here". Both of them stilled confused looked at each other but had to agree, they didn't know what to do right now. They soon started to walk down the many stairs. when suddenly the hologram came back and the hologram wad furious. Anuha didn't see it as she was out of sight. But the Hologram found Kuchen sneaking out. "HEY you, how did you escape" Kuchen suddenly turned around in mortification, and saw the hologram staring right at him dragging his sword. As he turned around he was immediately met with a stab in the stomach. Kuchen fell down to the floor and tears swelled up in his eyes. green blood squirted out of his yellow stomach. As he cried and bled to death, the speech scarred and made Anuha guilty and shocked for life. "We welcomed your kind when they arrived at our humble land. We gave you flowers and baskets of gold and fruits. Our doctors helped your children when they got sick, we gave you hugs and hospitality and we shared our culture with you, we even supported you guys when you were in your darkest days, and now, you attack and murder us and use our world and your treacherous weapons against us. We should have never helped you, you exploited my tribe, mocked my culture, my identity, my food. you took away my family and you trapped me and my sister here in this cold base of yours and you destroyed my planet. Your kind took away my friends and my relatives as they fell for your demonic cause and manipulated us to massacre our brothers and sisters. I am tired of fighting and suffering in this cruel world, I hope you someday your kind will understand the sorrow that our people faced". He soon collapsed to the floor and gave his last breath. Both Ashiva and Anuha were crying like waterfalls and felt their scars on their minds and on their hearts. The hologram wiped the green blood off and soon disappeared. "I lost my brother" cried Ashiva. "I can't believe humanity is this cruel to other races". Anuha soon picked herself up. With tears still swelling in her eyes as she saw death, she and Ashiva soon left for the ship and took off. 

"It's 2250" "What!?" "you have been held captive for around 70 years". "what happened here, why is my planet look lifeless and like a butterfly whose wings have been torn from its a body? Anuha started to cry once again, took a deep breath and then told her the whole story, her life, the trip, what she found out about Makoa and Earth, everything she told her. After 1/2 an hour, Ashiva felt silent for a bit, she never knew that her home planet ended up in such a sorry state. "what do I do now?". "what?" "I lost my home, my brother was killed by that hologram, I don't know much about this world and you are the only person I have, the only friend in life I have left". "Anuha forgot that very detail, the future of the last surviving Makoan alive in this world. Suddenly Anuha's bottle fell, Ashiva panicked for a second and suddenly turned invisible. Anuha was in shock," you can turn invisible?". "yes, it's a very common trait in Makoans, we Makoans can turn invisible or camouflage properly with our surrounding environment when we are in danger, but,..." Ashiva froze and started to cry as well. "hey, what's wrong?". "if there is anything wrong you can tell me". Ashiva looked at her and sighed, I want to tell you, but it's too painful to describe and say". I just want that violence to go away". Anuha realised she needed to make good relations with her if she can challenge the system. 

As soon as the ship landed in Quatoli, once again she was the first to reach before her entire class. This gave Anuha an advantage to hide her from the class and to quickly get Ashiva a safe place. "she sent a text to Ms Baxter that she had to go home very quickly and she can't be with the rest of the class, and if there were any homework assignments to be done. Ms Baxter soon replied and gave her the green light to go. 

Thankfully with the no currency policy by Earth and the housing for all across the galactic empire, Anuha soon found her a place to stay not far away from her house. Ashiva was in disbelief in what was happening around her, her new life was in such peril, she had been trapped for 70 years but still looked like she was 16. She felt like a stranger and a sour thumb in the crowd, she was clueless of what to do next and to her, Anuha being hospitable and an only friend, it looked like she would have to rely and trust on her, Ashiva was in the dark and slowly being pulled down by the anvil. "Anuha?". "yes?". "Thank you". "...., you're welcome". "Thank you for freeing me, for helping me in such as time". Anuha smiled and felt a slight fire in her heart, both of them hugged like BFFs like it was the last day of school. "see you at school", said Anuha. Ashiva smiled, "yes, I will". 

As soon as Anuha arrived at the house, she noticed Robhal's and both her parent’s cars at the front area. her eyes widened and the flame was extinguished, she felt like she was going to cry and was praying to Anuk to help her along the way, she knew she would be in trouble. 

