Archana Dagani

Inspirational Children


Archana Dagani

Inspirational Children

Keep Moving

Keep Moving

2 mins

One day Nick was playing in the mud in a park. His mother was sitting on the nearby bench and was just watching her son playing in the mud. Nick was quite happy and he found a big ant in the mud. Without fearing that the ant may bite him he hold the ant tightly and was not allowing it to move. The ant was trying quite hard to go further but Nick had hold it so tightly that it died.

Nick's mother was watching this. After the ant was dead Nick started playing with the mud again. He was very happy as he felt that he was very strong and was able to hit the ant dead.

By watching this incident Nick's mother started thinking life is just the same. We people are just like ants and situations and some people in our life are same as Nick.

Some situations and some people in our life try to pull us back as they feel uncomfortable with our success. Some people feel strong by holding others back. There is something wrong with them not with us. They try very hard to hold us back, but if we surrender we may lose.

So the key is, we should keep trying our level best even in the worst situations of life, even with worst people. We should not lose our cool and should try to find some or the other way to move forward with whatever situation is.

If we stop, we may lose but if we keep trying even if we lose we will be content atleast we tried rather than surrendering before the situation.

Keep moving should be our mantra in life. If life is pulling you back, keep in mind the friction will launch you much ahead of what you thought of.

Thank you!

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