Abstract Classics Others



Abstract Classics Others

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Streaming Now

1 min

One more day of leisure and relaxation. A new day and a new week in the waiting. The weather playing games with our moods because it is dull and listless credit Monsoon season happening. Few still take time to refreshen themselves amidst the lockdown deadlines by visiting temples, malls and Restaurants showing their desperation to get out of the four walls of their homes, where stay home and stay safe messages fall on deaf ears. Imagine what might the condition of young kids who are not able to play and enjoy freely most of them are glued to TV screens, tabs and iPods.Eyesight and lack of concentration are added headaches. Amidst this turmoil, new academic sessions begin in Schools and Colleges sans students present teachers will have to attend Schools and conduct online classes from the School premises so that the teacher's performance can be monitored for better results. The second wave of the pandemic seems to be controlled hopefully. It should become better with every day passing and better days would be seen by every one of us.

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