As soon as she entered the front door, she froze, her parent's were glaring at her while sitting at the table. their glares burned through her inner soul, the essence of her soul shrunk into a tiny whine of a cat, the air blocked in her throat as she prepared for the inevitable screaming of her parents. "Anuha". said both of your parents sternly. "yes, mother, yes father". "I just received a text from Ms Baxter, we are not impressed". "She said you will be coming home as you were tired and sick". "It has been 1/2 an hour and Robhal has come earlier than you". "I can't believe that you would lie to your teacher like that and abandoned the class just like that". "Mother, I..". "I don't want any of your excuses, what were you actually doing during this 1/2 hour and why didn't you come home immediately". "Mother I just went to the park for a walk, I thought it would make me feel better". "Anuha, I am tired of your excuses, you always come with excuses, you lie to the people around you and now you go against your principles and wander around like that". "but,." "you are grounded, go back to your room and study, you have gotten a poor result in math". Anuha looked at her brother in the background smirking and trying to keep his laughter, this was the last straw, Anuha stormed towards her brother and as quick as a lightning bolt, She punched him in his stupid face and tacked him to the floor. Her parents now at this point were furious at her as they wondered what happened to their sweet daughter just like that. "Anuha!". "That is it, go to your room". "what do you have to say for yourself". Anuha stormed to her room door, turned around, smiled and said "I regret nothing", and slammed the door. Robhal was shocked and furiously still numbing the pain at his mouth after the punch, Her parents were now in disbelief and now, they were in the dark path. thinking that their daughter was crazy". 

Anuha closed their door and locked it, and then started to sob uncontrollably, she opened her shrine and prayed to Anuk constantly. "My Lord, forgive me for the evil that I have done, I never should have been bad to my parents or have punched Robhal. Only you can understand what I have been experiencing, please help me tomorrow". After 1/2 an hour of crying and praying and hoping to Anuk and having full regret-fullness of her actions, she finally opened her eyes to find an unknown USB in her bag. at first, she was confused. She plugged the USB into her electronic desk in her room and soon found out it was a book on how to learn Kuhai. She was astonished by the book that now she can learn a language that she always wanted to learn. it felt like Anuk had found her problems and took them to heart and gave her something she wanted. It looked like Anuk saw something great in her. 

Anuha looked at both the math USB and the USB of the book, and she decided, "who cares about math's". "I will actually live something in my life". She put the math USB in her bag and started learning Kuhai with all her passion. She then packed her bag, her belongings, shrine, USBs, screentop and everything she saw as important, including a picture of her entire family of 100 people, and then decided, "this is not enough", "I am going to run away". 

The next day, she came out of her room all ready and full for the day with a big smile on her face. She exited with her hoodie, a packed bag, and her drowsy eyes were no longer dark. It looked like an energetic day, though she regretted her actions, yesterday was the day she finally expressed her emotions and her feelings. She exited her room to the main living room. Her parents paid no attention to her as she waled to the front door, as everyone was having their breakfast. "Anuha, we are still waiting for that apology". her father and Robhal were at the dining table eating their breakfast. Anuha opened the door and looked back at them with a grin and said, "I am not going to apologise". She then slammed the door leaving her entire family speechless. She then rushed over to Ashiva's puny house across the block. "hey, you read for school". Ashiva soon exited with her bag also packed, "yes, as you saw so". Anuha soon gave Ashiva her own new set of USBs and an old screentop she no longer uses. "thank you. I want you to know I am grateful for what you are doing for me right now". Both of them then strolled off to school. 

They soon arrived at school, immediately Ashiva felt butterflies in her stomach, it had been 70 years of captivity since she went to her school in Alania, Makoa. She was part of the Ona tribe in Makoa. Before earth colonisation, she was educated at a traditional school in her village in the Ona lands, when Alania was founded and grew, she pursued a higher education there and applied for a voluntary science program. But before the war in 2182, She and her brother Kuchen were kidnapped from and education to the moon base. She hoped she would never have to encounter such brutality ever again and hoped to resume with her already behind life. "it's ok, I also have felt nervous in my return to school" "yeah, thanks".As soon as both Anuha and Ashiva entered the classroom, they realised that the class was nearly deserted, many students were still outside, so it gave them the perfect opportunity to sit next to each other. Ms Baxter soon entered the classroom. "Good morning Anuha, are you alright?". "yes ma'am, I am". "who is she right over there". Ashiva looked down with dread and embarrassment preparing for a sonic wave of rage. "Her name is Ashiva, she is a new student here". Ms Baxter looked at Ashiva for a long look and then smiled. "Ok then, welcome to the Quatoli Intergalactic academy Ms Ashiva". As soon as Ms Baxter sat down, Ashiva blew a huge sigh of relief and her eyes as wide as the clocks of the big ben soon shrunk back down to normal. 

Ashiva and Anuha soon took out their USBs and started writing as Mr Vincent approached with his long black beard. "ugh math" Anuha hated math, always having to solve equations tough like computer codes or codes themselves. "I hate math too you know". "How did you know that?". "We Makoans can read the minds of others". "oh, no wonder you are honest all the time". "Ashiva smiled and soon began to write. Mr Vincent was no one's favourite teacher, previously served in the many armies of earth, he was from Santiago and pursued mathematics profession for over 30 years. Pretty much every teacher is from Earth. 

