The Magical Sacrifice
The Magical Sacrifice

COSTUMES: All wizards/witches wear robes. Amanda wears a salwar suit and Lucy wears frock.
[SCENE 1; SETUP: A hall setup with one sofa(bench), a table in front and kitchen (a table with plates, knife, vegetables etc..) at the back. Amanda is sitting on the sofa writing something.]
[Lucy, her 14 YO daughter who has a bandage wrapped over her head, quietly comes from behind.]
Lucy (grabbing her neck): Huh!
Amanda: Lucy!... You scared me to death!
Lucy: Come on mom, I know you weren't frightened.
Amanda: Great! At Least you know that you need to work upon your scream!
Lucy: Mom!!
Amanda: Okay fine! How's your pain now?
[Lucy lies down with her head in Amanda's lap]
Lucy: It's alright now… Seems a miracle mom! Isn't it? Getting hit so badly and still being all well!
Amanda: Ya! We must thank lord for this.
Lucy: Okay! Leave it. Tell me, how's preparation going for your 50th birthday? I am quite excited.
Amanda: Don't worry Lucy, it's still two days away. And everything's going to be perfect, I assure you… By the way, you seem quite well now. I think it's time you get back to your books.
Lucy (suddenly sitting back): Oops! I forgot! You remember you bought me history books??
Amanda: Ya! So that you don't feel bored in bed. You must have enjoyed it.
Lucy (gets up from sofa): Absolutely! Got to know about the existence of witch community and how they ruled this world which was a home to both mankind and wizards. They could do all sorts of magic by just chanting a few words! It still seems some kind of a fantasy story to me mom!
Amanda: It's not your fault dear. Any kid living in 2021 will find it hard to believe. In fact anyone who didn't exist at that time will assume it is a fictional movie plot. But it remains a fact that they existed.
Lucy: Well… But what happened then thirty five years back?? I mean on 4th December 1986!! How the hell could all of them disappear that night suddenly? There was nothing in the book related to this!
Amanda: Yes Lucy. They all disappeared when everyone was asleep and next morning, it was a completely different world. No spells, no magic, everything was gone. Many in these years tried to find out the reason but all efforts have been in vain till now.
Lucy: But I saw on the internet that people claimed that it was the last ruler who wanted to finish mankind due to soured relations that had developed between humans and wizards, but by mistake, he used his extraordinary powers on wizards. Is this true?
Amanda: No! Not at all Lucy! These are just fake theories given by people to gain money and publicity. You shouldn't believe those! King Henry was quite generous and was in fact supportive of equality.
Lucy: Oh! But how do you know that?
Amanda: Ya… I mean… I read this somewhere a long time back. I don't remember. Leave it…
Lucy: But that king Hen…
Amanda (interrupting): Come on Lucy! You are irritating me now! I have a lot of work to do.
[Amanda stands and start walking towards kitchen]
Amanda: Well I am not freezed. Try something better!
Lucy: Mom!!! You already know this!
Amanda (while doing her work): Dear…. I have read it much before you. And moreover, you are a human being! So stop joking.
Lucy: Hmmm, that's correct. Sadly, no fantasy.
Amanda: You fell so badly and got saved. Was that less than a fantasy??
Lucy: You always find a way mom!
[Amanda Smiles]
Lucy: By the way, what about your latest poem? Have you completed it?
Amanda: Not yet. But I have written a few lines. It's kept there on the table.
Lucy: Wow! Great. You know how much I love your poems!
[She picks the paper from the table]
Lucy: I beees…
Amanda (shouting): beseech!
Lucy: I beseech the wizzz…wizze.. What's this mom! I am not able to understand this!
Amanda: Leave it for now… Help me in cutting vegetables…You will have to learn these things, right!
Lucy: Mom… I will do it later! You just tell me this poem now…
Amanda: I am not free Lucy!
Lucy: Mom!!!
Amanda: Okay! I have an idea…You help in cutting vegetables, I will tell you with the poem now…Fine??
Lucy: Great!
