Sree Lakshmi Reddy



Sree Lakshmi Reddy


A New Day, A New Life

A New Day, A New Life

4 mins

I woke up late that day, the day my life changed.

I woke to the usual sounds of clattering from the kitchen, snoring from my dog(who knew dogs could snore?) and birds chirping together outside- like an orchestra performing the chorus of their main song. I groaned and looked at my bedside table. The clock on it read 7:15. I jumped off my bed and got ready in record time. The clock now read 7:30. I sat down on the table, my usual breakfast in front of me. "My, my, how early you are today Chloe." said my elder brother Charles, sarcastically."Why are you up so fast? I don't think the cock has crowed yet."He was standing at the door, about to leave. "Shut up," I grumbled, unable to think of a good retort. He laughed and left for school. School started at 8:00, but both of us liked going early...usually. I wolfed down my breakfast, grabbed my bag and ran out of the house, after calling a quick goodbye to my parents.

I cycled like the wind, making it to the entrance of the school in 10 minutes. I heaved a sigh of relief, I still had 10 minutes till school started. I got off my cycle and was about to park it outside when I noticed something odd. For some reason, the wind seemed different. I looked behind me and saw a school bus entering the parking grounds next to the school. The children inside were laughing, talking and getting ready to alight the bus, when it happened. The bus exploded into bits. The talking in the bus turned to screams, How many kids were on that bus? 20?30? Many were dead, at least half of them were injured. I realized I was standing there, frozen with terror. This could not be happening. Sounds of alarm reached my ears. The teachers inside the school came running out. This unfroze me. I ran to the bus, amid screams. I looked at the face of the injured person near my feet. Rachel. I dropped to my knees, examining the wounds of my best friend.

By then, an ambulance had been called for and a nurse knelt at my sound. Slowly and gently, she lifted Rachel up. A moan escaped from Rachel's mouth. That gave me hope. At least she was alive

. I got up, and a sudden thought struck me - how did this happen? The answer came to me almost immediately from two teachers. They were standing right behind the ambulance and I could hear them perfectly. " So the war has reached even the peaceful country of Wakun?" asked the first teacher. " It seems so." said the second "After the year of tension between our neighbors, this was bound to happen. They are going to make us involved in this fight for resources somehow...they do this to make us retaliate.". I took a sharp breath. So this was what had happened. Being 13, I rarely got much information from my parents, but my father had told me this much - our two neighboring countries, Gharron and Tanjong were constantly at odds for each other's resources. Now they meant to involve even our beloved country, Wakun in it. I got up quickly and picked up my cycle. I got on, took one last look at the scene around me, deep down knowing that this would be the last time I would see my school. I cycled back home. I had barely knocked on the front door when my mom threw open the door and drew me into a hug." I thought something had happened to you!" she said. My dad appeared behind her, deathly pale.

" Charles returned long ago. We were worried about you," he said. " I'm alright, it's all fine," I said, knowing that they could see right through my lie. No matter what, that memory would never leave me and the horror it brought would always be fresh in my mind. The rest of the day was a blur. I remember my father pacing in the hall waiting for news, while the rest of us waited in silence. By evening, our fate was clear. Wakun, the peaceful and beautiful Wakun, was going to enter the war, and the war was no place for us. We left in the dark cover of the night, taking only what would not burden us on the way. We caught the train which already had so many people on it, that it seemed like it would collapse. The rock of the train that night was what had brought me sleep. The next time I would open my eyes, I would be in a different country, with different people and different rules.

A different life.

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