The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-34)
The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-34)

It's been 3 weeks since Ryder first kissed me, and we have been getting to know each other every single day. When he doesn't have a business meeting he takes me out to lunch, the first time I actually tried to pay for myself but he wouldn't hear it and completely ignored me. Once we got back to the office, we were in the elevator and he told me that when we went out to eat together he was paying every single time and didn't want to hear anything from me about it or he would spank me.
Yes, you heard correctly spank me.
That's got me excited I won't lie a part of me is wanting him to, but we haven't done anything but kiss and hug. We are taking it slow, I guess which is a good thing, I definitely don't want to rush what we have going on.
Amanda stayed over for about a week until I told her it was okay for her to go back home at first she fought with me saying she didn't want to leave me alone while the and I quote "crazy person" still out there but I assured her it was okay and I know she was ready to get home to her own bed.
Ryder's father came into the office last week and he saw Ryder smiling at me and the point blanked asked us what we were up to.
Smiling, I replay the conversation inside my head.
"What's up with you too? Yall keep smiling and smirking and I think I'm missing something here" His father grunted out as we all sat in Ryder's office one day. I didn't even want to be in there, to begin with.
I wanted to be safely inside my office but no Ryder said I needed to be in here and for what? Just to end up being questioned by his father.
"We are dating" Comes Ryders, strong voice and I turn my head towards him widening my eyes.
He hasn't even asked me out yet and he is going to tell his father that we are dating?
Not that I'm complaining, it makes me happy but why did he have to freak out when I was in the same room with my bosses boss?
What if he doesn't approve?
What If there Is a company policy on not dating co-workers?
Good grief!
He could have warned me.
"By the look on her face, son, I'd say she didn't know that" Mr. Claiborne chuckled.
"Well, I didn't formally ask her to be my girlfriend yet, dad" Ryder huffed out.
"No, I definitely didn't know" I mumbled.
He didn't have to put me on the spot like that.
"Well, how about that? You going to be my son's girl? Make him a better man and all that?" Mr. Claiborne says while looking at me.
Now he's putting me on the spot, like father, like son.
"Of course. He needs someone to tame him down" I giggled and grinned at Ryder.
"That he does" his father chuckled and I guess he is okay with it.
I'll admit I was worried about what his parents would think about us because I'm his assistant, I work for Ryder but I'm happy that is one less thing I will need to be worrying about. After that conversation, we had gone out to eat the men discussed business while I texted Amanda about the conversation Ryder, his father, and I just had.
I also have been calling my parents every night, making sure they are okay and safe without actually asking them if they are. I told my parents about Ryder, my father wanted to meet him and my momma was shooting questions at me faster than I could answer. She was happy that her baby girl finally found a man to "tie her down".
Pfft. She was just happy that I finally had a boyfriend, all through college I really didn't date
like that at all. I didn't have many friends unless you want to count the people in my stuff group which I'm not.
Going back to the unknown, it's been a hellish three weeks. My car was broken into last week, nothing was missing but I mean it wasn't much in there anyway. I told Ryder and Amanda about it because I didn't want to lie about more than I have to.
Ryder wasn't too happy, he called the cops, they came out and took a few pictures of my car but told me they couldn't do anything. Ryder then told them we had security cameras, we all watched it together, Ryder looking like he wanted to jump through the screen and strangle the person.
We did learn something about the unknown though, it's a man. The person in the video had the body and shape of a man and Ryder, Amanda, and I all agreed and so did the cop so that's something. Ryder had zoomed close to the person's hand on my car and yes you can definitely tell, it was a man.
Unknown also broke back into my apartment 2 weeks ago and you know what I found on top of my pillow? A sticky mess. I don't even want to think about what it freaking was, it was totally fucking disgusting and yes I didn't keep that from Ryder either. He had someone come back and changed my locks again and put cameras in front of my door.
Unknown also sent me more pictures of my parents, threatening to kill them over and over if I didn't listen to what he said.
Two weeks ago he made me fight with Amanda and told me he wanted to test our friendship but I think he gets his rocks off on trying to ruin my life. It was a bullshit fight, she asked a question about Ryder and me and I picked that time to start the fight telling her it wasn't any of her business.
I felt horrible, I went home after work and cried, Ryder had called me when he noticed something was wrong because I was texting so dry. I explained that I and Amanda got into it and it was just mood because of my period hoping he believed me and he did because Ryder is a full-blown man and didn't want to mess with a woman on her period.
He even understood that and said for me to try to talk to her and I did, I texted her right after hanging up with him and apologized and she forgave me saying she knows I'm under a lot of stress and she hasn't even brought it back up again.
I feel undeserving of her and Ryder both, I just keep lying and freaking lying and it's eating me alive.
One night Unknown knew Ryder had brought me home from work and he told me that I better not invite him inside so I didn't, not even when poor Ryder looked like he wanted to come up and spend more time with me, he even asked me if he could stay for a few minutes but I told me no that I was too tired. He texted me later on that night asking if things between us were okay and I once again cried because something unknown has made me do it.
I ended up lying again and telling Ryder that I'm just under a lot of stress from whoever is doing this to me and he understood and we talked for hours that night. I told him about Rocket and Ryder being as proud as he can be and told me he bet he could pet Rocket. I laughed and told him he could, but he would be having a horsefoot connect somewhere on his body. He told me about a dog he had when he was a child that he loved and lost due to old age.
But that's pretty much it. Unknown has left me alone other than those awful things and my parents are both still safe and that's what matters the most right now.