Maruf Hasan

Abstract Tragedy Action


Maruf Hasan

Abstract Tragedy Action

The Green Leaflet

The Green Leaflet

14 mins

Part 1: Bilal's Encounter

Bilal was a diligent student in Dakhil Madrasa Laxipur, Bangladesh. As the first boy in his madrasa, he shouldered the responsibility of setting a good example for his peers. Life had dealt him a recent blow with the passing of his beloved mother. Despite the grief that weighed heavy on his heart, Bilal persevered, supported by his strong faith and the love of his large family.

One sunny afternoon, after finishing his Asar prayer, Bilal eagerly prepared to indulge in his favorite pastime—playing cricket with his friends. As he reached for his cricket bat, a senior student from his madrasa named Mustofa approached him. Mustofa, who was about to sit for the Dakhil board examination, had something important to discuss.

Bilal, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded and gestured for Mustofa to continue. The senior student seemed both excited and serious as he handed Bilal a green leaflet adorned with captivating graphics. Bilal's curiosity piqued, he accepted it, his fingers tracing the intricate design.

"What's this?" Bilal asked, his eyes scanning the leaflet's cover.

"This is a leaflet from Islami Chattra Shibir Bangladesh," Mustofa replied with a hint of enthusiasm. "It carries a brief explanation of their aim and vision."

Bilal, intrigued by Mustofa's words, decided to delay his cricket plans momentarily. He sat down on a nearby bench, his eyes fixated on the leaflet. It outlined the organization's commitment to promoting Islamic values, education, and the welfare of students across Bangladesh. As Bilal delved deeper into the leaflet's contents, he discovered how the organization aimed to empower the youth and instill in them a sense of purpose and unity.

Feeling a mixture of excitement and responsibility, Bilal promised himself that he would read the leaflet in detail later that night. As he closed his eyes, he visualized his mother's warm smile, feeling her presence surrounding him. He knew she would be proud of his commitment to seeking knowledge and understanding his faith.

With renewed determination, Bilal decided to pursue his cricket game, keeping the leaflet safe in his pocket. He joined his friends on the field, his mind now occupied with thoughts of a brighter future and the potential he saw in the message he had received.

Little did Bilal know that this encounter with Mustofa and the green leaflet would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey—one that would challenge his beliefs, test his resolve, and lead him to unexpected places. The year was 2008, a turning point that would shape Bilal's path in ways he could not yet comprehend.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the cricket field, Bilal felt a renewed sense of purpose burn within him. He knew that the night ahead held not only the promise of reading the leaflet but also the potential to unlock a new chapter in his life—one that would intertwine his destiny with the ideals of Islami Chattra Shibir Bangladesh.

Part 2: The Path of Knowledge

Bilal delved deep into the world of Islami Chattra Shibir, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand his purpose as a representative of Allah on Earth. He spent countless hours immersed in the pages of books, absorbing the wisdom they held.

With each passing day, Bilal's understanding of Islam grew. He learned about the importance of spreading the message of Islam and guiding others towards the path of righteousness. The books he read emphasized the significance of fulfilling one's duties as a believer and working towards the betterment of society.

Bilal, committed to his spiritual growth, followed a disciplined routine. He prayed five times a day in congregation, cherishing the unity and connection he felt with fellow Muslims. He maintained this practice diligently for three months, noting its positive impact on his mindset and spirituality.

As Bilal continued his journey of self-improvement, he completed reading over 30 books on various aspects of Islam. His dedication and enthusiasm did not go unnoticed by the members of Islami Chattra Shibir. Recognizing his commitment and thirst for knowledge, Bilal was appointed as a "Sathi," a normal member of the organization.

Undeterred, Bilal embarked on a new phase of his intellectual journey. He eagerly devoured over 80 additional books, broadening his understanding of Islam's principles, history, and teachings. The more he learned, the more he felt compelled to share this knowledge with others.

Bilal's academic pursuits paralleled his spiritual growth. With his unwavering dedication, he excelled in his Dakhil and Alim examinations, achieving outstanding results. He enrolled in Dhaka College, where he pursued his secular education while deepening his religious studies at Tamirul Millat Kamil Madrasah, working towards his Fadil degree.

Balancing his studies, Bilal also began offering tuition to younger students, imparting his knowledge and mentoring them with kindness and patience. His passion for education and desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others became evident in his role as a tutor.

Bilal's exceptional dedication and contributions did not go unnoticed within Islami Chattra Shibir. His leadership qualities, coupled with his extensive knowledge, led to his appointment as a central secretary of the organization. This newfound responsibility further fueled his desire to inspire and guide others towards the path of righteousness.

As Bilal continued to embrace the teachings of Islam and engage with Islami Chattra Shibir, he felt a sense of fulfillment and purpose. He understood that his journey was far from over; it was just the beginning of a lifelong commitment to spreading the message of Islam and working towards the betterment of society.

The coming years would bring both challenges and triumphs, as Bilal faced new experiences, forged friendships, and encountered obstacles along the way. But his unwavering faith and his desire to make a difference would guide him through the complexities of his chosen path.

