DevaDas Menon

Children Stories Drama Others


DevaDas Menon

Children Stories Drama Others

Mythili Queen of Mithali

Mythili Queen of Mithali

5 mins

Mithali was a kingdom ruled by Queen Mythili. She was a just ruler. Her parents had died in a hunting accident in the forest. The people had searched for the bodies of her parents but they could not find. them. Now she had information that a demon named marakh was terrorising her people in the forest. She had consulted with her faithful Bodyguard Shiv Roop He advised her call Tanaka the wise who had been in the family for ages. Tanaka was summoned. When he arrived she saw how old he was. Tanaka smiled at her with his wrinkled face. She came down and told him about Marakh. He said I would like to talk in private. She aked the gathering to leave. Nodding towards Shiv Roop The Queen entered her private chamber with The two in tow.

Once inside Tanaka told both of them about Marakh. Many years ago your grandfather asked me to accompany him in to the forest to confront this Marakh. Once we reached the forest imagine our surprise when this same demon stood before us. But the King showed no fear. This Marakh then using sign language asked us to follow him. On the way he started to change his shape. from a tiger to a deer than back to his own ugly form. We reached his territory and what we saw shocked us for all the people he killed were buried under stones with only the faces visible in a mountain. And in a large natural enclosure were the wild animals and the live stock.

He then asked to be followed again he was using sign language all the while we followed him in to a well going down till We reached the ground. There caged were wild animals. These looked at us balefully. Marakh himself resembled a wild animal a huge figure with one eye in the centre of his forehead his skin was a greenish hue. He told us in sign language that he knew your grandfather was king but if we interfered in his fief he would destroy us.

He then escorted us back from he picked us up. Your grand father then said let us meet the ancient one. The monk who lived in the forest. The ancient one roamed the forests talking to the wild animals. The King had met him on one of his trips to the forest. The Monk had told him many things from that time had spent time with this monk whenever he visited the forest. On seeing us the monk came out of his cave. The king sat down while I remained standing. The asked him about Marakh.

The Ancient one started narrating This Marakh lives by changing shapes. From what I know he defeated many animals and trapped them. He came to meet us the King said. How do I kill him the King asked the ancient. You will not kill him. Saying so the monk got up and went to his cave.

Comming out after some time he gave us two chains with a locket and a pitcher of water. Take this he said wear the chains like a talisman it will protect you. When the one born to kill him comes you will know He looked at and at that time you will bring him to me along with the pitcher of water

and. I will tell him how to kill Marakh. Tanakan stopped his narration and looked at us the time has come to kill Marakh. Shiv Roop asked "Tanaka how do you know the time has come". Tanaka replied "The Ancient one came in to my dream and told me he was waiting". The Queen said let us go. One minute he said then taking out two chains from the folds of his dress he asked them to wear it.

They both wore it around their necks. We will go to my ashram take the pitcher of water and go to meet the ancient one. The Queen called for the horses and they started immediately. After riding for three hours they reached the monks hut. The monk gave them instruction you will go by way of the well. The queen will hold the pitcher of water. You will challenge him. The tailsman will protect both of you. It will be a bitter fight when he comes close you hold your talisman with one hand. He will change shapes look at his feet. Then when he takes the form of the snake you will pour the water from the that will be his destruction.

They finally came out of the well. Shiv Roop loudly challenged Marakh. Who came out and attacked ShivRoop keeping one hand on his talisman he welded the sword deftly Marakh was trying to change shapes and kill Shiv Roop. The Queen was ready with the pitcher and then Marakh took the form of a snake. Immediatly she poured the water from the pitcher. The battle was over. The snake lay dead. Then they heard a rumbling sound and witnessed an astonishing sight. All the bodies of the people Marakh had killed started to come out of the mountain. The Queen found her parents body. She and Shiv Roop then cremated all the bodies and left the place. They visited the ancient one and took His blessings. Then all three started for their kingdom. When the people came to know that Marakh was dead there was great celebration.

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