Neeraj pal



Neeraj pal


My Spiritual Master

My Spiritual Master

5 mins

I want to explain this incident to all of you in such a way that the parents in the world are our gurus who give birth to us first in this world and then raise us and raise them, but the art of living in life is only It is only our spiritual guru. The knowledge that we earn from school, we use it for our livelihood, but if we do not get spiritual peace in the world then our life will prove fruitless. Wealth can also be earned through hard work, but to achieve spiritual peace we have to go to a guru who has already acquired that knowledge. Such gurus take our life more easily and from Preyash to Shreyash. And very easily, we earn this knowledge and bring our life from darkness to light. It is not in our hands to conquer enemies like Kama, Rage, Greed, Moh, Mad, Matar, etc., no one is untouched by these enemies, and it is very difficult and impossible to conquer them, but our spiritual master is very big Only you can overcome it easily. To illustrate this, I will explain to you through a parable, in which the ego of a woman stays at home only to destroy the ego of a great yogi. A yogi was doing penance under a tree sitting in a forest. The hard tenacity of 12 years had created perfection power in him. But that yogi was not aware. One day he was sitting for his meditation after taking a bath, so a bird came flying and sat on that tree. By nature, the birds beat, and it accidentally fell on the head of the ascetic. He got angry. The bird looked at the tree with a full view of anger, that the bird devoured and came in front of it. Now there is no place of pride in it. I started to understand that I am very perfect, as many humans are seen in this world, all the insects of the world keep dying in them day and night. What is their status in front of me? I am the sweetest son of God, I have meditated hard for him and see that he has given me much strength to be happy. These rajas and nobles too often swerve, I got a vision of them in a moment Can. Which creature can match me? Such thoughts started torturing that yogi and in this state he was happy and he started walking from there, he realized that my penance has been completed, now I should fearlessly wander into the world. He reached a town on the go, was feeling hungry, reached the door of a householder, and gave a voice, "Mata bhiksha do 'voice came from inside, stay awhile, begging comes" He stopped, but it was too late " Nobody listened to it carefully. ”This anger became evident as soon as thi

s thought came. "Foolish woman! Don't you know us who have been taking so long, are you going to reverse your fate, who is so careless on behalf of the sages," said the angry woman. From within I got the answer again, "Maharaj, the birds do not settle here, which you will consume, sit for a while with patience, I will get food right now. At that time I will give you food" If a woman knows more than me, how can she know that incident of Niranjan forest while sitting at home.

Now I will not leave from here without seeing it. Saying this, he sat in the same place in a posture and started waiting for that house goddess. After a while, the plate of food, Griha Lakshmi, which was kept on hand, came out and said to Sadhu Ji, 'Lo Maharaj, get food.' But there was another situation here, now there is no hunger or thirst, only one thing is to be wanted, he has attained such attainment through the majesty of karma. As soon as the woman appeared, the monk laid ahead on her feet. Then with folded hands he said- "Mother! Now I do not want your food nor want anything else. I only want to answer a question from you "that by which means you have gained the speed by which you have known my secret."The woman said - "Yogi Ji! I neither know yoga activities nor do I know any other means. I am a homemaker woman, husband service is the best means for such women. There is no need for any other means and other rules for fasting women who serve the husband. They get everything by this one means. The main religion of the women is "husband service".Sadhuji, My main means is also husband service, I am constantly engaged in husband service day and night with body, mind, and words. My husband is sick nowadays when you came, he was looking for his service, that's why I asked you to stay, I do not work in any work till I retire from his service. This is just my practice and due to this, my experience opened up and I have received everything, I have no more knowledge than this. Thus, in the above scenario, a woman who is a "spiritual master" who continued to serve her husband as the highest religion in her life, and gained such a huge "spiritual knowledge" by staying at home and that yogi The pride of the ascetic was crushed, Blessed are the gurus who lead people like humble, greedy, arrogant people from darkness to light by showing them the right path."Mantra Moolam Guru vakyam, Pooja Mool Guru padam .Dhyan Moolam Guru Murti, Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa. "

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