Love, Sex And Betrayal
Love, Sex And Betrayal

Aarohi was listening to music in her room when she looked up and jumped out of her bed with joy. Her brother, Rohit, was standing there holding I-phone in his hands for her. She yelled with joy; I-phone...she waited for it too long. That day her happiness had no end. She took the first selfie with him and then with her parents. She immediately posted it on Facebook and Instagram:
The night seemed to be too long for her. She was extremely excited to show her new phone to Riddhi, her best friend and to Vivaan, her mate. She was so eager to change her relationship status on social networking sites.
Next morning, Aarohi shows her phone to Riddhi, Vivaan, and Ankush. Aarohi took a selfie with Vivaan but didn’t post it because of her brother’s fear. He was also so happy for her, so he decided to celebrate her at Ankush’s place. He took keys from him and went there. Ankush’s parents were working so during college hours no one used to be at his place. They both reached there and ate pizza which they took it from Pizza Hut. After that, he took her phone to check its features and then started taking him and her pictures on Snapchat using extra filters.
Then slowly and steadily Vivaan moved close to Aarohi and put his arms around her waist. He moved his fingers on her cheeks, gently moved her flickers from her forehead and eyes behind her ear. He pressed her more closely and kissed her patiently. This all ended up having a physical relationship for the first time.
After losing her virginity, she was really upset. She tried to remove Vivaan’s musky smell from her body. She felt disgusted and ashamed of doing something which is not allowed to a girl to do it before getting married. Vivaan tried to convince her and explained it's nothing wrong; as after college, he is going to marry her. Everything will be fine.
She got relaxed and gathered her courage to go back home. That night she was not able to have an eye to eye contact with her family members. She was also very conscious while walking and sitting her mother will come to know about her misconduct. She went to bed early that night keeping her phone aside. Her phone was ringing continuously
26 missed calls Vivaan
12 missed calls Riddhi
6 missed calls Ankush
104 WhatsApp messages
Next day, Aarohi preferred staying back and rest. That entire day, she was in her bed resting and watching television. In the evening, her mother forced her to accompany her for shopping. When she returned from the market, she was surprised to see Riddhi waiting for her. Vivaan forcefully sends Riddhi at her place as he was going mad that Aarohi was neither picking up his calls nor replying any messages. When they were sitting alone, Riddhi called Vivaan and made her talk to him. He talked to her calmly and requested her to come to college tomorrow.
In the freshness of new air, Aarohi took a deep breath and got ready for her college. At the train station, Riddhi was waiting for her. They both boarded the train and reached college on time. Their first lecture was of their favorite professor Ms. Kavya, English Literature; they decided to attend the lecture first then meet Vivaan. As soon as the lecture got over, Aarohi rushed to the canteen and got shocked seeing Vivaan sitting next to Ranjita. It was very clear that he was trying to hit her. Seeing Aarohi standing at canteen’s gate he got shocked. Ankush was excited to see Aarohi and greeted her loudly. Seeing her there his dirty feelings got triggered, he had already enjoyed her in his fantasies watching her pictures and videos. Cleverly, he planned his move and tried to be normal with her. Aarohi left from there in anger.
Vivaan followed her and hold her hand and stopped her.
“What the hell you are doing?”
“Doing what?”
“I saw myself what you were doing with Ranjita.”
“Nothing! I was joking with her, she is just a friend.”
“FRIEND.....huh! I know what you were exactly you were doing so don’t try to fool me.”
“Oh God! We were only watching some funny videos on YouTube and that is the reason why I was sitting close to her and laughing together.”
Ankush also supported Vivaan saying that they were only watching videos nothing else. Aarohi cooled down a bit and talked to Vivaan nicely; he made her feel special and apologized to her. After all this Riddhi asked Aarohi to come to the library with her for preparing some notes for their assignments. When they were preparing notes there, they hear someone crying and stammering on the phone. But they didn’t pay much attention to it. After a few minutes, there was a loud sound of someone’s falling down. There was absolute silence in the library so the sound echoed loud. Everyone runs towards the direction from where the sound came. They found Ms. Kavya lying unconscious on the floor.