Part 3: Shadows of Injustice

Bilal found himself caught in the crosscurrents of a controversial political landscape. The arrest of his favorite Islamic leaders, including Abdul Qader Mullah, Ali Ahsan Muhammad Muzahid, Allama Delwar Hossain Saidi, and Maulana Nijami, sent shockwaves through the nation. The government accused them of being war criminals from the 1971 Liberation War.

However, Bilal, along with many others, couldn't reconcile the accusations with his own understanding of these leaders. He had admired their contributions and respected their teachings. The arrest and subsequent charges seemed to be politically motivated, causing Bilal to question the credibility of the government's actions.

Bilal was particularly moved by Allama Delwar Hossain Saidi's open declaration in Parliament, asserting his innocence and distancing himself from any political involvement during the tumultuous events of 1971. Bilal watched a video of the speech on YouTube, where Saidi passionately denied the allegations against him.

The government had established an International War Tribunal to handle these cases, but the process was riddled with controversy and doubt. Many in Bangladesh, including Bilal, believed that these leaders were victims of a biased system, unjustly targeted for their political beliefs rather than actual crimes.

Bilal couldn't ignore the fact that the accused leaders had served the country as ministers with no records of corruption or malfeasance. In fact, they had espoused the ideals of unity among Muslims and had argued against dividing the nation during both the 1947 partition and the subsequent 1971 war. They believed that these moments were opportunities to promote the universal message of Islam and build bridges with the Hindu population.

As a member of Islami Chattra Shibir, Bilal was torn between his loyalty to the organization and his personal convictions. While he admired the teachings and principles of the organization, he grappled with the events of 1971 and the stance of Jamaat-e-Islami during that time. The conflicting narratives left him perplexed and searching for clarity.

Bilal's confusion was compounded when he attended a procession protesting the conviction of these leaders. Unbeknownst to him, his participation was observed and documented by students affiliated with the ruling government. In an act of unjust retribution, Bilal was ambushed on his way back from tuition, brutally assaulted with a knife and bamboo stick.

As he lay wounded and in pain, Bilal's thoughts raced. The violence perpetrated against him only reinforced his belief in the existence of injustice in society. He felt the weight of the conflicting ideologies and political battles that had taken hold of his beloved Bangladesh. The scars on his body mirrored the scars left on the nation's soul.

In that moment of vulnerability, Bilal reaffirmed his commitment to seeking justice and truth. He vowed to continue his pursuit of knowledge, not only to understand the complex history of his country but also to navigate the intricate web of political dynamics that threatened to tear it apart.

Bilal's path was far from certain, but his resilience and determination burned bright. He would rise from the ashes of injustice, carrying the torch of truth and seeking a better future—a future where righteousness prevailed over political games and the voices of the oppressed were heard.

Part 4: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

Bilal's journey took an unexpected turn as he sought solace and healing from the traumatic events he had endured. He spent a year confined to his bed, grappling with the physical and emotional scars that had been inflicted upon him. Determined to rebuild his life, he made the difficult decision to leave Bangladesh behind and seek a fresh start in Malaysia.

Admission to the International Islamic University Malaysia marked a new chapter in Bilal's life. The academic environment provided him with a supportive community and an opportunity to focus on his studies. He poured his heart and soul into his education, finding solace and purpose in the pursuit of knowledge.

Time passed, and Bilal successfully completed his master's degree. His dedication and passion did not go unnoticed, as he was awarded a full scholarship to pursue his Ph.D. at the renowned ISTAC (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization). The scholarship not only provided financial support but also validated Bilal's intellectual abilities and potential.

While Bilal's academic achievements soared, he found himself gradually distancing from Islami Chattra Shibir and the ideals he once held dear. The events he had experienced had led him to question the organization's stance and its role in the broader political landscape. He realized that his journey of self-discovery had taken him on a different path—one that focused on personal growth, healing, and academic pursuits.

However, as Bilal contemplated his future, he faced practical challenges. Despite his academic success, he lacked a stable job and a proper home. The lingering effects of his injuries further hindered his ability to secure employment and financial stability. These realities weighed heavily on his heart, especially as he contemplated starting a new chapter by getting married.

Bilal's desire for companionship and love added a layer of complexity to his already tumultuous life. He longed for a partner who would understand and support him, someone who would share his values and dreams. Yet, the practicalities of his circumstances made this aspiration seem out of reach.

Nevertheless, Bilal remained resilient. He drew strength from his faith and the knowledge he had acquired. With his Ph.D. studies underway, he knew that the path he had chosen would lead him to opportunities and possibilities beyond his current limitations.

Bilal held onto the belief that time would heal his wounds, both physical and emotional. He knew that patience and perseverance were essential in navigating the challenges he faced. With each passing day, he worked diligently towards creating a better future for himself—a future that would eventually encompass stability, love, and a sense of purpose.

