
With the sound of Dhadak Dhadak.........
The train was running at a speed of about 90km/h, many people were sitting in coach number-S5 talking to each other, a newly married Bengali couple who were going to their village after getting married from Delhi. There was an old mother who was widowed and looked sad too, a family from Bihar with 5 children three boys and two girls and the youngest child was a boy who must have been about 1 year old, and a girl who was about Will be 17 years old, height will be about 5 feet 2 inches, thick black curly hair will be slightly above the waist, that girl was so beautiful as if she was beating the moon in beauty, big eyes and mascara like clouds attracted everyone, Her lips were like pink rose petals, she had a strange glow on her face, which should be on the face of a yogi, she was wearing Indian army pants and a white T-shirt over it. She was wearing a black jeans jacket,, his wrists were tied with many Kalavas, which are tied after worship in Hindu tradition, his palm was very beautiful, on which she had long nails. Nails adorned with black nail polish looked very attractive, she forgot the whole world and sat on her window seat, sitting with her right leg on top of the left leg and gazing at his beautiful face. Outside the window of the train, a face resting on her beautiful hands was being seen, whoever saw her, her eyes would be fixed on him, but she was lost in her own world.
In the same train, coach no. S6 A boy was standing at the gate of the train, his hair was blowing because of the strong wind, the boy must have been of wheatish complexion, height 5.2 inches and normal build, he was also lost in his own world just standing at the door of the train was looking outside.
Suddenly the train stopped at a deserted place making the sound of brakes, at this time it must have been around 8 o'clock in the evening, but where the train stopped, there was no light, no houses, only fields and forests were visible. And only the sound of insects was heard. Apart from this, if anything is seen then it is the insects with light...
Then suddenly tears started coming from the eyes of that girl and the girl suddenly straightened up as if she had woken up from a deep sleep, but it was still noon, she immediately looked at the watch tied on her wrist, it was now 3:10. It was probably the feeling of that girl, that girl became comfortable in a few minutes, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket, cleaned her face and took a deep breath. Everyone's eyes were only on him. Seeing all this, she went to freshen up. But all the taps of S5 were bad, so she wandered to S6 coach, where she found the water tap in good condition, after getting fresh, when she started coming back, she saw the same boy at the gate of the train, this boy is now with her. Just now it was visible in his vision too, but how...
That girl sits on her seat thinking the same thing, but the same thing was roaming in her mind that how did this happen, then the train stops at a station by applying brakes till about 3:35 P.M. An announcement was made over the speaker at the station (train number 20504 Dibrugarh Rajdhani Express going from New Delhi to Dibrugarh via Banaras is standing at platform number 6) When the girl looked through the window, the train was packed at Banaras station. As soon as the train stopped to board the train, they were seen jostling to get inside. In the same crowd, an Aghori was also seen boarding the train. On seeing that Aghori, a pain emerged in the girl's head. After stopping for 10 minutes, the train again started towards Dibrugarh.
After leaving Varanasi, the train slowly started picking up its speed with the sound of Chuk-Chuk and on the other hand all the passengers boarding the train in Varanasi took their seat no. According to them, after finding their place, they kept their area and started sitting on their seats. That Aghori probably did not have a ticket, he sat near the same gate leaning against the wall of a side train, maybe he was too tired. There was dust all over his face and body. His beard and mustache were huge and tied in coiffures. His hair was also like sticky tree roots filled with gond. He wore any kind of clothes on his body. He didn't just wrap a saffron-coloured cloth in the shape of a dhoti below the waist and was wearing about a dozen small and big Rudraksh garlands around his neck, in which some garlands were made of bones, in which the bone of a bat, the bone of a dog and different- Garlands made of different types of bones were worn, his eyes were red and a saffron colored bag was hanging on his shoulder. The straw was making people feel the door, and the Aghori sat quietly in one place and started resting.
Another passenger had boarded from Varanasi railway station, who boarded coach no.S9 due to the train running, his age was about 20 years, looking like the people of North East, color fair, height 5.2 inches, glasses black on eyes Wearing colored lower and white loose-fitting T-shirt, a black watch was tied on his left hand and a colorful watch on the right hand, on which many analogs were made. Laptop bag and there were some gadgets along with the laptop in that bag which might be of use to him, his hair was silky which was flying in the wind.