[Amanda brings a few vegetables on a plate and sits next to Lucy. Lucy picks up the knife and Amanda holds her hand. Meanwhile, Lucy is looking at the paper kept near the plate. She starts cutting vegetables]
Amanda: But don't interrupt! Otherwise you will lose the essence of the poem! I will tell you its meaning later…
Lucy: Sure mom!
Amanda: "I beseech the wizened druids of the Earth" [Lucy repeats]
"Bring your powers in action" (She repeats)
"Setting the soul free" (She repeats)
Amanda: Ahhhh!
[Amanda's hand was cut by the knife]
Lucy: Sorry Mom! Are you Ok? It happened by mistake! I had never used a…
Amanda (interrupting): Calm down Lucy! Nothing to worry! See there's very little bleeding.
Lucy: Let me bring first aid!
Amanda: I have a lot of work to do. (feeling dizzy) I will, I will apply…
[Amanda falls]
Lucy (screaming): Mom!! Mom what happened! Open your eyes! Dad! Dad! Come fast….
SCENE 2: Setup- An empty table near center, a table and chair at left (as seen from audience) end kept at 45 degrees , door at other end, a table clock, a microwave at back. Lucy is sleeping on the floor.
[Lucy slowly wakes up and sits. She looks here and there. Then she stands up and goes and picks up the clock.]
Lucy: Shit! It's already noon! Mom must be waiting!
[She goes to the microwave and brings out the cake and keeps it on the table. She then searches for something here and there.]
Lucy: Here it is!
[She picks up a knife from the floor and comes back to table]
Lucy (smiling and cutting the cake): Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear mom, Happy birthday to you… May God bless you….
[She starts clapping and then slows it down. She stops smiling and starts thinking]
Lucy: No…. Not God…How could he bless my mom? In fact, he has punished my mom for no reason. Mom always said, God punishes those who have been part of bad deeds. What was my mom's fault?She never harmed anyone!
[She moves around]
(looking more serious now) Was mom suffering from some disease? No! Doctors couldn't find any reason behind her death! (Shouting) Then how could she die as such!... And, and the worst part is that dad has gone into depression as well…
[She goes and sits on floor]
(crying) Mom we need you…
[Wiping her tears] No! I can't cry! Mom always said that irrespective of situation, we have to be strong. And I have to look after my dad too. I have to be strong. I will be strong…I will be strong…
[Her voice dies slowly while she had put her head on knees]
[Doorbell rings. She goes and finds a small parcel]
Lucy: No name…. See mom, looks like someone got this gift wrapped for you a few days back! Seems so funny now, isn't it!
[She unwraps it and finds a small diary in an envelope]
Lucy: What's this?
Lucy: Oh no! This electricity is just shit!
[She goes to the table, lights a candle and sits down.]
[She opens it and start reading in mind] (Narrator's voice)
"Even after so many years, scars are still alive, my mind still disturbed. I could see everything still fresh in front of my eyes. It's difficult for me. Nonetheless, I am here to pen down the most dreadful incident of my life that changed my life completely, recalling the events leading to that. My hands may be shaking, but it's a duty of a royal highness to serve its people and I will do that."
"I, Princess Sophie, proud daughter of the last wizard king Henry, is here to fulfil a part of my promise given to my father. A promise to the sacrifice which was made to protect the glory of my father. Thanks to Sir Alfred for helping me in this. Here I start"
[Lucy turns the page]
[OTHER PART(4/5th part of stage): YELLOW LIGHTS ON from Lucy's side; NO PROPS; Sophie,15 YO enters]
Sophie: Dad! Where are you!
A voice shouts: Find me if you can!
Sophie: Dad! Come outside! I am in no mood to play! Either you come out or I will fly away!
(Henry comes out)
Henry: Hey dear! What happened? You look quite raged up!
(She starts crying and goes to him.)
Sophie: Kazie!
Henry: What happened to her?
Sophie: You know very well Dad!
Henry: Okay... Now I understand… Don't worry… She will return soon!
Sophie: No dad! You said the same last time too when Emma left! Why don't you just let go of your ego!
Henry (moving away; serious tone): It's not ego! …It's my duty, a duty of a king which I will fulfill!...(calming himself down) See Sophie… I really care for your feeling… And I promise you your wizard friends will be back soon. You believe me?
