Ireena Sarangi



Ireena Sarangi


Wagon called Life

Wagon called Life

2 mins

The other day I was super mad at my husband and went to our nearby mall for some alone time.

I tried shopping but none of the colours, patterns or designs were of my likeness. I gave up and went to food court for a cup of coffee to balance my nerves.

Near me were an old couple celebrating something special with a small cake with different flavours in both halves. They were adorable. 

I was curious and asked -" Is it someone's birthday or anniversary?."

They said - " No today is our friendiversary. Something new right.

We have been married for 35 years now. The first 20 years were the most difficult ones. With stress from jobs, kids, family we were almost on the verge of divorce.

One of our lawyer friends who works with similar couples suggested us why don't you people try being friends for a while.

Initially we found it so awkward and absurd. We are a married couple with 3 kids, how on earth can we be friends?

But we were ready to try everything to save our marriage. We indeed loved each other but we were gradually growing out of it. 

We started with one month on a trail basis. For the whole month there were no

fights or quarrels.

Our expectations went down and acceptance went up.

We started having food of our choice, without adjusting with the other. 

We went to different movies alone without worrying about the other and actually enjoyed it. 

Now all our cakes are half chocolate and half strawberry.

This made us understand each other in a different perspective, we stopped judging and started encouraging.

We started appreciating all the things our partner was doing for us.

It was not as difficult as we thought. 

We decide the days when we are a couple and when we can be friends. And the trick worked.

And here we are 15 years of friendship and still very happy."

Their approach may not be perfect or ideal but what matters is it kept them together and most importantly happy.

I called my husband and he arrived within 5 minutes. He was already in the mall waiting for my call. He knew my go to place.

We both discussed and also liked this new theory. We agreed that every Saturday, we will try being friends and not a couple.

Happiness is indeed the only fuel for the "Wagon called Life."

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