These four passengers were different among the passengers sitting in this train, but like each other, all four were lost in themselves, they had nothing to do with the crowd, it was 8 o'clock in the night that the train suddenly applied brakes, maybe That someone hit the train and pulled the chain of its stopping which caused the train to stop; It so happened that not a single flame of light was visible anywhere, only those fields full of fireflies..... and in the name of sound, only the sound of crickets was ripping that silence.
On the contrary, curiosity had increased in the minds of all the people inside the train due to the stop of the train at such a place, due to which all the people were talking to each other with surprise, due to which there was an atmosphere of noise inside the train and due to the darkness spreading outside the light of the train. Giving a lot of courage to the passengers, a person from Railway Police Force (RPF) came to check whom coach no. Passengers of S6 told that the boy standing at the gate stopped the train by pulling its chain. Some people's whispering voices were also coming. Then there was another whisper of someone, sir-sir, who (RP F) started calling the officer of Railway Police Force in a whisper, and people were also engaged in giving their opinion about the boy who came to their mind, (RP F ) Railway Police Force officer went to that passenger and said "what happend".....
That middle aged man was wearing a Nehru cap, cheeks and stomach were ready to come out of his body, he was so fat that the seat of two people was equal for him, he was wearing white kurta and dhoti There was also a Nehru jacket on top and a gold chain around his neck. He said to the RPF officer, Sir, I feel that this terrorist Sai.......
Sitting next to him, his wife, who was as fat as him, said to the RPF officer, no sir, he is ticketless, that's why he is standing at the gate,
The RPF officer said while scolding. .... Stop it, stop it, stop it, we will find out. .... R P F officer
turned towards the boy saying this and went away. The boy was still standing at the gate, as soon as the RPF officer approached him, he started a barrage of questions.
O…. boy where are you going? Where is your seat? what is he doing here at the gate? And have you pulled the chain of the train?....... Tell me why did you pull the chain of the train....? what is your name. , Can you show me your ID?
The boy turned to the RPF officer and took out his purse from the side bag slung over his shoulder and spoke giving his ID. ...... Sir can I show my ticket also. , The RPF officer said: Why don't you feel like showing the ticket? The boy handed over his ID as well as his ticket to the officer. R P F officer looking at Eid said ID and name on ticket was Abhimanyu Singh father's name Ranjit Singh Age 29 February 2000 . Means your age is 22 years, where are you living....... Your address is...... Kalindikunj Noida Ok you are coming from Delhi, now tell me brother what are you doing at the gate your seat is in Koch no. S6 seat no. 31 Hmmm.
So you tell me what is he doing at the gate, why is he not on his seat so late in the night, the RPF officer said.
Abhimanyu said with respect: Sir, an elderly mother did not have a seat, due to which she was sitting down near the toilet, I did not like seeing her sitting, so I made her sit on my seat, sir. Hearing this respect for Abhimanyu also came in the eyes of the RPF officer, brother, you have done this right, but tell me why you pulled the chain of the train, why did you need it.
Abhimanyu kept his ID card in the bag and said to the RPF officer :- Sir, 100 meters away from here, a cow's leg is stuck between the railway tracks, if I had not pulled the train chain, that cow would have been killed. After listening to Abhimanyu's words, a funny smile appeared on the lips of that RPF officer, yes..... yes. .... Yes. .... You are right....... You haven't drunk alcohol, you have kept me sitting in the train, you came to know what is happening at a distance of 100 meters. ....... Look Lala, I am mad, am I not....... You have seen a good lad, I am not going to take you to jail, come on, pay the fine. , Abhimanyu realized that whatever he was saying, no one would believe his words, so bowing his head, he said, "Forgive me, I will not make such a mistake again." Come on, no problem. .... You are a good boy, I will not take you to jail, just pay the fine of Rs 1000........ said the RPF officer.
