Tom Tiddler’s Ground - 17
Tom Tiddler’s Ground - 17

Traveller then whispered in few words what he had done since morning; and asked the Tinker what he thought of that?
"I think," returned the Tinker, as he turned from the window, "that you've wasted a day on him."
"I think so too; though not, I hope, upon myself. Do you happen to be going anywhere near the Peal of Bells?"
"That's my direct way, sir," said the Tinker.
"I invite you to supper there. And as I learn from this young lady that she goes some three-quarters of a mile in the same direction, we will drop her on the road, and we wi
ll spare time to keep her company at her garden gate until her own Bella comes home."
So, Mr. Traveller, and the child, and the Tinker, went along very amicably in the sweet-scented evening; and the moral with which the Tinker dismissed the subject was, that he said in his trade that metal that rotted for want of use, had better be left to rot, and couldn't rot too soon, considering how much true metal rotted from over-use and hard service.
{1} Dickens didn't write chapters 2 to 5 and they are omitted in this edition.
The End