As Bilal continued his journey, he remained steadfast in his commitment to personal growth, academic excellence, and the pursuit of justice. The scars he carried were a constant reminder of the injustices he had endured, but they also served as a testament to his resilience and determination.

The next chapter of Bilal's life was yet to be written, and he approached it with a mixture of hope, uncertainty, and a steadfast belief that, in time, he would overcome the obstacles that stood in his way.

Part 5: The Shadows of Betrayal

Bilal's world was shaken once again as he learned about the court cases levied against him, falsely accusing him of carrying a bomb. The news struck him like a lightning bolt, filling him with a mixture of anger, confusion, and disbelief. He knew that these allegations were baseless and nothing but a means to further tarnish the reputation of Jamaat-e-Islami and its associated organizations.

The ruling government's actions spoke volumes about their intentions. The ban on Jamate Islami from participating in politics and the closure of their NGOs and affiliated organizations were clear signs of a calculated move to suppress any opposition and consolidate their power. It seemed as though religious sentiment and the love people had for Jamaat-e-Islami became a threat in the eyes of the ruling party.

The accusations of terrorism, despite the lack of evidence and the knowledge that these individuals were educated and involved in meaningful initiatives like Islamic banking, only served to highlight the dirty conspiracy theories being imposed. Bilal understood that false accusations were being made, borrowed from the playbook of Western propaganda. The ruling government conveniently molded the narrative to suit their agenda, accusing anyone who opposed them.

This realization left Bilal with a profound sense of disappointment and anger towards the ruling government. The blatant lies and pretense displayed by those in power, their manipulation of the media, and their exploitation of humanitarian ideals for their own gain, all contributed to Bilal's growing disillusionment with the world of politics.

He couldn't help but reflect on the broader state of world politics, where hypocrisy and blindness seemed to prevail. The powerful, especially in the Western world, often supported and propped up leaders who furthered their own interests, regardless of their moral standing. The realization of this harsh reality shook Bilal to his core, leaving him with a deep sense of skepticism and mistrust.

In the face of these challenging circumstances, Bilal found solace in his faith and his continued pursuit of knowledge. He knew that education and understanding were the tools to dismantle the veils of deception and falsehood. He remained determined to expose the injustices perpetrated against innocent individuals and fight against the manipulation of truth.

Bilal's convictions were unshaken, even as he faced the weight of false accusations and the betrayal of those in power. He knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but he was ready to confront the challenges head-on. With each passing day, he grew stronger, more resolute, and more committed to seeking justice and speaking out against the injustices that plagued his society.

Bilal's journey was far from over, and he would continue to stand against the machinations of the ruling government. As he gathered his strength and prepared to face the trials that lay ahead, he held onto the hope that one day truth and justice would prevail, and the shadows of betrayal would be dispelled.

Part 6: A Beacon of Light

Bilal's story is one of resilience, growth, and the pursuit of justice. Despite the trials and tribulations he faced, he remained unwavering in his convictions and his commitment to truth. As the years passed, Bilal continued his academic journey, completing his Ph.D. and becoming a respected scholar in his field.

With his newfound knowledge and expertise, Bilal became a beacon of light, shedding light on the injustices that had plagued his society. He dedicated his research and writings to expose the truth behind the false accusations and political manipulations. His voice resonated not only within his academic circles but also among the wider community.

Through his tireless efforts, Bilal inspired others to question the status quo and stand up against injustice. He became an advocate for the marginalized, the oppressed, and those who had been silenced by the powerful. His writings and speeches ignited conversations, challenging the prevailing narratives and demanding accountability.

In his personal life, Bilal found love and companionship. He met a woman who shared his passion for justice and who stood by his side as he fought for truth. Together, they created a home filled with love, understanding, and a shared commitment to making a difference in the world.

Bilal's journey was not without its challenges, but he had learned to navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience. His experiences had shaped him into a strong, compassionate, and empathetic individual, ready to make a positive impact wherever he went.

As the years went by, the tides of change swept through Bangladesh. The ruling government's manipulations were exposed, and a new era of transparency and accountability began to emerge. The voices of the oppressed were finally heard, and the injustices suffered by Bilal's beloved Islamic leaders were acknowledged.

Bilal's efforts, along with those of countless others who had fought for justice, played a significant role in this transformative process. The shadows of betrayal and falsehood were slowly lifted, allowing the light of truth to shine through.

Bilal's story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, one person's determination can make a difference. He showed that the pursuit of knowledge, coupled with unwavering faith, can be a powerful force for change. Through his actions, Bilal not only reclaimed his own sense of justice but also inspired others to join him in the fight for a more just and equitable society.

As Bilal's story comes to a close, his legacy lives on—an enduring testament to the power of truth, resilience, and the unwavering commitment to seek justice in a world often marred by deception. His journey reminds us all that no matter the challenges we face, our voices and actions can make a lasting impact and contribute to the betterment of our communities and our world.

And so, as Bilal continues his journey, let us remember his story as a source of inspiration and a call to action, urging us all to be agents of change, advocates for justice, and champions of truth.

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