Rupesh Red

Drama Classics


Rupesh Red

Drama Classics



11 mins

        Chapter 4: Ravana

After getting the boon from Brahma, Dashanana returns to lankha with joy. He had completed what his mother had told him. He was expecting his mother to welcome him but he sees that his half brother Kubera had taken over the kingdom using the help of the other gods. 

Seeing kubera, Dashanana starts laughing. Kubera gets confused. 


"Kubera, I had told you the last time we met, there will be no second chance for you. Still u think you are a warrior. You are soo phatetic. 

I will give you one last chance. Run away with your army or else I will burn you all to ashes".


" No dashanana, you cant do anything to me. Last time I didn't have any allies, but now iam not alone. If u touch me , you have to face the wrath of the gods. "


"Which gods, those pathetic creatures who just like to be drunk and watch girls dancing. Those gods who doesn't care about the people if they are happy or not, still want to get worshipped. Those gods who punish the poor, weak and innocent people and dosent care about the Guilty and Rich person. Those gods who are scared about loosing there place in heaven, and you call those ediotic, selfish beings gods. Haaa, they don't deserve those names and you don't deserve to live on. This is the last mistake you will ever commit. "

Dashanana makes a fist and tells

" I forgot one thing, I am immortal. How??. Brahma dev gave the boon. So dont think about you stupid friends of helping you".

Rushes towards kubera when his hands swing.out of no where someone taps on his shoulders. He then stops and turns back to see. It was Narada muni. With a smiling face he was standing behind. 

Dashanana calms himself and touches Narada's feet. 

Narada blesses him and 

" Why so much rage Lankhadipati. Why commite a crime. Don't forget if u even land your hand on kubera, the other gods will get angry and may come to war. What is the reason for your anger my king".


" Muniver, iam really greatfull to have you. But you have come at wrong time. This insolent fool, when I was gone for tapasya(meditate), attacked my kingdome and threatned my family. When I returned I met them in the jungles who were hiding from him and told me everything. I didn't care abouth he taking my kingdom, but he called my mother a trash , which got me angry".

And grabs kubera's neck and starts squeezing. 


"Dashanana, stop it. He dosent deserv your anger. Use it on the gods. They are the one who gave the idea"

Kubera gets shocked on what narada was saying. Narada lookes at kubera and winks( means he was on gods side, and was doing this to save kubera) 


"Dashanana, I know his sins are unforgivable, but you are a king. U must forgive him. "

Dashanana drops kubera down, and thinks for a minute and replies

"Munivar, you are correct. I shouldn't waste my Anger on this stupid. I will wage a war on heaven and kill all the gods present there. I will take control of the heaven and guide the people of earth to the path towards salvation. I will be there teacher. Munivar you are great. "

Narada stuttres

" No...... no... wh.... what??!. I didn't meant like that. I was saying that... "


"Yes munivar. U can leave now. I am thankful for you. Now I can't change my mind. Please leave"

"Narayana narayana. As you wish" and goes away. 

Now dashanana had made up his mind, he seeks guidance from his mother. 


"Son, only you can change this world and guid them. To defeat the gods you need power. Yes you have immortality and invincibility yet you lack the right power"

Dashanana gets little sad and asks 

" Am I not strong enough mother???"


"No my son, I don't doubt your power and strength. But to defeat a God you need to be a God"

Dashanana couldn't make out what she was saying. He wanted to know what it meant. 

Kaikeshi explains

"Dashanana, I know you are now immortal but that is not enough to defeat the gods. You are immortal but not invincible. To be invincible you need him with you"

he gets confused, 

Kaikesi continues "Yes, you need mahadeva himself, you need his power. Dashanana, your next quest is Shiva's AATHMALINGA"

Dashanana gasps, he was surprised by the word from his mother's mouth. 

"My son, to acquire Shiva's athmaling is to acquire all the knowledge and the powers of creation and destruction. Dashanana, this is your Laksh(mission), and this will be your test to prove your devotion towards Mahadeva and your love towards me. I won't be guiding you this time. You are a king and man now. I will pray for your success my child"

Dashanana agrees to his mother's words without replying. He accepts her order. He touches her feet to take her blessing and starts his journey. 

He gives up all his belongings, wore kadhi, takes kalash and rudraksh in his hands and makes his way to Kailash parvatha. 

After 50 days of walking, dashanana reached Himalaya, the beauty of India. Snow covered mountains with cold wind blowing. 

He knew he had to meditate for many years there, so he made a small hut with the trees and covered it with leafs and clothes he had. He then sat in to relax, and saw the sun sinking down, so he went near the Ganga river which was flowing through the heart of the mountains from melting ice. 

He went into the freezing water took some water in his hands and poured it back facing the sun. He was giving Arghya to sun ( It is a way of honoring and thanking the sun god for giving the heat and light for survival). 

He went near his hut sat for a bit looking at the sunset, it was breathtaking. His eyes we're filled with tears of happiness. 

He then sat for meditation, closed his eyes and started chanting "OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA". But he had a little ego in his heart. He sat meditating on the mountain for 200  years.

After soo many days he was still there. He felt some one calling his name, he then slowly opened his eyes and saw Narada standing in front. He was a little anger to see narada and not Lord Shiva. 

Narada laughingly

" What are you doing dashanana?. Wanting to please Mahadev? Ha.. you have been sitting here meditating for 200 years yet still mahadev still did not appear? Ha what a shame. Your are the greatest Devotee of him and he still didn't show up, I think you should go to kailash and meet him face to face. It's better than sitting hear and wasting your time"

Dashanana thinks for a bit and replays

"Muniver, you are absolutely correct. I am the greatest devotee but still mahadev hasn't showed up. I will go to kailash and meet him there"

"Narayana narayana, my work here is done my boy. I will go" Narada laughingly Vanishes away. 