As soon as Mr Vincent came in with his glares at both Anuha and Ashiva, the whole class rushed in like a bunch of frightened antelopes, rushing to compete for the last patch of grass uneaten and still fresh with mountain dew from the last spring rain. After an hour of grumbling and rage from many wrong answers, the class finally ended and turned to sciences and after 2 hours of science, it was finally lunch time. Ashiva just finished recording her notes and writing her notes in her screentop while Anuha stayed to do extra credit. "aren't you coming for lunch?". "no, planning to skip lunch today, like many other days". As she was about to continue typing her homework that was fresh from the school oven, Ashiva tried to persuade her again, come on, nothing will happen, you need to eat to be better in class. Anuha sighed and decided to trust her, surely nothing can go wrong. "Ok, maybe this time". She brought her screentop along with her and the two of them hurried out of the large lecture room and down the grand stairs to the grand cafeteria, where hundreds of students, actually the whole high school was there. There were so many different foods there. Thusam tart, Yaktori Cheese, Pesto Pasta, globnuts and edible water blobs. Because of their hunger, they rushed to the front and stacked their trays full of great food in a lifetime and sat down. They soon sat down at a random empty table and started to devour the lunch. S-45 and Jason joined in. "Hey Anuha, this is the first time in quite a while seeing you at the lunch hall". "yeah, I am actually starting to take everyone's advice to live a little". "speaking of which, who is she?". "This is Ashiva, She is from the Makoan moon base". S-45 and Jason's eyes widened, you are the Makoan captive on the moon base". Ashiva trying to hold back her tears then replied, "yes, nice to meet both of you". "What's wrong". Anuha looked at Ashiva and Ashiva nodded, "She was with her brother at the base, A hologram monitor came to the base and killed her brother Kuchen as we were trying to get back to Teroid. It was while you were on that grand ship to Teroid. Jason and S-45, eyes watered with sadness. "That is the worst thing that could happen to anyone". "I know, but thanks to Anuha, I have a chance to restart and have a normal life from the torture under them". "I don't quite trust humanity anymore, especially what they have done to my brother, my people. my planet, my home, my identity". As soon as Ashiva finished, all 4 of them gave each other the biggest hug in the history of hugging. "We have to do something about this" everyone agreed, such horrible experiences can't be avoided from the whole galaxy, A person's identity mean's a lot to the person or the people, it represents who they are and their uniqueness in this entire galaxy. As everyone was continuing to eat their lunches, Anuha in the corner of her eye, saw Talia and Robhal in the popular table with all the jocks and sorority around them laughing and messing around. Anuha decided to have enough, "goodbye Talia". she thought. "you may be still in my memory, but you are forgotten in my heart". Anuha turned around and then decided to focus on activities, She felt Robhal glare at her with such rage and impurity, trying to demoralise her from her personality and her surroundings and make her feel like a piece of garbage. Anuha knew to stand up to herself, Robhal, her parents, Talia, Jom-Hawel and the people who rejected her were now like pieces trash to her, she put on her death stare mask and looked right back at Robhals burning laser eyes. Robhal jolted but then knew he was the strong person here, he and Talia soon rushed over with 4 of his big friends towards Anuha. "Hey, there dork, you and your lame friends sitting here". Anuha paid no attention to her brothers crap and continued to finish her tart from her Yaktori cheese. "Hey, I am talking to you, don't ignore me". "Teroid to Anuha, Teroid to Anuha". Anuha still paid no attention to her brother and continued to clean off her lunch, S-45, Ashiva and Jason started to laugh at Robhal. Robhals friends were shocked at this moment right now as no one had ever had the confidence to ignore the top dog of the school. 

Robhal exploded, cussing at Anuha and giving every insult in the book that he knew of. Anuha sighed, "he will never learn". She then looked at him and spoke in Kuhai after a day of practice. note everything Anuha said was in Kuhai. "So you would rather use your precious time to insult me than doing something useful with your pathetic life, you are self-centred and think the entire world revolves around you, no wonder you act like a donkey around everyone. There is one thing popularity can't buy and that’s is a bit of respect from me and a bit of intelligence right here" as she poked his forehead. Robhal just stared confused as he didn't know what Anuha just said right now since he never learnt or bothered to learn Kuhai in his life. One of his friends in the clique started to giggle and cover his mouth with his large tentacle hand. Ashiva started busting out with laughter as she knew what Anuha just said. Jason and S-45 were busting out laughing like popping a balloon full of laughter as they saw from S-45's translator from English to Kuhai. Even a few random strangers were laughing. From all these observations, Robhal knew he was insulted in another language. "What bloody useless language is that?". Ashiva then spoke in Matonik, the language in Makoa. "hey, ungrateful, illiterate wretch, just leave us alone, what did we ever do to provoke you, you are indeed a donkey in front of everyone". Anuha and Jason looked at S-45's translator and they couldn't control their laughing and burst like huge balloons. 

