Republic Day and the Friends
Republic Day and the Friends
The four friends gathered near the tea shop to discuss their plans. The Republic day parade was soon to be held and they were doing rehearsal regularly. In addition to their NCC duties they were actively participating in the scout and guide program. Sujoy the leader of the group had interesting news to break. Their instructor had informed him to share the important message with the group. They were invited to a four-day camp, an outing programme in the forest and hills of Purulia. The friends reacted gleefully when Sujoy broke the news.
Very soon the friends were part of a ten-member team who were traveling on a small fifteen seater vehicle en route to Purulia. At the town of Purulia they halted to stock up on their provisions. Then they left the town behind after travelling twenty kilometres they were now in thick jungle surrounded by little hills all around. There finding an open clear space in the forest they set up the tents. For the four days this tent would be their home.
The friends revelled in the surroundings. It was just surreal. Every thing was quiet except for the chirping of birds. A little rivulet flowed nearby dancing it's way towards the catchment area. Far from the city madness and pollution this place was heaven. The members started the camp fire to get their food ready. Sujoy thought that he was in the movies as this scene resembled a movie he had seen. As the trees were high, the sun set earlier than usual. Then all was quiet. How different from their habitual city life. Far from the humdrum and close to nature. The night was quite cold here although in the city the winter had not set in.
The next four days just passed by like a breeze. They used to get up early before the sun rose and did trekking in the jungle. They also did rock climbing. The four days was pure bliss. They did not encounter any wild animals although at night they heard the calls of the hyena. The villagers warned them of the wary leopards that prowl stealthily near human habitation hoping to catch domesticated animals for their dinner. Then people had cautioned the scouts of elephants that usually passed through. Close by was the elephant corridor. But no elephant was sighted.
After the four days the camp mates packed their belongings and made their homeward bound journey. Their vehicle just moved out of the jungle when a strange sighting made them halt.
A boy and a girl had been tied separately with two tree trunks. Their mouths were gagged so they couldn't shout. The friends untied them. The boy and girl were tired and groggy and probably had gone without any food and water. They were given water first and then hot tea from the provisions of the campsters. A liittle later after being rejuvenated they narrated their unusual st
ory. The boy and girl loved each other and wanted to marry but being from different faiths their families resisted and obstructed their marriage. Then in a fit of rage they had tied them up with trees to be the fodder for wild animals. Leopards generally prowled the forests and soon they would become their dinner. With this thought the villagers had punished them. But even after four days they survived. Not that they didn't encounter any leopard but the presence of a troop of elephants had saved them from the leopard.
In fact after they were rescued, someone had observed a spotted yellow movement in the thick underbrush. The leopard had been lying in wait hoping to get a favourable situation to pounce on the prey but the presence of so many humans had dettered his attempt. The couple was then allowed to board the vehicle after they showed their willingness to run away to the city in the hope of better opportunities.
But their movement was being observed stealthily. As they moved on, a relay of drum beats alerted the villagers of the escape of the lovers. Then very soon a posse of village people assembled with lathis, open swords and other weaponry and started running after the vehicle. They gave their war cry and started hurling stones at the vehicle. Someone also had a gun. Because very soon there was sound of gun shots. The driver of the vehicle now headed out to the highway at full speed. But very soon he got injured from a bullet wound and could not drive. Although the driver had safely driven the vehicle out of the danger zone and had established an unassailable distance with the villagers. Sujoy who had just learned driving took up the task of stearing the vehicle out from harm's way. The driver was given first aid from the scout's provisions. The villagers followed the vehicle for a liittle distance and then finally abandoned the chase when they found it was futile. Sujoy drove the car safely and steadily and when out of danger drove straight to a medical centre to get the driver medical assistance.
The brave attempt by the scouts group to save the life of the couple had made the government shower heaps of praise on the scouts group. Sujoy and his friends were recommended to get the President's gold medal for exceptional bravery. The medal would be handed over to them at the Republic day after the parade. The full team of ten boys along with the instructor were invited to Delhi to participate in the parade that passes down the Rajpath. Even the driver who was injured was also made part of the team. They had a tableu of their own that was decorated on a gun carriage. Sujoy and team became part of the iconic pageantry the Republic day parade of India that is famous for and that forms a must visit sight for the whole world's citizenry.