The Talk
The Talk

I was damn tired that day. I was not feeling well, having worked all day, meeting, greeting, putting fake smile, attitude and putting up a brave and (fake) smiling face. I forget that I have planned outing with family, they were ready, my wife and my daughter, but I summarily rejected them. I was sad that my appraisal results were not good, my increment was abysmal and every thing was looking bleak. My daughter was sad that outing was cancelled, but my wife read my face (which she is too good at)and knew something was wrong. I eat somberly, just promised my daughter that we shall go to her favorite burger joint, she was happy.
Sometimes I wonder why I can’t be like a five-year-old, but that’s life, you learn some things never stay same. Then I went to sleep and after sometime I slept.
I suddenly woke up…. Someone was clicking fingers at me….what?....Oh shit.. I fell asleep in a meeting??? Shit…Boss will kill me. But no, I was in a client meeting. There was an elderly gentleman sitting in front of me, he looks familiar, but I could not place him. Where I have seen him?
“What happen, you look ill? “He asked.
“No…nothing sir.” I replied” I just dreamt, I was at home and ...”
“You don’t look happy, what’s the problem dear?” He asked
‘dear’, what the F?, I thought’ who is this man,…but no, he must be wealthy, his suit looks ok, I have to get his portfolio, I need to manage his account, I need to get better appraisal next year, so…then I will take my wife and daughter to foreign holiday… somewhere with snow, my daughter likes snow….
“No sir..” I smiled again” Thanks for asking…now we should talk about your portfolio…So what about your Income and liabilities?”
“I have good salary, investment in securities is good…but I haven’t got enough money to..” he hesitated.
“Sir, you can trust me..” I encouraged him.
“I want to take my wife and daughter to holiday…. somewhere with snow…my…my daughter likes snow very much…I never got time to take them to holiday… I was working all the time, but now I am tired” He sighed “I have my retirement money and now I want that it should work for me”
“ I am sure we can help you with that” I said ... my mind was reeling, he just uttered what was on my mind” I am sure we can earn substantial growth in your investments ..and double…no dare say two and half fold your investments in three years..”
“Three…NO” He spoke quite loud” No, I need that money sooner…”
“Is there any problem Mr….” I don’t know his name, I am losing my touch with customer service ”..sir” I finished lamely.
"ql-align-justify">“The thing is “he hesitated” I don’t have that much time, I may have six to eight months to live…I want to take my family to a holiday, say this is my last wish…actually my second last wish..”
“I am so sorry to hear this sir…” I don’t know what was happening to me ”So …what is your first wish…If I can do anything… “
“No cannot…nobody can..”He sighed”I wished that for once I could travel back to time and talk to my younger self…tell him that in desperation to do good things for family I have neglected them, trying to buy good time for them, my daughter , my wife, I never spent time with them…..just spent money…and now my daughter became a mirror image of my younger self…, my wife is far from me..mentally…and now I need money ..and it is not available…no time no money…So my first wish will be unfulfilled…I want to spent one week with my daughter and wife on a good place…..” he spoke all this with speed…as though the emotions gushed out of him.
“I leave you dear..” he sighed ”If any thing happens …with my portfolio…please do tell me, will you…?”
“Of course sir..” my voice broke “I definitely will tell you, may I have your number to get in touch.. and your name and address …”
He told me his number and apartment in suburban locality.
“I need your name…” I said. “Oh…I am Kumar…Kumar joshi” He extended hands to shake.
“What?”I shouted…”Are you kidding sir?That’s my name …I this any joke, “
“What happen…you asked my name dear…”He was flabbergasted “I told you my name… Kumar Joshi”
“It is my name you old buffoon. You are mocking me…” I don’t know why I was angry.
“NO..see” He gave me his identity card. He was Kumar Joshi…his name was printed…his younger photo …he looks like me …my head was reeling…I don’t understand….what is happening… what….
“Kumar…Kumar…” A familiar voice was calling….
“Hmmm..” I was groggy “what….”
My wife was looking worried. It was daytime, beautiful sunlight is coming from window.
“What happened Kumar?”She asked”You do not seem Ok yesterday night , is everything all right?”
I remembered the dream…yes it was a dream…thank God…I think God gave older Kumar Joshi his first last wish…And I will end his misery…because only I can…I will make him happy…and it will start from now, this moment….
I got up and hugged my wife. “Everything is fine. Dear…Everything is fine, and everything will be fine…”