Robhal already insulted and confused decided to leave, Talia had a concerned look for both her soulmate and her now former best friend. A teacher watching the scene then came to Anuha, Anuha, can you please come with me. Anuha looked confused but then decided to move with the teacher to his office. "have a seat". Anuha soon watered like a fountain. "Anuha, I just noticed you talking in a native language of Kuhai in this school. May I ask why". "I prefer speaking in Kuhai or in my mother tongue, it helps me connect with my identity and also, it is kind of fun to speak in my language". The teacher looked stunned. "how is insulting someone fun?". Anuha knew she had been caught and then told the teacher everything. from a small stream to a waterfall of emotions. Telling the teacher the whole story of her brother, (just her brother and nothing else, not about her trip or Ashiva's secret or anything else. The teacher looked at her for some time and nodded in surprise. "why didn't you tell anyone about this". "no one believed me when I told about my brother or his bullying, I don't even know what I did to provoke him. That is why I insulted him and punched him in the face yesterday. Not even my parents would support me. But I and my friend decided to live together in a shared apartment". The teacher smiled, I will talk to Robhal about this, and yes moving out is important, but you should understand to form bonds and should never be alone in life. Your family will support you, if not, you wouldn't be here today. Think about it, but don't worry, the issue will be taken care of". "Thank you, sir, wait, I haven't gotten your name". "call me Mr Sukholam. He smiled and soon opened the door for her. "I have evidence right here in my screentop if you aren't convinced, after-all I record everything". "no need, I got everything recorded right her at my desktop". Anuha smiled and soon left. 

The school day ended and everyone rushed out in excitement for the weekend. Jason and S-45 rushed up to Anuha in excitement. "You were epic savage in the lunchroom towards your brother today". "How did you know Kuhai?". "I learnt it last night, I had fun every second insulting him to his face. Surprisingly I wasn't the one ending up in detention, My brother was the one". All of them laughed as soon as Ashiva came to them. "you were perfect in front of them, you blew off their faces with insults and the Kuhai was the icing on the cake". Anuha smiled and soon all of them started to walk back home. 

As they were walking back home, they passed the grand square just like how they passed the grand square in Paris with the huge screen with everyone rushing around and sitting and eating and all the typical things and activities you would find in St Marks square in Venice. The life was visible and everyone turned their heads towards the screen as it turned from please stand by to Newshour by Bernat Quaton. "Good evening Quatoli and the rest of Teroid, It is another fabulous day here on Teroid in our now great society in the control and compatriot-ship of Earth. The weather tomorrow will be snowy at -50 degrees Celsius as the Christmas holidays come. The Teroid council under the ECC back in Berlin has unanimously voted to promote language programs in schools to encourage students to come to earth to study. Ghelian coup fails as the brave earth forces helped crush it down and maintain peace on Ghelia from the savages. Space turbulence increases near the Lorium star system as debris from colliding asteroids are spreading. Rockets have been delayed as because of this. Now with a commercial break from Quantum industries". As soon as the commercial break came, Anuha and Ashiva stormed off back home, angered by the constant propaganda and false news they have just seen. There could be a good reason or cause and the truth being hidden away by the ECC in the local broadcast. Ashiva started to cry inside once again and turn blue. With the sick reality around them, Anuha soon came up with a plan that all 4 of them could do after a sharp lightbulb struck by a lightning bolt occurred. 

Anuha and Ashiva soon made it back home to their own home that they share together. Ashiva knew that Anuha was moving in and quickly prepared a room for her as Anuha helped her in the world, the 2 learnt and helped each other and formed a mutually friendly relationship between each other. 

As they settled down at the dining table of the new home, doing their homework, Anuha shared the idea to Ashiva. "What if we record videos with deep meanings and symbolism of your losses and the loss and deterioration of Identity, we can start our own whotube channel". Ashiva's eyes widened, what, we can't just share so much to a whole wide audience". "people today care about others, they want to help and also most importantly, understand the truth, if your story is told, the people of this galaxy will understand the truth and will have sympathy for you, don't you think someone will care about you and your story?". Ashiva at first was reluctant and worried, but then gave the green signal after a couple of minutes of thinking and deep self reflection. "great, we can start tomorrow during the weekend, but for now, let's do our work and prepare a lot of coffee". "yeah, let's do it". Anuha texted both Jason and S-45 about the idea and both of them also agreed, at first they shared concerns but soon were confident after a long debate online. 