Aarohi rushed towards her table and took her water bottle. She took some water in her hands and sprinkled it on her face. Kavya got bit conscious but was unable to get up on her own. Aarohi and Riddhi helped her to get up, they kept their one arm across her back and from other they hold her from waist. They made her sit on the couch nearby. Meanwhile, the college’s nurse also reached there and examined her. She came to know about her condition and she was aware of the brutal truth. She preferred staying quite on that occasion and told everyone that because of weakness it happened and please make sure she eats something and take a rest today. Aarohi offered her Poha from her lunchbox to eat. Riddhi got a cup of coffee from the canteen. They both took good care of their favorite professor. The librarian picked her purse and mobile and kept it next to her on the table.
Aarohi was sitting next to Kavya for some time, and as she was so close to her that it was easy for her to see bruises and finger impressions on her neck and back; like if someone has beaten her harshly. Seeing this, she got emotionally disturbed, that how can TODAY’S WOMEN bare such an outrageous attitude and violence. Something within her got hurt and touched. Next morning, when Kavya came to college, nurse was waiting for her at the reception. She questioned her health. Then she asked her to come along with her in the medical room. Kavya was a bit nervous and wanted to avoid but the nurse took her and insisted on her to come.
The nurse made her sit comfortably in the medical room. Her main concern was her health. As she was aware of her condition quite well and the reason behind it was also not new to her. One behind another abortion is like a poison for her health. She explained to her it is essential for her to take her own stand against all the odds if the society.
Kavya, one of the most intelligent and versatile professors of the college. She had really worked very hard to reach that position in her life. When she was teaching in an academy where they used to prepare students for competitive exams, she met Avinash. Avinash used to teach mathematics and was working in an MNC too. They fell in love and got married. After marriage, Avinash’s attitude changed towards Kavya due to his mother's influence and interference. She was a lady with narrow thinking, blind faith in superstitious rituals, it seemed like that modernity has not met her at all. Within six months of their marriage, Kavya got pregnant. Discovering this news she was extremely happy, she felt like she was at seventh heaven. Her mother- in- law instead of getting happy for her she taunted her that the family moves ahead with a BABY her husband and his mother secretly did sex detection of the baby and terminate the pregnancy illegally.
She felt helpless and weak to take her stand against it. Her condition started getting worst day by day, Avinash used to abuse her on an everyday basis. Later, he started forcing himself on her in the same way he used to see in the porn movies. That turned out to be very painful and vulgar for Kavya. It continued with her for the next four months until the time she conceived again. That pregnancy too didn’t last for too long as it was all over again ended because of the same reason.
But the consequence of this situation even got worst as Avinash’s mother provoked the animal within him and raised a question on his masculinity that is he not capable of giving birth to a BABY BOY. All these criticizing statements were moving around his head for a long time. But it got triggered when he heard the news that his fellow colleague had a baby boy and was distributing sweets in the office. Out of jealousy he drank a lot and felt awful about his situation and took out its frustration on Kavya. He started beating her very badly and then raped her twice that night. It was after five months of her second abortion that he touched her. It was the worst night in Kavya’s night; she wanted to kill herself. But she gathered her courage wrapped herself from his bed and went to take shower. While taking shower she mourned and cried a lot. Now she knew it is too late to blame for her situation to God or her parents it was her decision to marry him. While getting ready for college after doing her whole household work, the moment she looked into the mirror and recalled all that happened with her last night. She hated herself for not offending.
In that pathetic condition only she went to college. She took her lectures with such a passion as if she wanted to forget everything about the night. Then in the later afternoon, she received a message from Avinash ‘I hope you learned your lesson now... you don’t understand the seriousness of having a baby boy if I didn’t come to you for even didn’t try to approach me. You should know how to say sorry to your husband; seduce him and give him a chance of being a proud father.’
She read his message and immediately switched off her phone; just trying to avoid him. After a month or so, she found that she is carrying the baby for the third time. She decided to keep her mouth shut and keep the baby safe until the time she could. But her mother- in- law was too smart than her as she tried to underestimate her; she kept the records of her periods monthly to track her days as she was waiting for the baby desperately. She calculated her days and informed her son about her. They immediately took her to the hospital for a check-up; the doctor confirmed her pregnancy.
On the other hand, Aarohi too found that she is pregnant. Vivaan and Aarohi were extremely regular in having a physical relationship. Whenever they used to go to Ankush’s place, Ankush took her videos and photos and used them for his pleasure. Finally, a day came when Ankush couldn’t control his feelings about her; he quietly goes behind her and hugged and kissed her on her neck. She knew that it was not Vivaan; she pushed him back with a force and slapped him. “Dare you to touch me!”