Sophie: Yes dad… But then…
Henry (interrupting): I know Sophie, it's frustrating for you… It may take some time but everything will be fine! I am sure wizards will understand my decision…
Sophie: Dad, I just want to know one thing. Why do you love those humans so much? Have you forgotten what happened with mom!
Henry: No! I can never forget that! The cruelty with which those four people killed my Eliza... It still hurts me! But then could you blame the whole human community for that sin? No!... See Sophie, I am a King…Whether it's wizards or humans… Everyone is equal before me… I have to keep his emotions aside… And that's why it's the toughest to be a king…
Sophie: Whatever…
Henry: But you know…there's still a tougher job than being a king…
Sophie: What??
Henry: Being a father of a cute yet dangerous small witch!
Sophie: Dad…Dangerous!! Really??!
Henry: I got to know from your witch teacher that today you defeated her.
Sophie (smiling): Oh dad! It just happened… Would you like to know how?
Henry: I would love to!
Sophie: Okay! (throwing her fist towards him) RIGESCUNT INDUTAE!!
[Henry freezes]
Henry: Oh dear! Sophie! I told you to tell, not to use it on me!
Sophie: Oh! I thought of something else!...
Henry: Free me up now!
Sophie(thinking): You are looking good!... No? What will others think if they see a king like this!
(starts laughing)
Henry: So you will not free me up?
Sophie: Only if you bring me lots of chocolates…Will you?
Henry: Okay fine Sophie! I will bring it today itself… Now just free me!
Sophie (closing eyes): EXPEDIRE!
[Henry gets normal]
Henry(smiling): You are really dangerous Sophie!... So tell what more spells have you learned so that I can stay more careful from now onwards!
Sophie: Sure dad!
[No voice; She looks excited and keeps describing with hand and body movements to her father which her father hears with eagerness]
Simultaneously, the Narrator's voice, "King Henry could have easily freed himself, but a father couldn't. He loved me a lot, didn't he? Afterall, I was his only child. In fact, he never married again because I never wanted a new mother. He had thought to make the most deserving wizard his successor. We surely had differences on the way we looked at humans. But that never became an obstacle between us. He always had a way to cheer me in any situation. I must say I was fortunate enough to have him as my father."
[Voice again]
Henry: Okay fine! I have to go to meet Lord Charles… He wants to keep the Wand of Fire at a new place.
Sophie: Wand of Fire! You mean that magical stick??
Henry: Yes Sophie… The same stick… By the way, I hope you are keeping your promise to me…
Sophie: Don't worry dad! I haven't told anyone about it… But I wanted to know…
Henry(interrupting): What will happen if it breaks…Right? I have already told you many times, you will get to know when the right time comes… you are a kid now!
Sophie: So I have to learn more tricks and become more powerful than you, then only you will tell…
Henry(laughing): You can try this way too! But for now, I am getting late… I will leave now…
Sophie: Could I accompany you too?
Henry: Sure Sophie!
[They both leave]
[LIGHTS OFF] (Narrator's voice)
"Wand of Fire, the magical stick that very few were aware of. Lord Charles used to take care of it. I didn't know what would happen if it broke. But one thing I knew for sure- As long as my father is alive, no one could do any harm to that."
Someone shouts: Your Majesty is arriving!
[Joe, George (both wizards) and Alfred (an old man) stand up from their places… Henry along with Charles (old wizard limping with a stick) enter. Both Joe and George bow in front of Charles.]
[Henry indicates all to sit. All five takes their place]
Henry: Sorry Sir Alfred, I called you in a hurry but it was important…
Alfred: What's the matter, your majesty?
Henry: A number of wizards who were opposing human reservations in administration have sat on protest near the palace.
Alfred: Your majesty, talks are already going on as far as I know…
Henry: Yes but those talks are failing every time. They seem adamant to take back the decision!
Joe: Pardon me your majesty, but why don't you just instruct wizard soldiers to take the control. You are the authority, you can decide whatever you want, they don't have any right to protest…
Henry: Joe, for me, this authority is an honour given by my father to serve all. At the end of the day, I want everyone to be satisfied.