It was 1 am on the 10th of December 2250. Both Ashiva and Anuha were droopy as they finished and submitted the last pieces of their endless amount of homework and were droopy from the middle watching funny videos on Whotube for a while. Whotube is more attached and addictive than sugar. As soon as both of them finished, they lied down and fainted into sleep. 

9 hours later after a peaceful snooze of their lives, they woke up with a startle as the spark of morning energy ignited them inside. It was 10 am in the morning and they woke up and strolled straight to the dressing room to suit up and get ready for the first day of their action plan. Anuha fixed up 2 cups of Holder Coffee. (Holder is also a fruit native to Teroid) to escape the cold winter blistering outside. It was the first day of Winter break for them. For Ashiva, it was only one day in school and nothing else. Anuha checked her phone to find 20 calls from her parents each. Anuha sighed and just ignored them, what were they going to do, they anyway loved her older brother more than her, why should she come back. "hey, are you all right", "yeah, I'm fine". As she was about to record, Anuha noticed a small paper in Ashiva's old tunic. She took a closer look at it, "WAIT, stop!". as Anuha looked at the photo, she saw Ashiva with her dead brother Kuchen and 2 parents. Anuha once again had a teardrop from her eye. "your family?". "yes". "I’m sorry". "It's ok, don't be, I am perfectly fine, even though it has been 70 years". "sometimes leaving the family is tough". "I know, good or bad, they are still our closest fellows in this world". "yeah". Anuha and Ashiva looked at each other and smiled. It seemed like a peaceful time until the pearphone buzzed. Anuha looked at it and she rolled her eyes and groaned. "what is it". "Anuha decided to show and reveal her secret". It was a photo sent by her brother once again kissing Talia in her old empty room. what is worse is that both of them were sitting at whee her shrine was. She was enraged and decided to send a text to her brother. "Ever heard of privacy". "what is wrong". Anuha told Ashiva the story. "oh, I understand", "but realise that life isn't fair, you need to move on" even though me and my brother had a good relationship with each other, I faced a similar situation, my best friend cheated on my family with my Aunt. Even though it was betrayal and we forced both of them out of our lives and though my beloved uncle committed suicide, we cried all of our tears, exposed the horrible person my former best friend is and moved on. we needed to move on only for life to be better. Life isn't fair all the time and we should move on, you will always encounter jerks like Robhal all the time". Anuha paused for a second, "maybe you are right, I should just move on and not let my brother's forbidden relationship be an anvil. I should always move on if I want to achieve my goals". "thanks". "you're welcome". "It is always nice to help someone else". They looked at each other and smiled once again and smiled once again and then unexpectedly kissed each other passionately. It all happened in roadrunner speed that they jolted back in shock, blushing at each other and trying to recap what just happened. They blushed as they tried to look away from each other and process the time travelling at the speed of light. “I am very sorry”, “no, it’s fine, I also have a feeling for you”. Anuha blushed red again and then said, “Yeah, me too”. Both of them laughed and smiled at each other again. And soon called over S-45 and Jason over to the house.  

S-45 and Jason after just an hour arrived at the house and rang the bell continuously like madmen. Archive opened the door, welcoming the 2 from the cruel Terrian winter. “Thanks for getting us out of there. It was 50 degrees below zero and they would have been popsicles if it wasn’t for their large furry coats trapping the heat from leaving their bodies, though she was a robot, S-45 also needed a coat as she never wanted ice also.  

“Thanks for letting us in, it was getting quite cold out there”. “No problem”, “anyway, I thought we can do a who tube channel on the Uninet or Internet”. “That seems like a great idea we could let the whole galaxy and even billions to know our message”. “What if we get into trouble?”. “then I will take full responsibility” replied Anuha. Everyone looked at her, “you?”. “yes”. Everyone looked at each other with Worry but then decided at the last minute to accept that. They soon started to drum up their plans for their youtube channel.  

What should our youtube channel be called? “invisible kids”, “no, The Horrific empire”, “no, The liars of the blue pearl”. “how about the Colonists Experience”. Everyone looked at Ashiva in excitement. “The colonists experience?” said Ashiva nervously, “Great name!”. Replied Jason in relief. “yeah, it clearly outlines the colonialism factor and also the people and the voice of the people and different people across the galaxy”. Everyone soon calmed down and complimented each other and soon started to work.  