“Why? Why can’t I? Aren’t I good looking? For having fun you like to be at my place? But what about mine? Have you ever thought about mine?”
"ql-align-justify">“Hold your tongue! I will complain about it to Vivaan. Stay away from me.”
“Vivaan...go and tell him. He will believe you think so?”
Ankush took his insult personally; he told her he will teach that girl a lesson. He also warned her to be ready for the consequences. Next day they were sitting in a restaurant, Ankush leaves his mobile on the table, with Aarohi’s photograph as a wallpaper. He purposely takes someone’s phone pretending that he has lost his phone somewhere; so wanted to ring it and check it where is it. The moment the phone started ringing; firstly Aarohi’s picture flashed on the screen and it again appeared in the lock screen too. On seeing Aarohi’s half nude picture; he immediately opened the Ankush’s phone and explored the gallery. On seeing Aarohi’s pictures he burned into flames and threw his phone on the floor. He left the place with anger and disgust.
Ankush ran behind him; trying to calm him but he was unsuccessful. On another hand, she was trying to contact him to inform her pregnancy. But Vivaan didn’t answer any calls or replied to any message. After much struggle, she found him after two days. She hugged him and told him about their baby and how afraid she is from her parents especially brother. Annoyed and frustrated Vivaan pushed and hit her on her face; rudely questioned her that who is the father of this baby?
“I’m sure I’m not the one... maybe you should ask Ankush too. You didn’t even felt ashamed of yourself...the time you were sleeping with my best friend?”
Hearing this Aarohi was in a state of shock. She cried a lot and begged him just listen to her once; that she is innocent and Ankush is just playing his wicked games to take revenge from me. But Vivaan was not ready to hear any sort of explanations. She was sitting and crying when Ankush came there; “See this would have never happened if you had listened to me. You would have understood my love and passion about you...”
“Your love is not love, it is lust and sexual desire. Go and get yourself checked with a counsellor; they will teach you the difference.”
He told her hand tightly and twisted it; “What did you just say- get yourself checked first...people will ask you about your baby’s father as you don’t know what is next in your way?”
“Will see?” slapped him and went ahead.
He immediately went to a cybercafé near to their college; made a fake ID and uploaded her photos and videos everywhere on social media. Before she could reach home her scandal reached first. The moment she reached her family was waiting for her; they didn’t talk to her for a while. They were waiting for her to tell them what all she did behind their back. Unaware of the situation she; her daily routines chores at home; suddenly her brother busted out, “What the hell do you think of yourself? You’re behaving as if nothing happened? Before entering in someone’s bed you even didn’t think of your poor parents? What will happen to them after hearing all this? But unfortunately, they received calls, forwarded messages about your achievements.”
“No...It’s not like is just a revenge Ankush is trying to take...”
“He tried to get intimate with me and I refused. And videos and photos? What are you talking about? I have no idea about that?”
She immediately checked her phone and collapsed on seeing it. Her father took her hand and make her stand; slapped and threw her out of their home; “Now you and your baby stay on your own...we are not anymore there for are dead for us and we are dead for you.” He closed the door immediately; she banged the door and cried sorry but no response. Her mother was crying too inside and was not allowed to talk to her or open the door for her.
As she was walking down the street people abused her, hit her, and threw stones on her. Meanwhile, some local goons started chasing her knowing the fact about her. After some distance they got her, they hit her so badly that she fell down on the road. One of them took her hand behind and held them tightly; another laid on her moving her legs apart from his and started kissing her. “We know who are you...we have seen your video...we know that you are not that don’t pretend to be one...let me and my friends have some fun with you... let's enjoy.”
Aarohi was crying for help; but Raaghu, a local taxi driver who was relaxing in his taxi nearby heard her cries and reached there to help her. He threw a stick on them and fought with them and warned them he is calling the police; hearing his they went away. He was also got hurt on his forehead and right leg, but he took Aarohi in his arms and took her to the municipal hospital nearby. The doctor took care of her and told her that she is extremely weak and it is compulsory for her to take good care of her for her baby. She requested the doctor to terminate her pregnancy as she doesn’t want that baby. Doctor guessed her situation and explained to her that it is not possible for them as due to some internal injuries termination is a big problem for them as in the process she may even die.
In the second maternity room, unwillingly Kavya was in there, trying to escape from there; requesting her husband to forgive her and let her leave. Something within her was not ready to let it happen again, and with God’s grace the nurse’s heart melted and she helped her to elope. Raaghu was thinking to take Aarohi to his home, his mother will think of something. Meanwhile, Kavya climbed in his taxi too. Pleading for help from the girl sitting in there.