Joe: You are really great, your majesty!
Alfred: I think we should also invite those dissent leaders to your 50th birthday which is just ten days away. Till then, talks must go on. If no breakthrough occurs, then we may consider giving them some better proposals.
Henry: Seems a good idea. What's your view Lord Charles?
Charles: I think Alfred is right…
Henry: Ok then, brother, just conve
y my invitation to all of them.
George: Sure!
Alfred: Maybe we can also keep the option of taking back the decision in case…
George (interrupting): No!!!... (standing and moving around) Sorry Sir Alfred… But I don't think his majesty should even consider taking back the decision. This reservation is a boon to all humans who have been considered inferior just because they don't possess powers! There are always evil elements in society who oppose a good decision. But we should not bow to them. Right brother? (He sits.)
Henry: Yes, I completely agree. Currently we shouldn't even think of that. I am sure wizards and witches will understand that there is no harm to them.
Alfred: As you wish your majesty.
Henry: Should we leave then? We also have to inaugurate the new wizard school.
Charles: Yes we should.
[All rise up. Henry, Charles and Alfred start leaving while Joe and George remain.]
Henry: Won't you come with us brother?
George: No… I am fine here.
Joe: And I would also like to stay here, your majesty.
Henry: As you wish…
[All three leave]
(George starts smiling)
Joe: Can I know since when you have developed so much sympathy for humans?
George: Sympathy! And that for humans! Oh… Nice joke!
Joe: Then what was that?
George: Come on Joe! (moving around and touching the king's seat)… I have found a way to get what belongs to me…
Joe: You mean King's place? How??
George: If we instigate protesting wizards against humans such that this protest turns violent, there will be mass destruction… a lot of humans will die… My small brother, he will be the most guilty wizard in this world and will leave his place after labelling himself as the worst ever king... (Going near the king's seat) Then this royal seat will be mine forever! I will be the king!
Joe: Wow! Then we can even kick out Alfred and Charles!,.. But how will you execute it?
George(smiling): Call Bancroft…
[LIGHTS OFF] (Narrator's voice)
"If my father was found to be deserving, what was his fault? Uncle George, he had always been jealous of my father. Had we known his intentions that time, we would have stopped him. But unfortunately, we didn't."
[LIGHTS ON; SETUP: Few wizards sitting together and a wizard addressing them.]
Wizard: Can we bow in front of them? Do you want that the legality of magical spells be decided by a human? King has only a witch daughter! He has no queen... King's brother, he has no child! His fourth wife has left too! There is no other wizard left in the royal family! Whom do you see as your next king? I, Bancroft, is telling you that it's a ploy to make a human king in future! What if that human king suppresses our magical powers? Nothing is coming out of the talks…King has made the plot with humans to finish us! It's the time, get up! Fly off! Use all kinds of illegal spells! We will take it upon ourselves against the humans!
[LIGHTS OFF] (Narrator's voice)
"Such were the instigating speeches given by so called mass leaders who were greedy for money and position! Rumours were spreading like fire in a forest. Claims were being made out of nowhere. More and more wizards were joining these protests. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS INTENSITY UP: Few wizards are going together and raising slogans; LIGHTS INTENSITY DOWN TO OFF QUICKLY] Situation was deteriorating day by day. My father was trying his best to calm down the situation. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS INTENSITY UP: Henry, Alfred and Charles were standing, Henry looked little animated saying something; LIGHTS INTENSITY DOWN TO OFF QUICKLY] And finally that happened which we never wanted, yes, violence. Those humans who opposed the protest started being killed. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS INTENSITY UP: A wizard moving and jumping towards a human; LIGHTS INTENSITY DOWN TO OFF QUICKLY] They were being hunted like animals. And these killings soon turned into mass killings where even innocent people were being killed. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS INTENSITY UP: Few dead people lying on ground; LIGHTS INTENSITY DOWN TO OFF QUICKLY] Human blood was spread everywhere. My father got to know that it was all done by his brother. And he did what had to be done by a king. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS INTENSITY UP: Henry kills George with a dagger who is on his feets; LIGHTS INTENSITY DOWN TO OFF QUICKLY] Uncle George got what he deserved. I could see my father dejected. [Simultaneously with previous line; Voiceless scene; LIGHTS ON: Henry with his hand at back moves to and fro with a dejected face while Sophie watches him from a distance]. And for the first time, I felt bad for humans. Yes, I didn't like them, but I never wanted to see them dying! I could feel for my father who was trying his best but everything was going in vain. [LIGHTS OFF] Humans were still being killed. Riots were far from over…And then came the night I can never forget…the night of 4th December…"
[LIGHTS ON; SETUP: A table at back with a golden stick kept on it]
[A wizard with his face hidden with a cloth comes. He moves quietly near the table. He keeps looking at a golden stick and picks it up when Charles and Alfred arrive]
Charles: Hey! Who are you? Put that down or I will have to use my powers!! (The wizard doesn't do anything) I said put that down and show up your face!