Dashanana walks to mount kailash, and starts to climb. 

Shiva up there gets to know that he was climbing the mountain, so he called Nandi and tells him to stand near the entrance and not to allow anyone as he will be meditating. 

He agrees and stands near the gate. He sees a figure approaching , while it gets near he sees a man wearing orange clothes and thinks he is a saint. 

Dashanana goes near and Nandi stops him

"Frogive me sadhu, I can't allow you to pass from here as it is the order of Lord Shiva not to let anyone pass. Please come again after some days" and stops him. 

Dashanana looks at Nandi and 

" Nandi, iam lankadipati Dashanana. I here to meet Mahadev, please let me pass through. Without seeing him I can't go back "

" Dashanana, iam greatfull to meet you but I can't disobey my Mahadev, please forgive me. If you can wait here I can ask his permission and let you go" Nandi replies. 

Dashanana agrees and waits at the gate. Nandi after some time returs with a sad face. 

" Forgive me king dashanana, Mahadev got angry after hearing your name. He specifically mentioned not to let you in. I don't know what is the reason but please go away "

Dashanan gets furious and replies

"How dare of him to order you to not let me in, that's it iam going in " And Barges to the top but suddenly he gets pulled and throwed aside by nandi. Dashanana gets raged,both starts fighting and dashanan wins the fight. 

He gets to the top and percives white figure. Starts to walk towards it, but something blocks his way. He tries to push but couldn't . He gets really frustrated and punches the invisible wall. He looks at the white light in anger and exclaims

"Mahadev, you have made me angry. I am your greatest devotee yet you are not letting me. If that's want you want to do,then I'll do what will please my mother. She wanted your Aathmalinga, but I'll present yourself to her by taking the whole mountain back to lankha"

And jumps down. He closes his eyes and concentrates for a bit and when he opens he tranfroms into his demon form. 10 heads and twenty hands . He then slams his hands on the ground. The ground cracks open he thrusts his hands in and saying "OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA" he lifts up the whole mountain and carries it on his shoulders. 

Shiva on top gets angry and clamps his toes softly on the surface, but suddenly whole mountain becomes soo heavy that it crushes dashanana under it. He gets stuck under the mountain. The pressure was so intense, it crushed his spines and his foot. There was silence for a bit but suddenly dashanana screams soo loudly in pain. 

His voice was soo booming, it was heard through out Trilokha(Heaven, Earth and Hell). Everyone was frightened by the sound. Everthing in threefold was shook by his voice and all Rishis(Saints),Yakshas(God's) and Rakshasas(Demons) thought it was the end of the Universe. 

For years Dashanana was stuck under the mountain. Seeing the suffering of Dashanana, Parvati(Wife of shiva) couldn't bare his agony. As she is the mother of everything, it was a pain for her too. She requests shiva

"Swami, I am not able to bare anymore of his pain. Please emancipate him from his Agony, I request you".

Shiva replies

" Devi, it's more pain to me watching my devotee get hurt, but his pain will be ending soon. When his Ego of being my Devotee gets disappeared from his heart only then the weight of this mountain can Decrease. Forgive me devi, but this his punishment " and goes back to meditate. 

Hearing this, parvati wanted to help dashanana so she enters his dreams and quotes

"Son Dashanana, to get yourself free from this pain let go of your ego and praise shivs from your heart with pure devotion. Only then you will be lifted by your burden" and goes away. 

Dashanana was in brink of death as his stomach was also starting to get crushed. To praise Mahadev he tore one of his hand and Head. Joined them together. Using his veins he made a Veena. 

He then composed Shiva Tadava Stotra and sang the hym with devotion. 

Shiva who was in samadhi cannot be woken up by anyone.If he is forced to wake, he gets angry and may destroy everything in front of him. But Dashanana's stotra was so filled with devotion that Shiva himself got a vibration pass through his body and was woken by the hym. Mahadev was filled with joy and ecstacy by hearing the hym. He started doing his Taandava Nrutya(dance). Everyone was shook seeing mahadev dancing after getting up,disturbed from his samaadhi. He was accompanied by his Ardhangini Devi Parvati. They both danced with joy. 

Seeing mahadev and Devi Parvati dance to the hym of Dashanana ,the gods in heaven were scared if Dashanana had pleased Shiva and would acquire the boon he wanted. 

As he finished singing the song, Shiva clapped his toes three time on the ground and Dashanana lifted the mountain and crawled out . His body was covered with the stains of his blood. 

He was breathing heavily. He felt a warm hand touching his head in the freezing cold. He turned around as was astonised to see both Mahadev and Devi Parvati together standing. He instantly cluched mahadev's leg and cried. 

"Mahadev I was a fool to do such act. Please forgive me. I didn't know any other way and my mind was blurred out by the ego. He deva please forgive me".

Shiva pick him up and embraced Dashanana to his chest and said

" Son Dashanana, your hym made me soo happy that I forgot myself and your voice was so loud that it was heard throughout trilokha. Dashanana I here by re-name you as RAVANA(The one with the terrifying Roar). From now, your name will be world renowned"

And Parvati continues

"Your hym  made Mahadev get up and dance from his samdhi. So it will be known as Shiva Tandava Stotra".

Shiva touched Ravana's head and cured him from his wounds. 

(If you loved reading the Fourth chapter of my story, please do tell me in the comments and follow me, and like this one.

By doing those three things you guys will not only show your love but also motivate me on writing the next chapter.

I don't want to hurt anyone's religious beliefs, this is just a story from my perspective.) 

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