“Mam, what happened? Why are you so worried?”
“Aarohi, please help me! They will kill my baby! Please help!”
On hearing this Raaghu understands that quite well he is there to those two poor ladies. He took them to his house; made them feel comfortable. His mother Manda, too helped him. They slept quite late as they were worried someone will come and catch them. Next morning Manda went to her office, she used to work with an NGO; to talk to Nandini didi about those two girls. She told her about their problems and how her son helped them and got them to their place. She immediately decided to come with Manda to her house and meet them.
Avinash and Rohit got together and found them at taxi drivers place even local goons whom Raaghu fought with also joined them. Rohit opened the door of his house with force and slapped Aarohi; dragged her outside the chawl. Avinash was waiting down; the plan was to get Kavya behind her down. Avinash held her hand tightly and slapped her; “How dare you run away from me? Trying to fool me? You are an idiot! What you think you will save your baby like this? Oh no! First, try to save yourself.... when you will live then only your baby will live. You have done wrong...have evoked an animal inside me.”
Raaghu tried to help them by getting them free from them but he was unsuccessful as the goons hit him badly with a bat, a chain and a hockey stick. He was hurt so badly that it was extremely impossible for him to move. Rohit also got aggressive and blamed her for his present situation everyone was making fun of her, calls him continuously asking him the rates of his sister per hour. His girlfriend broke up with him and his boss offered him if he wants a promotion he should send his sister to him for a night. All this triggered his pride and dignity. He hit her again so badly and tried to hit on her stomach to kill the baby. Kavya got the courage from somewhere she pulled her hand back from Avinash; pushed him hard. There was a tea stall nearby she picked up the big vessel filled with boiling water with no fear.
“If you have courage, try to come near me and Aarohi. Dare you touch her again? Aarohi come here. Don’t be afraid, come here. They will not touch you now.”
“ dare you? Now you have that much of courage that you’ll go against me and Rohit. You are supporting that good for nothing girl...who is going to be a mother without getting married. And God knows with whom she slept? With how many? Are you trying to be like her?”
“Oh! To be a it important to get married...I’m married to you...why I’m not a mother still...why? Why? Answer know why...because you and your mother always desired for a BABY BOY...not a you killed my two unborn...were they mine alone...not yours...being such an educated person how can you blame it on me...on position... on date when we had sex... and talking about Aarohi yes I’m like her...she did with her boyfriend with her dumped...but I’ve done with my even raped me many times...god who does it to his let us go get away...”
Manda reached there with Nandini didi; she immediately called her helpers from her NGO office and police too. Hearing Kavya and seeing her taking a stand for her she also took a burning stick in her hand,
“ are ashamed of me...but what happened when your girlfriend was pregnant and you did her illegal abortion. I only loved Vivaan but Ankush ruined it just because of his sexual desires which I refused to satisfy... I had no idea when Vivaan and I, were getting intimated, he was taking my pictures and videos; later he used those to create misunderstanding between us. Moreover, to take revenge he uploaded it on social site. And you sir, you are pointing on my character, what about yours? I have seen marks of your bites, your fingers on her many you try to give a lecture on marriage... Are married couples like that then I’m happy to be single... and I promise you, will prove to be the best mother for my kid...getting two abortions are such a brave man... it is easy to blame my teacher just check yourself first... in this modern world too you believe in baby boy and baby girl..."
Seeing their courage Nandini didi gave them a round of applause and her other co-workers took them to the hospital, where they were treated. They continued staying at Raaghu’s place for quite some time. Later they rented an apartment and moved there. After seven months, Aarohi gave birth to a healthy baby boy and Kavya delivered her baby girl. Kavya was extremely happy to have her in her arms; she kissed her and welcomed her in her life.
When they returned home with babies, Vivaan came to meet Aarohi and the baby. Aarohi met him but refused him to see the baby, as she made herself clear to him that it is her baby not his, so he should stay away from them. Manda helped Aarohi and Kavya to bring children up. Sometimes secretly, Aarohi’s mother used to meet them.
Kavya continued her job as professor and Aarohi after completing her studies joined Nandini didi’s NGO and helped all poor and needy girls.
The time has come when women don’t need to keep quiet, her silence is considered to be her weakness. Don’t try to check her patience. The moment she loses it, you have to pay a good amount for it.