
" How old is your daughter? " The psychiatrist asked to her new patient.
" Five" She replied in one word only. Her eyes were rolling around floor in despair from last half an hour. She was looking frightened and extremely stressed. Her hands were trembling lightly.
" But you can not keep her at home all the time. She must socialized and interact with others apart from you. You are a single parent as you told me. In that case how will you manage your life if she is always with you? "
Instead of replying, the woman kept looking down. Her eyes were slightly wet this time. The dark circles under her eyes were looking heavier than before. She started biting her lips with her teeth.
" I don't understand. Why aren't you ready to leave your daughter alone? "
On listening to psychiatrist's logical questions the woman started to cry. Both her eyes were full of tears.
" I was only seven years old when my own uncle... Everytime he used to bring my favorite chocolate and insisted to sit in his lap in return. That touch...I told my mom and dad about my discomforts. But I was threatened by them. Instead of helping me they forced me
to keep quite. They send me to hostel..."
She could not complete the sentence. Her eyes were hidden behind white tissue.
The psychiatrist finally got his answer after a long therapy session. He felt relaxed. His facial expressions changed from confusing to confident.
" Oh, I see. Sexual abuse in childhood is a nightmare. Its a life-long trauma. I understand now why you are suffering from trust issues. But don't worry. Time has changed now. There is a solution for sure. We should teach our children about the good and bad touch. We should expain each and every detail about improper touch. Children nowadays are smarter. If your daughter has come with you, please bring her inside. I will talk to her. "
There was a big confident smile on the psychiatrist' s face.
The woman went out for a moment and came back in the cabin with her daughter.
The psychiatrist was shocked. His confident smile disappeared from his face in a second. He was speechless. In front of him there was a five year old non verbal autistic girl who was not at all aware about her surroundings clapping loudly and laughing on her own planet.