After 2 days on 12th of December 2250, the fearless and courageous 4 soon had their first video. It was a video peaceful on the outside but radical on the inside. It showed the colonial life in Makoa, It started off peacefully with daily life but then the system changed into a tense and horrific scene that would instantly give someone nightmares, something more terrifying than seeing a ghost and would make ghosts look like floating balls of nothingness and dullness. It showed Ashiva inside a school classroom sealed inside and blockading the door from the army trying to slaughter her, trying to be invisible to the army. And day after day, they produced different videos such as a song in Kuhai or even insulting and harsh truth of life under Earth and even a video of dedication to the great god Anuk and the Makoan Lunar God. It even gave personal accounts. After 11 days of work, they had many videos and had several views from people and aliens far and wide in not just Teroid but also in several other planets in the Galaxy and in the Empire. People expressing shock and awe to the videos and seeing the shocking truth. The most popular was the first video. As the days passed, they saw more people being aware, reaction videos from famous youtubers and even videos that supported native cultures and promoted their own identities. Their message on the tyranny and the atrocity, the question of ethics of the ECC and the promotion of native and individual identities were huge hits. Millions more viewed their videos and caught their awareness and message, including the ECC lurking behind in the Dark Corners of the Media.  

On December 24th 2250 at early morning, it was another regular day at the household and many. Everyone woke up and started to work and produced videos once again to deliver the message. Delivering a message is not just through dialogue and requires a lot of effort to make a change. One video isn’t going to create a huge impact. One identity must be sacrificed to be modern and civil and must continue to thrive and also exist even in a changing time. As they were on their screen tops starting to once again work when suddenly the door received a heavy bang like a huge object like a globe was dropped on the floor. Everyone was startled and the 3 rushed back into the wall while Anuha stayed petrified. 2 Men in white Armor arrived with their laser rifles and screamed at her to follow them. A man soon entered in deep black, It was the head of the police force in Quatoli. “Anuha Serpoolt?”. “yes?”, “you are coming with me, you are under arrest”. As soon as she heard that, her eyes widened and though that her fate was sealed. As soon as the words were uttered the 3 Ashiva, Jason and S-45 came out, the head of the police looked at them as well, you 3, you are all witnesses and you 3 are coming with me as well as witnesses to a crime that she committed. The 3 were mortified and saw how unacceptable this situation was, but were forced to as lasers were pointed at them.  

Everyone soon arrived into the car, the neighbours around the truck were horrified how 4 kids who were part of a who tube channel were being arrested for their political beliefs. The atrocity of the ECC was visible and for Humanity, the lies of the ECC spoke everything and lead to not only an outcry on humanity but an outcry across the galaxy. The door behind them slammed and soon the truck drove off to the spaceport to Earth. 

The rocket launched at a speed faster than light to get to earth for the trial of the century. Anuha crossed her fingers and was confused like a bird who rammed into a tree, what was going to happen to her now, she feared every second she experienced so far but at the end, she remained calm and waited for her fate to be sealed and revealed to her.  

The rocket directly landed on Earth to the London Spaceport. When they exited, they were met by journalists, reporters, public speakers, supporters of her Who Tube channel and even security guards and lastly even humans and people who supported her and protested for her freedom and her right to free expression. 

After an hour of travel, she soon found herself in front of the Grand Earth CourtHouse in central London on what used to be Buckingham palace at the centre. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by even more reporters and press. The security guards like Farmers shooed away the reporters like they were chickens and livestock. 

She soon was placed in a large pale room in the large courtHouse and was isolated, she had no idea where she was, what was going to happen and most importantly where her family, her friends and basically anyone was. But she knew not to be afraid of being erased from this world and decided to accept the end of her life and her execution soon in the future.  

Anuha was trapped in isolation, she was in a pale room lighter and brighter than light itself, she was in the Grand Earth Court House in London on Earth, far away from her home and her life. She looked around for anything, but nothing was there. It was like being in a dark prison but brighter. She was sick and tired of being ignored and neglected all the time and furiously raged.  