Abhimanyu untied the chain of his bag and took out his purse from it, his purse was very beautiful. It was said that his purse is very expensive and Abhimanyu has such a purse, it means either he is rich or he is a number two working boy, the RPF officer's eye was on the money lying in Abhimanyu's purse because his purse was full of notes. Was full of...... Abhimanyu said, take this saying, Abhimanyu caught two notes of 500-500, RPF officer. The RPF officer holding the notes said, Hey Lala, what work do you do, you are looking very rich, now Abhimanyu was feeling bad, Abhimanyu said with a calm mind, what difference does it make, sir, I accepted my mistake and I have already paid the fine, now you free me. ..... He was shocked after hearing this and said - what do I mean to you..... but standing at the gate is also a crime, give 500 more I will get you a seat. Abhimanyu didn't want to argue with that RPF officer so he again took out his purse from his bag and took out 500 note from it and put it in his hand.
The RPF officer said that this did not happen, this trick is with me....... Saying this the RPF officer went ahead and Abhimanyu also followed him. R P F Officer Coach No. Reached here with Abhimanyu in S9, where 3 seats were lying vacant, pointing towards the window, that RPF officer said to Abhimanyu, Lala, sit here and tell me if there is any problem. Right in front of Abhimanyu, a spectacled boy was sitting on the window seat, whose age was about 20 years. O lantern, please take care of the rakhis....... That spectacled passenger said in a trembling voice - O .. O...... Ok ..... Sh...... Sure. R P F officer said - you are stuttering...... and went away laughing. Giving so much respect to the RPF officer, the bespectacled passenger understood that this boy has a lot of acquaintances, so he nervously extended his right hand and said - Hello Sir..... I am Joy. I Abhimanyu said - Hello! I am Abhi..... O..... Sorry Abhimanyu (now) only a select few call me, Now ! Is a nice name sir, I will call you by this name, is there any problem?
Joy spoke in a questioning manner. No. .... not at all ..... Abhi Abhimanyu said in Yes You Can Call! Both were opposite to each other, seeing each other, curiosity had arisen to know and understand each other. Generally seen, both were of calm nature, but don't know which was the link which was creating curiosity to know about each other. The train had started moving and both of them started talking. The train must have gone some distance, then there was a jolt and then the train started moving. Abhimanyu understood that the cow which was stuck in the track of the train was no more, saddened by this fact, it came out of his mouth involuntarily. To give peace to the soul On hearing this, Joy looked at Abhimanyu with surprised eyes and said Abhi, why are you saying like this, what happened? Abhi was not able to understand what answer he should give to Joy, if he tells the truth, he will not believe...... Abhimanyu was thinking that Joy asked what happened Abhi! Where are you lost?
Abhi replied nothing, Joy just remembered something, that's why it came out of my mouth that God rest his soul in peace! Joy did not find Abhimanyu's answer logical, but what could Joy even do? The friendship between these two was not so deep that he persistently asked Abhi what was the matter, for a while both were immersed in their own thoughts. Abhimanyu was thinking that he cannot tell the truth, he will not believe and it is not right to lie, so Abhimanyu found a way in which he did not have to tell the truth, nor did he have to lie. Abhi's answer was very measured, on the other hand Joy was also lost in his thoughts thinking that Abhi does not want to tell the truth, what is the matter after all? I can't even ask... Right now both were lost in their own thoughts that that RPF officer again came there and said to Abhimanyu - Hey Lala! you were right just now The cow collided with the train and killed it, how did you know that there is a cow on the railway track, Abhimanyu became silent after hearing this, he did not understand what to answer, Abhimanyu could only say that sir, maybe this is my feeling Tha....... said while prolonging the word while thinking - Ok........! Come on, it's okay Lala, if you need anything, then let me know? The RPF officer was doing all this only because he had seen the note in Abhimanyu's pocket, Abhimanyu was also understanding this very well, okay Lala, if you need anything, let me know? Saying this the RPF officer went to the other side. After all, what was the matter, did Abhimanyu have any supernatural power, or something else that was different from the world, there was some mystery between Abhimanyu and his apparition, what is the truth of Abhimanyu.......?
To know read the next part Rahasya 2