How a beautiful sight can turn the most mundane and uneventful of evenings, into a sweet, memorable ... How a beautiful sight can turn the most mundane and uneventful of evenings, into...
The conditions for a perfect romantic evening were present. The conditions for a perfect romantic evening were present.
Mr. Traveller, and the child, and the Tinker, went along very amicably in the sweet-scented evening Mr. Traveller, and the child, and the Tinker, went along very amicably in the sw...
My playlist played a love song and I immediately changed it. Love has never been my friend. The only... My playlist played a love song and I immediately changed it. Love has never been...
By enjoying this time, I consider myself fortunate. By enjoying this time, I consider myself fortunate.
By then, an ambulance had been called for and a nurse knelt at my sound. Slowly and gen By then, an ambulance had been called for and a nurse knelt at my sound. Slowly ...