After an hour after she settled down and calmed down, S-45, Ashiva and Jason came over into the room, as soon as they saw each other Anuha ran over to them to give them the biggest hug ever in their friendship. “I missed you guys what happened?”. “Anuha, you are being put on trial”. “everyone is looking towards you”. “On trial?”. “yes,” said Anuha worried, I am especially worried how you will win this, we all know that trials against aliens and other kinds are Sham. And how the ECC refuses to accept the truth and their responsibilities. Many people even support your case. Anuha looked at them, tears welled into her eyes. “We thought you may need this” smiled Jason as he handed to her, her screentop. She hugged him again and once again, Kissed Ashiva passionately as it was their last day. Both of them smiled at each other and once again kissed each other sparking a never-ending bond with each other. Even if one dies, the love between both Anuha and Ashiva would never die even after trial. Jason soon wept into tears of happiness and sadness mixed together, so did S-45 as she also cried during this bonding. The guard soon shouted to them “kids, visiting time is over, it is time to leave the accused alone now”. All 3 of them soon left and hugged for one last time. Anuha soon felt a spark and a flame burning once again in her heart after a long time in years, she lived a life both happy and sad and now was ready for her fate. As soon as she was left alone, she soon opened her screen top and recorded her last recording. “December 24 2250, hey guys, by the time you hear this, I might have been dead or executed already, here is my life story. I was born on February 14, 2234, to what I thought was a loving family, My mother is Native while my Dad is Human, so I have mixed ancestry and don’t look like many Terians, but my entire family is from Teroid. I grew up in Quatoli with my parents and my older brother Robhal. I never quite understood why he hated me so much and why I have to be bullied, but I was already pressured to forget that thought. Throughout my life like many others, I have been in this concept of Survival of the fittest, I work hard every day since elementary, I have never gotten a decent sleep before for a few years as there are constant exams, My mother and Father keep urging me to study harder and to do better in extracurricular activities, but there were 2 things that kept me going and made me unique, my admiration for my own ancestry and religion and the desire to know my roots. Secondly was my love for helping others, how I can help others and make the world a better place which made me interested in law. I always wanted to be a great lawyer who would serve the people and who would promote fair justice for all, but I guess I was wrong and it is clear I would never be a lawyer in the future, I would never achieve my goals in education and academics based on my current situation. For 16 years of my life, I faced such prejudice from my family and pressure from school. My brother would keep on giving me thousands of torments and blames to make. I never got a happy moment from late elementary and middle school, even if I tell my parents, they wouldn’t believe me, people thought I was weird and I tried to be normal by putting a fake mask and smile over my cracked and broken soul and face, While I saw everyone in my school and class and even my own friends having fun, I was busy studying for school and tests and wondered what I was doing with my life. I always stayed loyal to Earth before and thought that Earth was right and that Teroid truly has become a paradise and a utopia under them from a war-torn area, I accepted their beliefs and ways of life just like everyone else, I sometimes wondered why I wasn’t allowed to practice my own beliefs and culture. Whenever I pray or do a ritual or follow Terian native customs, my parents mocked them and said they were pagan and told me to move on with modern times. My life dramatically changed in a matter of 2 weeks, I was on a class trip and I was put on a second ship to Earth, that is when I saw the horrifying truth and secret of this empire”. She then proceeded to show photos and even the recordings on Makoa and the terrible history, she even explained the Geo bomb. “I have never expected this and thought that this was atrocious and must be aware, I also realised that in colonialism, they take away life and native cultures and replace it with their own. After the trip I have rescued my soulmate Ashiva from the abandoned base, her brother never survived and was killed by a hologram soldier. I have helped her to settle in, explained and helped her and she helped me back and cared for me and I am grateful for this relationship and even I have had in my life, for once after 16 years, I actually had a loving family. I have actually had someone who cares, understands and loves me, not just my friends but Ashiva. I couldn’t stand her being alone and losing her entire culture to them from the Geo bomb years ago and we decided to found the Who tube channel you're watching known as Colonists experience. Let me tell you that I am grateful for this channel and has helped me find the true me and has helped me connect with you all and to promote identities and understanding who we really are. My family tries hard to be just like the rest, my entire family tries hard that they forget that they are Terian and our identity means a lot to us. Our identity and culture are a lot to us just like your identity matters to you and is a part of you”. Anuha soon began to sob slowly and tears soon rolled down her face. “After I had expressed this, I have found out and displayed this truth to everyone else, to you guys, Though I may be unpopular to some people, I have certainly given my message to you all, supporters and haters. Remember to fight and stand up to what you believe in, explain what you believe in and never be afraid of an oppressor, just because someone died or was executed for expressing their beliefs, doesn’t mean that you can’t express your beliefs, never be afraid to speech and our change society for the better. Even If I may have displayed the horrific truth of the ECC and have helped millions both Human and Alien, I know certainly that change will come and that different identities can coexist together in 1 community like brothers and sisters. S-45 and Jason, you have always been great friends to me and have helped me progress and move forward even in the most difficult situations and betrayal, It proves that no matter which kind, Human, Alien or Robot, no matter which kind of race or gender, or religion or background or many more, can come together like brothers and sisters as one. Ashiva, thank you for helping me and for supporting me as well, though I may be gone soon, I will always be in your heart and soul. Thank you for this life, thank you for everything”. She soon started to cry and then closed the webcam and both saved it and posted it to her Who Tube channel. She closed her screentop and placed it in her pocket. As soon as she did that, a tall man in black hair wearing a large office suit with a red tie walked in with his screentop opened, from this look, Anuha assumed that it was her lawyer, her lawyer was muttering in panic, “this is ridiculous, 20 years in this court and this is what I get, I am the most unlucky”. He then proceeded to look at her and glared at her. From this, he knew that the Lawyer wasn’t there to support her and was probably paid by the ECC and the sham jury to do fraud. She shrugged it off, she was anyway dead. As soon as she entered the courtroom everyone stood up and looked at the mainboard for the Galactic pledge. Anuha decided to sit down and not look at the pledge. She soon noticed that so many cameras and reporters were there and were recording this trial live. She saw this as a perfect opportunity before death. As soon as the pledge ended, the trial soon commenced and everyone turned to the centre. Judge Sean Jenkins was at the centre and was looking down from his high stool taller than a mountain down to Anuha. Anuha felt the thousands of eyeballs watching her. The judge then commenced. “The Christmas trial of Anuha Serpoolt December 24 2250”. “your honour, this rebellious girl here has been accused with treason several times by giving false information and giving hate speech to millions of citizens across our empire, she has lead to fierce support and protest of such radicalism and has lead to the disintegration of our fine Empire”. Her lawyer never even tried to object and defend her, he was as cold as her father who never listened. In the distance, she saw her family looking down at her with shame and imitating with their mouths that she will always be a horrible person, but she felt the majority of the audience giving their support to her. When hope seemed lost, Anuha soon stood up and spoke. “objection”, everyone turned their eyes to her and so did the cameras. “Your honour, what these 2 crappy lawyers are saying is false. Firstly I have never explained my hate for everyone and have only expressed on reconnecting to identities. I have focused on the love for culture and have always focused on giving the truth and the horrors that the ECC has been committing, just take a look at the Makoan example”. She then took out her screentop and then airdropped it to the main billboard showing the Geo bomb and every single piece of evidence. She displayed the videos once again this time in high detail. The audience was shocked, then Anuha said something in Kuhai and said “it means that no matter what you do, this truth will always be found out. Legal or not entering this planet, you can’t just hide your actions and atrocities that you have done from the whole galaxy and what you have done to wipe out Makoa. You even dared to lie about this to your own people”. Judge Jenkins then proceeded to say, Silence and to tell everyone to Shut up. The lawyer then proceeded to say, “your honour, may I ask this accused and demented girl why she would practice such pagan culture?”. This was the last straw and she went ballistic, looking towards the lawyer and screaming at him with all her energy and might. “EXCUSE ME!?, How dare you call my culture as Pagan, you are just as trashy as my family and my former best friend. Though I may be ½ human, you have certainly forgotten your own history. During the era of colonialism which was a huge part of Earth world history, you guys colonised each other and have destroyed each other's cultures, back then, colonists called the native cultures in the lands they conquered and colonised as Pagan and have outlawed identities to exist. You guys even targeted each other just because of cultural and political beliefs and yet you let history repeat itself. Different cultures 200 years ago were allowed to coexist with each other, what has become of that? Different cultures can exist side by side as brothers and sisters and our identities mean a lot to us. You appreciate and love your identities don’t you and you would feel disrespected if your culture was mocked and called pagan. What has become of a connected society? We must learn to live with each other and love each other and not target each other based on beliefs. My Soulmate has lost her entire culture and world to you guys destroying it 70 years ago by that geo bomb. Is this Earth? The world of opportunity and worlds were different people and identities can come together as brothers and sisters? As Fanny Lou Hamer said in the 1960s “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired”. Anuha soon began to cry and the Audience began to support her and connect to her, her own family left the room and was glared at by the people surrounding them. But alas the Judge and the main jury weren’t convinced though the rest of the audience which was millions of people connected and helped her. After a fierce trial and battle, It was clear, that Anuha lost and was sentenced to be executed.  

