Sidhartha Mishra

Horror Inspirational Children


Sidhartha Mishra

Horror Inspirational Children

The Recovery

The Recovery

2 mins

Raghav has a happy family life. He has his parents, grandparents, two small daughters and a small boy and a loving wife. He has a decent job to support his family as well. All was going on well when one day he met an old classmate.

The classmate was a chain smoker and his family life was in shreds. His wife had left him and he was living alone in a mess. His parents stayed in the village with his younger brother.

The classmate asked Raghav to taste a cigarette. Raghav refused and said that he did not smoke. But after repeated persuasion, Raghav thought to give it a try.

He took a sip of it, then another and then another...

He himself did not know how he gradually became a chain smoker.

He became irritable. And started spending a lot of money on buying cigars. He started shouting at his wife. He started to avoid his parents and grandparents...

Life was becoming hellish for him!

One Sunday, a new film of Salman Khan was coming on Colours TV. As Raghav is a huge fan of bhaijaan, he came and sat in front of the TV set before fifteen minutes to eight pm. Gradually the entire family came and sat there. It was a nice feeling to see everyone in one place at the same time.

Before the start of the film, it showed real-life examples of people who got cancer due to smoking and either died or suffered great physical and mental trauma. Just at that time, Raghav's son Rakesh urged his father to quit smoking, else they all would have to suffer like the people in the advertisement. When one family member is affected, then the entire family suffers!

Raghav was touched by his son's words and promised to quit smoking from that very moment. With a strong determination, he was really able to do so and gradually his life came on track.

Henceforth he avoided so-called friends who gave him wrong advice and was more mature in his decisions.

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