(He removes his cloth.)
Charles: Your Majesty!! You in such a disguise! Why??
(Henry doesn't reply. Charles after thinking)
Charles: Wait a minute!... I hope you are not thinking of doing that!
Henry (talking to himself): I have decided…
[Sophie comes there too]
Charles: Decided what??
Henry (talking to himself): This is the only way left…
Alfred: What are you saying your Majesty…
Henry (yelling): I can't see so many humans dying!... I have to break this Wand of Fire…
Charles: No!!... No your Majesty… Listen to me… We will find a solution soon, I am sure…
Henry(interrupting): What solution? Already hundreds of humans have died and more are dying everyday!... Those red blooded human faces… Some with ears cut… Some with no eyes… I see them even in my dreams! It's enough now!
Charles: Your Majesty you are a little disturbed… You know the whole witch community will die if you break that!! Just keep it down…
[Charles moves towards Henry]
Henry (moving back): Don't move!! Otherwise I will have to stop you forcefully!
[He stops]
Alfred: Listen to us your majesty…This will not do good to anyone…
Sophie: Dad! I don't want to die!
Henry: Sophie… I am really helpless my dear… But... But these wizards have turned selfish… They have taken the path of destruction… I have tried everything… This is the only way now!
Sophie: But dad!
Henry: Sorry Sophie… I don't have any option now! I have dishonoured my father, I have dishonoured all my predecessors! I have committed a sin for which I will be never forgiven…
Charles: It isn't your fault your majesty! It was all done by your brother…
Henry: Doesn't matter now! The only thing which I want is an end to all this violence!
Charles (yelling): Why so much love for humans!... I mean even we want to stop this but not like this way! Everyone will die! You, your daughter and everyone! Please keep that back…
Henry: I don't want to listen to anything now! I have decided!
Alfred: Your majesty… Please don't do this. This will finish your whole community.
Henry: I don't care now! I just have to save humans… I have to stop it…I have to stop this now! Sorry
Sir Alfred! Sorry Lord Charles! Sorry Sophie…
[Henry takes the magical stick near his head and murmurs something keeping his eyes closed.]
Charles: No! Stop!
Sophie: No dad! Please…
[Charles moves towards him limping. Henry sits on his one knee and breaks the stick.]
[Henry, Charles and Sophie fall on their feet]
Charles: You fool! You were right! You are truly a disgrace to your father and wizard community. Royal family will be punished for this! You love humans a lot! Right? (He closes his eyes)
Henry: No!!!
Charles: I, the son of Lordfather Alexander, summon all my powers and transform the royal family into humans. I also request you to transform them into demons on their 50th birthday… (open his eyes)…Go… Live with humans… You can't even kill yourself now…
[He smiles and dies.]
Alfred (in low voice): What have you done Charles…
[Henry and Sophie also become unconscious. 5 seconds later, they get up.]
Sophie: Dad…
[She goes and holds her father. He sees Charles and goes and sits near him]
Henry: Sorry Lord Charles…
[Suddenly he remembers something. He stands and throws his one hand. Nothing happens. He then murmurs something and again throws his one hand forward. He looks stressed. He again starts
murmuring… ]
Alfred: Nothing will happen your majesty… Everything is over…
Henry: No!.... You mean the words said by Lord Charles are true?