As the hammer banged the table vigorously, Anuha soon stepped down as the audience began to protest. Anuha handed back her screentop to her friends as they also sobbed and cried, losing someone special and important to them, Anuha and Ashiva looked at each other. Ashiva cried and said, “I will miss you”. They kissed passionately one last time and Anuha said to her and her friends, “be strong, I will be with you” and was soon escorted to the execution hall.  

As she walked up to the laser gun, she knew she communicated her message to billions. She saw her life ahead what she could have been and breathed for the last time. She wondered what impact did she make and what she will be remembered as what has she achieved.  

She stepped in, shut her eyes and then waited for the laser to shoot her. She wondered. “what would have become of me if I never went to Makoa or have never been on that rocket. She closed her eyes and the laser fired and soon it went cold and dark as her soul left her and moved up watching everyone, she watched and observed her timeline, what she could have been and what impact she has made. She saw the great god Anuk who smiled at her. “My lord, I am sorry I have failed you, I am sorry I didn’t help you or my people in any way, please forgive me”. Anuk smiled, “you don’t need to apologise for anything, I am proud of you, you have already made a great impact and have helped everyone to discover their roots and identities. Though you may be dead, you will be in everyone’s even Ashivas hearts”. “I am proud of you, you really are a legend and an inspiration to many, you really are”.  

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