Alfred: Yes…That's why you and Royal Highness are still alive here.
Henry (looking at Charles): Why Lord Charles?? Why did you do this to me… You took away all the powers from me!
Henry (after thinking): Wait…50th Birthday…My 50th birthday is just two days away!... (turning towards Alfred) Sir Alfred… What will happen when I change to demon? Will I…
Alfred: Yes, you will destroy the whole world your majesty…
Henry: No! I can't kill everyone! Isn't there any way to remove the curse?
Alfred: Charles has used the powers given to him by Great Alexander. There's no way we can remove the curse, but…
Henry: What?
Alfred: We cannot remove the curse. But you can be…
Henry: Can be what?
Alfred: You can be killed but only by princess…
Henry: Sophie?...
Alfred: Yes your majesty… Only she can kill you. My grandfather gained all his knowledge from Great Alexander who was his only human as well as most devoted student… He had told him about this curse… And my grandfather passed all his knowledge to me.
Sophie (shouting): No! I won't!!!
Henry (shouting): Sophie… You will have to!... (Calming himself) Okay… Come here…
[She goes to him. Henry sitting on his knees.]
Henry: Sophie… Who you are?
Sophie: What do you mean? I am your daughter…
Henry: No! You are not my daughter… You are the princess whose first priority is to look after its kingdom…
Sophie: But…But I can't kill my father! No!...
Henry: Sophie… Why don't you understand! Even if you don't kill me I will kill everyone including you my dear!
Sophie: But… I can't dad…
Henry (interrupting): Do you want your father's sacrifice to go in vain? Do you want me to destroy this whole world?
Sophie: No dad!
Henry: Then do what I say! Ok?
Alfred: Your father is correct princess… You should be proud of him. And make sure that his act of greatness doesn't go in vain…
Henry: Yes Sophie… You can't let me down…
[She is crying.]
Sophie: But at least we can stay together for two days! Right?
Henry: No Sophie… (standing and moving around) I will have to die now itself… I don't want your mind to change. … And moreover I don't want humans to know the truth…It may risk your safety…
Sir Alfred… I need one last favour from you…
Alfred: Order your Majesty…
Henry: Keep my Sophie safe…
Alfred: Don't worry…She will always be like my granddaughter…No one will know her identity ever…
Henry: Thanks Sir Alfred… One last question… This curse is on my daughter too… So how will she…
Alfred: Don't worry about that… I will take care… Sadly all your coming generations will have to give this sacrifice… You are really great…
Henry: Ok then, tell what Sophie has to do…
Alfred: She will have to say a spell and at the end of it, cut your hand…
Henry: Are you ready Sophie? Huh…
Sophie: Dad…
Henry: Yah, Okay… (looking towards Alfred) You can start…
[He sits down on his knees and takes out his dagger and makes Sophie hold it]
Alfred: Repeat after me princess…
"I beseech the wizened druids of the Earth"
[Henry nods towards her. She is crying but repeats]
"Bring your powers in action" (She repeats)
"Setting the soul free"
[She repeats half when Lucy who became quite restless closes the book shouting "No!" (LIGHTS OFF) and stands abruptly]
[She breathes fastly which could be heard and comes out of the table. She moves around]
[SIMPLE LIGHTS ON: Scene 2 Setup]
[She looks here and there. She looks very stressed and moves here and there and runs back to the book which she picks up and opens the last page quickly. She moves around reading]
Lucy: Sophie died…Yes… She died with her father…The one who is writing this is the princess…Sophie didn't liked humans… Fool she was…After living for so many years, this princess has surely developed a liking…Finally, I hope the one who is reading this won't disrespect what your Royal Highness wants. You know what. Meet you on your 50th birthday dear!
[Lucy is still shocked. She starts crying and sits on her knees, heads down.]
A voice: "RIGESCUNT INDUTAE!! (Lucy freezes) Lucy knows what to do…Do you know? We all will be serving people at some point of time. But the point lies whether we will do it selflessly? That's what we need to learn. If King Henry and Sophie can give so much big sacrifice, can't we make small changes to make this world a better place to live?"